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[1.7.3] Community Delta-V Map 2.7


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  On 6/21/2016 at 6:15 PM, tjt said:

Thanks, but I think that one is out of date. It doesn't have Nissie and Thatmo on it. Also the Eve DV is different. Not sure what else has changed.


Good observation. In that case, the OPM map needs a review and update;not only a PDF version.

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@RocketBlam Thanks for the heads up. The number is indeed outdated, but the difference isn't too large. 940m/s are enough to take off from ground level (3600m) and reach a 50km x 50km orbit, assuming you have a comfortable TWR (I used a TWR of 10 in my successful tests. Trying to fly with 4 TWR seems to be very ineffective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

I'll review the other non-atmospheric bodies and push an update.


Edit 1: In the other hand, 50x50 km is a way too high orbit for Moho. I'll maintain the pattern and set the orbit altitude for 10km over the highest peak.

Edit 2:Turns out the dV needed for a 20km x 20km orbit is exactly 870m/s. :wink:

Edited by Kowgan
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Updated to version 2.4
- Added @AlexSheFF's KSPedia versions to the OP (v2.3.1). Here's the new image for a possible .ksp file update.
- Decreased Moho low orbit altitude to 20km
- Increased Bop low orbit altitude to 30km

Edited by Kowgan
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  • 3 weeks later...

I looked some pages back, surely I have missed it...but what means the numbers and years under planets name?

EDIT: ok the numbers is the total deltaV from kerbin ground to planet ground without the change plane, the years is how long does it take to come back waiting for the right phase angle?

Edited by brusura
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@brusura It's okay, that info is somewhat obscurely hidden in this thread. :)

These years under the total dV number are, averagely, how much time passes between two windows to return home. Or how long is that cycle.
E.G.: If you're using any life support mod and intend to return home from, say, Duna, if you want to be safe, you'll bring a minimum amount of supplies to last for 300 days + 2y54d + 300 days. Makes sense?

Edited by Kowgan
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  On 8/3/2016 at 4:44 PM, Kowgan said:

@brusura It's okay, that info is somewhat obscurely hidden in this thread. :)

These years under the total dV number are, averagely, how long it passes between two windows to return home. Or how long is that cycle.
E.G.: If you're using any life support mod and intend to return home from, say, Duna, if you want to be safe, you'll bring a minimum amount of supplies to last for 300 days + 2y54d + 300 days. Makes sense?


Thanks, perfectly clear now

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  On 8/3/2016 at 4:44 PM, Kowgan said:

@brusura It's okay, that info is somewhat obscurely hidden in this thread. :)

These years under the total dV number are, averagely, how much time passes between two windows to return home. Or how long is that cycle.
E.G.: If you're using any life support mod and intend to return home from, say, Duna, if you want to be safe, you'll bring a minimum amount of supplies to last for 300 days + 2y54d + 300 days. Makes sense?


This reference is so great. It makes it so much easier to visualize travel in the game. Thanks!

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i've seen 2 goods Dv-maps on Reddit:

the 1st for stock:



and the other for RSS:



Save your eyes your Ec/s of your screen and the trees! :)

Thank's to s13g3.


Edited by Skalou
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 s13g3 is sharing more of them!

KSP Outer Planets Delta-v Map - "Lights-out" theme




KSP Delta-v map - condensed Real Solar System - "Lights-out" theme



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Thanks for the mentions/links on the official thread here! I can't reiterate enough my thanks to - and appreciation for - u/Kowgan, WAC, u/Swashlebucky, u/CuriousMetaphor, u/Jellycubes, and any/everyone else involved in making these excessively useful and well-designed charts in the first place, which is definitely significantly more work than my little effort here to just modify them a bit.

None-the-less, I'm happy to do it, and will do what I can to keep them updated as best as possible with the current versions - it's not a massive effort like the originals to undertake, but it does require some time, so there may still be delays in updates and I can't make any promises to be super-timely, as I've got a full-time job and a 3 year-old occupying a lot of my time - I am, however, subscribed to this thread now, so I should at least be semi-aware of when updates release.

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