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What would you want in the next update (0.90)?


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Before Interstellar came out they said that. Hope the movie changed their mind.

They did confirm liking it on their FB.

Nothing they've built would scale properly to consider the time it takes to travel from one star to another (even max warp would take forever), let alone the floodgate it would open with how many more planets and systems and just plain stuff they'd need to model to make interstellar travel more than a late-game gimmick. They've said adding biomes to a single planet takes ages, imagine having to now create multiple systems.

Plus, and I'm thankful for this so far, they seem to try to keep the gameplay within the realm of reality, or near-reality. Interstellar travel is still very much theory and sci-fi right now.

Essentially the game's so far been very clearly built around the understanding that we'd never leave our system.

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Definitely the administrative revamp. Funds to science is WAAAY too overpowered. I've actually posted a fix to this, until it comes out, here ---> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100134-How-to-fix-overpowered-Admin-cash-to-science Other than that, I'd like to see some ultimate goal put in.. I know it's wishful thinking at this point, but we really need something like a visitable blackhole that is far away, or actual reasons to build a base somewhere. perhaps the ability to find new planets would be nice.. build a space telescope and search for new small planetary bodies, or even comets.

Edited by Talavar
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Tree Editing

64 bit support

More robust science. Id like to go to a planet and drill out a core sample take it to a lab and the kerbals will do experiments on it untill its used up. Thoes experiments woukd generate a stream of science.

Settings like life support, deadly reentry, and real aerodynamics. Less mods in the load list the smoother it runs

Overall I want to see (even in it will never happen):

Bug fixes of course


1st person eva and more ship interiors with the ability to move around in them.


Buildable launchpads, runways, and orbital ship factory

Advanced Colonization

Solar system creator and planet

Create A Space Program

An addition to career. You can build a flag in game, create or pick from goals. Commision new programs. Upgrade your space center and expand it. Train your kerbals in diffrent skills.

multi monitor and MFD suppot

more mod integration

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I'd like to see some ultimate goal put in.. I know it's wishful thinking at this point, but we really need something like a visitable blackhole that is far away, or actual reasons to build a base somewhere. perhaps the ability to find new planets would be nice.. build a space telescope and search for new small planetary bodies, or even comets.

Shouldnt the ultimate goal be to leave the Kerbol system (assuming the game doesnt go interstellar)?

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Shouldnt the ultimate goal be to leave the Kerbol system (assuming the game doesnt go interstellar)?

Agree. Interstellar travel would be the ultimate challenge. I hope they would give us more powerful and efficient engines to tug huge ships consisting of stations, habs, landers, rovers etc.

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The biggest thing I would like to see, is a completion of the biones for every planet/moon. I would be even happy if they simply incorporated the biomes from the Custom Biomes mod. On that note, another thing I would love to see is some more planets/moons. Another thing I would love to see, especially now after the landing of Phillae, is comets.

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This game NEEDS A FIX to the terrible preformance with alot of parts at once. I really dotn know how this can be done, outside of optimization, heck, perhaps treat very large vessels as a solid body (disable wobbling ect) until they collide. I can understand 2000 parts lagging, but 1000 is easily attaineable with any half decent space station, or capital ship, and its kindof sad you cant really play with massive scaled stuff yet, even x64, while it did speed up the game, isnt a true fix!

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I'd like some sort of fuel tank ordering system. Maybe give each tank a priority, and the highest are used first, then the second highest, and so on. And make tanks of different size but the same priority drain proportionally, so they run out at the same time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Better filtering of "things in orbits" in the flight planner window (not the Tracking Center at KSC) where you plan maneuvers. When you get a crowded sky above Kerbin it can be difficult to find the orbital plane that you need to insert a satellite into.

- Flight replay is not obvious of where to find it, if it exists. It would be nice to see a flight record of everything that has happened so far in the flight - not just when you crash.

- More moons, more planets.

- Randomized comets that are on multi-year (or dozens/hundreds of Kerbal years) cycles and are different from one game to another.

- Cost balancing.

- Automatic stage recovery, if it has enough parachutes and enters at less then X m/s.

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- Better filtering of "things in orbits" in the flight planner window (not the Tracking Center at KSC) where you plan maneuvers. When you get a crowded sky above Kerbin it can be difficult to find the orbital plane that you need to insert a satellite into.

Maybe customizable categories.

- Automatic stage recovery, if it has enough parachutes and enters at less then X m/s.

Don't remember the name of the mods that do that, but it definetely needs to be stock. Prior to money, ssto were "UP", now they are OP.

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[space Engine pic] like that would ever happen... Explorations would be so fun if it could happen... If only KSP wasn't made with Unity..

Fear not, if Space Engine gets enough funding SpaceEngineer will make a full realistic space exploration / colonization / warfare game out of it. Check it out here! He's asking for $80k for a single player game, and $250k for a full persistent MMORPG version of it! This is insanely low, compared to Star Citizen for example, but based on his work up to now I have no doubt he is capable of this. I mean, he did ALL of Space Engine, from scratch, by himself, and made it optimized enough to seamlessly hop between planets with no lag!

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Yeah I know about all of it. Its sad how it isn't very popular. Its been almost a year since the last update he released. Nice seeing someone else who knows Space Engine. Would be nice if KSP "adopted" space Engine some way some how since it will be pretty long until the SE Dev reaches his goals. If he even reaches them.

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Right clicking on periapsis and apoapsos, to make the altitudes of them sticky, instead of left clicking.

This preventing the maneuver node creation when you don't want it. Also being able to focus on target future position. So I can tweak a node without crazy camera angles

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- Automatic stage recovery, if it has enough parachutes and enters at less then X m/s.

I think the best way to handle this would allow any part with a parachute to be exempt from being deleted past a certain distance. So, you drop your SRBs, if they have a parachute they wont disappear when they're 2.5km away.

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- Better filtering of "things in orbits" in the flight planner window (not the Tracking Center at KSC) where you plan maneuvers. When you get a crowded sky above Kerbin it can be difficult to find the orbital plane that you need to insert a satellite into.

Isn't this already there? If you mouse up to the top of the MapView Screen, you get the same filters you have in the tracking center. Things can still get crowded, but it's not as bad witht he filters.

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How about a craft management "system", so one could use sub-folders or some such method for managing all the various crafts one assembles for fun and profit. I often finish up with 50-100 craft and damned if I can remember which is which sometimes. Making weird variations is half the fun, or at least to me it is.

And I like the ability to recover discarded stages if setup to be recoverable with chutes etc. It's OK with stages that reach orbit (or nearly so) as one can switch to them and bring them down, but not always.

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