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KScale64 v1.2.2 16th April 2017

Paul Kingtiger

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  FireFaced said:
Does anybody know the altitude for a geosynchronous orbit in this?

I created a spreadsheet that lists useful orbits, constants, etc of each of the bodies. Includes some useful calculators as well.


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Any idea when this might be fixed for Career Mode again? I hear 1.1.0 is coming out soon, and I'd def like to use this mod with it if possible...

Anyways, great work as always! Will be finally swapping to RSS 64K for 1.0.4 now as I have a Constellation-style mission planned that is a bit too ambitious to complete in my current Career Mode save anyways... And I'd love to do it in RSS 64K if I'm going Sandbox anyways...



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  Northstar1989 said:
Any idea when this might be fixed for Career Mode again? I hear 1.1.0 is coming out soon, and I'd def like to use this mod with it if possible...

Anyways, great work as always! Will be finally swapping to RSS 64K for 1.0.4 now as I have a Constellation-style mission planned that is a bit too ambitious to complete in my current Career Mode save anyways... And I'd love to do it in RSS 64K if I'm going Sandbox anyways...



I upgraded my 0.90 64k career save to 1.04 and haven't had any problems with it so far using the below fix/workaround:

  maccollo said:
I got it working by editing these lines in the contracts config.

TrivialHomeNearbyRange = 2000

SignificantHomeNearbyRange = 4000

ExceptionalHomeNearbyRange = 6000

I just multiplied each one by 100. It supposedly makes surveying contracts tricky or something, but I don't do those so I wouldn't know =P


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I'm still having trouble doing a direct reentry from the mun without *many* aerobraking orbits of 15 hours each. :-( I'm not good with the heat system, anyone know of a way to reduce the heat generated? I tried lots of ablator but the shields just blow up. Note - i'm using deadly reentry. Any good settings for it?

Edited by westamastaflash
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  Northstar1989 said:
Any idea when this might be fixed for Career Mode again? I hear 1.1.0 is coming out soon, and I'd def like to use this mod with it if possible...

Anyways, great work as always! Will be finally swapping to RSS 64K for 1.0.4 now as I have a Constellation-style mission planned that is a bit too ambitious to complete in my current Career Mode save anyways... And I'd love to do it in RSS 64K if I'm going Sandbox anyways...




Fixed! (Can't update OP, update is up on Kerbalstuff and Github)

  lurkoholic said:
I upgraded my 0.90 64k career save to 1.04 and haven't had any problems with it so far using the below fix/workaround:

Download this, fixes it without any file kajiggering:

[removed link to defunct website]


  westamastaflash said:
I'm still having trouble doing a direct reentry from the mun without *many* aerobraking orbits of 15 hours each. :-( I'm not good with the heat system, anyone know of a way to reduce the heat generated? I tried lots of ablator but the shields just blow up.

I'll have to test this in my game. What's the altitude of your periapse on your return trajectory, and are you using DRE or stock heat?

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  lurkoholic said:
I upgraded my 0.90 64k career save to 1.04 and haven't had any problems with it so far using the below fix/workaround:

How did you manage this? Did you have to modify the persistence in any way?

I have tried loading my 0.90 career into 1.0.4 and although it ports the craft over I cannot select them in the tracking station.

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Could someone by chance help me with figuring out launch windows? I'm launching from a space center at about 42 degrees latitude, so I can only launch into 42 degree orbits or higher. This makes getting to the Mun (or Minmus) quite a bit more brain-aching, well at least doing so efficiently. I need to plan my launch so that I'm in the right plane where after the TMI burn the Mun intercepts my AN/DN about the same time I reach it. So, how do I go about figuring the right time to launch so I don't end up sitting in orbit for days with my fuel boiling off? Equatorial DN after launch is usually right about over stock KSC if that halps.

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Could someone by chance help me with figuring out launch windows? I'm launching from a space center at about 42 degrees latitude, so I can only launch into 42 degree orbits or higher. This makes getting to the Mun (or Minmus) quite a bit more brain-aching, well at least doing so efficiently. I need to plan my launch so that I'm in the right plane where after the TMI burn the Mun intercepts my AN/DN about the same time I reach it. So, how do I go about figuring the right time to launch so I don't end up sitting in orbit for days with my fuel boiling off? Equatorial DN after launch is usually right about over stock KSC if that halps.

Bearing in mind I haven't really tried launching from a high-latitude site...

I suspect what you will want to do is launch when the space center is just a little bit ahead of the Mun/Minmus (or 180 degrees from there, working out similarly). The thing is: KSC will be approximately at the highest-latitude point of the orbit, 90 degrees away from the equatorial AN/DN, and you will want your transfer apoapsis to be near the equatorial AN/DN, because the Mun/Minmus have very low inclinations (and thus your transfer AN/DN will be near or at the equatorial AN/DN). A little bit ahead is probably preferable, both so you can wait until the optimal transfer, and so that you encounter the AN/DN before you enter the lunar SOI.

So: AN is ~90 degrees behind the target.

Initial KSC location is approximately underneath the target, as it will be the highest-latitude point of your orbit (and thus 90 degrees away from AN/DN).

DN, and the transfer apoapsis, is 90 degrees ahead of the target.

Lunar encounter is approximately 90 degrees ahead of the target's current location; it's a bit of a rule of thumb for lunar transfers (although if I did the math right, one would start about 116 degrees behind for a very small moon very far away from the parent body).

Alternately, what you could do is a dog-leg; launch high and southeast to an apoapsis above the equator, drift until you're near the equator, and then burn northeast into an equatorial orbit.

Edited by Starman4308
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  Shania_L said:
How did you manage this? Did you have to modify the persistence in any way?

I have tried loading my 0.90 career into 1.0.4 and although it ports the craft over I cannot select them in the tracking station.

My career wasn't very far along (no interplanetary missions) and a lot of my mod parts were obsolete in the newer versions, so I brought most of my kerbals home and lost a bunch of comm sats when I upgraded. I was able to keep two of my stations and some satellites around Mun. I think I had a similar issue with the satellites, where I couldn't switch to them from the tracking station. When I switched to them from another vessel, they locked up the game and/or had a lot of NullRefs in the debug menu (Alt-F2), so I ended up deleting them. I had to remove AJE from my install (must be a conflict with another mod), and Val didn't show up in the roster :huh:

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  Felger said:

I'll have to test this in my game. What's the altitude of your periapse on your return trajectory, and are you using DRE or stock heat?

I tried it with DRE + FAR, as well as stock heating. Coming in at ~8000 m/s with a PE even at 50km seems to blow up my heat shields. I tried the ones that come with Realism Overhaul but they don't seem to be "rated' for munar return.

I want to be able to do an apollo return.

I ended up removing DRE and turning down reentry heat in the Mod-F12 menu to like .4. Enough that a lot of ablator is used up but not enough to kill my kerbals (landing a 3-man 2.5m pod).

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for some reason I can't even reenter from LKO, do i need to mess around with the heating effects by pressing altf+12? I've already used deadly reentry. do i need to use FAR or NEAR for me not to explode during reentry? my apoapsis was about 115K and my periapsis was of 50K, am i entering too steep or what?

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  lurkoholic said:
My career wasn't very far along (no interplanetary missions) and a lot of my mod parts were obsolete in the newer versions, so I brought most of my kerbals home and lost a bunch of comm sats when I upgraded. I was able to keep two of my stations and some satellites around Mun. I think I had a similar issue with the satellites, where I couldn't switch to them from the tracking station. When I switched to them from another vessel, they locked up the game and/or had a lot of NullRefs in the debug menu (Alt-F2), so I ended up deleting them. I had to remove AJE from my install (must be a conflict with another mod), and Val didn't show up in the roster :huh:

Ahh ok, so it looks like you lost pretty much all your hardware. How about career progress, funds, science etc? If I have to end up doing the same science reports again then I may as well restart from a clean sheet ... as painful as that will be :(

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  Shania_L said:
Ahh ok, so it looks like you lost pretty much all your hardware. How about career progress, funds, science etc? If I have to end up doing the same science reports again then I may as well restart from a clean sheet ... as painful as that will be :(

I lost most of my craft because they had RLA engines or KSPIE small radiators that were renamed or didn't exist in their new versions. So I don't know if they would have also been glitchy, or if that was a temporary mod conflict. My progress was intact (contracts carried over, kept science collected, etc), and that was the main thing I wanted to work. I didn't want to start from scratch, or give a new save an equivalent amount of science with the potential to accidentally "double up" on science if I returned to the same biomes on Mun/Minmus. I did have to unlock some parts a second time since they moved around on the CTT. I may have to "reimburse" myself some funds :). I did have fun sending an engineer to my station with KIS tools/explosives + whack-a-kerbal to remove obsolete parts before upgrading.

Has anyone had any success using KSCSwitcher to add the other launch sites back? I got them to show up, but KSC was on the shores and slightly off the equator. Also, I was only getting 5 fps in the tracking station. I'll have to try it in a cleaner install to see if it's a mod conflict or PEBCAK

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  EatVacuum said:
I tried a little experimentation in Kittopia tech and I think I've got something I like a lot more. Apologies for all the big images below, but I'm not sure how to do the spoiler thing.

Original 64k Kerbin Mountains...


And now the new and improved mountains...


Grasslands a bit lumpier, no more pool table flatness...


Highlands more so...


I'd like to fly around a bit more to make sure it's good in a few key locations, like the Island Airfield, but if it's good and anyone wants it, I'll see if I can post up the cfg with the PQS changes I made.

Yes please I really want this

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  Lemonpie said:
for some reason I can't even reenter from LKO, do i need to mess around with the heating effects by pressing altf+12? I've already used deadly reentry. do i need to use FAR or NEAR for me not to explode during reentry? my apoapsis was about 115K and my periapsis was of 50K, am i entering too steep or what?

I think there's just too much heat generated. I installed RealHeat and have had no trouble since.

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  officialmugi said:
Yes please I really want this
  falken said:
EatVacuum, I'm liking that! Maybe take a gander at the mun to see how that looks with your changes?

I might just switch up from KScale2 to 64k when/if you release your cfgs.

Thanks for the feedback, I'd be happy to share once I have Kerbin, Mun and Minmus tweaked.

I'm mostly happy with Kerbin - the version in those pictures looked good from altitude but I realized the low lands terrain was too rough. It looked nice from the air but practically impossible to land on anywhere without having to pop chutes. So I played with the pqs settings and got something that is a bit more reasonable - a mix of low rolling hills with flattish areas. That allows for landing in the grasslands biome to complete survey contracts but you can't just land anywhere easily, you have to look around for decent spots. That seems to me to be the sweet spot. Highlands and Mountains are still not for the fainthearted though.

I've also been playing with the Mun a bit, trying to restore some of the "verticalness" that is lost when the bodies are expanded by 6.4x. For the smaller procedural craters, it`s easy to tweak PQSMod_VoronoiCraters to get what you want. But the only way I've found to to make the big craters have more depth and a decent slope to the sides is to raise the terrain deformation in PQSMod_VertexHeightMap. Doing that though also means all the mountains and highlands get higher, which impacts how low an orbit you can maintain over the Mun without performing involuntary lithobraking. But just as I write this it occurs to me that the lowest terrain on the Mun is the bottoms of craters and the northern basin so maybe I can do what they do on Kerbin to make ocean depths - use heightMapOffset to lower everything down - essentially have the crater bottoms below "sea level"

<edit - I took a look at the Mun on Kerbalmaps and in stock KSP (assuming those maps are still accurate) it looks to me like the floors of even the deepest craters are actually 3-400 metres in altitude, the northern basin is 1-1.5 km high, midlands are 2-3 km high and so on. I don't know why that would be but I bet I could pull the base terrain height down a couple of km to leave more room for increasing the terrain deformation. >

<second edit - I looked in the 64K_Kopernicus_Stock_Planets.cfg file and noticed that the heightmap offset entry is odd...



heightMapOffset = =371.9

heightMapDeformity = 25591.5


I'm wondering if it was meant to read "heightMapOffset = -371.9"? That would pull the deepest crater bottoms down to "sea level"... >

When I have all three acceptable, I'll post them up somewhere. But, it might take a bit - I'm just fiddling on the side as I play through a career campaign and I'm just getting my first probe to Minmus now. :)

Edited by EatVacuum
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