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[1.10.x]FuelWings: v4 - Fuel customization in Stock, B9, & B9 ProceduralWings! - 11/08/2020


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Fuel resources added to stock and B9/B9 Procedural Wings.

This addon allows you to add and customize fuel types/quantities in stock wings, and automatically cross-feed between other parts! Also supports B9/B9 Procedural Wings.

The intention of this is to improve weight & balance, reduce craft size, and increase aesthetics.

More info & Credits in info.txt file.

Current Note: ModularFuelTanks is no longer required, is now just a "default" option. Check changelog, swap out as needed. Shoutout to Critter79606!



(1)Drop all folders inside of GameData folder into (KSP_Folder)\GameData\
(3)Startup KSP and enjoy!



ialdaboath - ModuleManager

NathanKell - Crossfeed Enabler

taniwha - ModularFuelTanks

azza276 - B9 support

Critter79606 - Compatibility w/ other fuel mods




v4 (11/08/2020)
*Updated for 1.10.x*
*Resolved conflicts that occur when multiple fuel mods are installed (FSFuelSwitch, Interstellar, ConfigurableContainers, etc). FW takes priority if possible*
*Replaced ProceduralWings support for B9 ProceduralWings*
*Added ability for maximum fuel value to scale up/down as procedural wing changes in size*

v3.2f (12/23/2018)
*Updated for 1.5.x*

v3.2e (04/01/2018)

Updated dependencies to bring KSP v1.4.1 capability

v3.2d (07/03/2017)
"added Updated Modular fuel tanks mod dependency."
"Fuel wings updated for 1.3"
v3.2c (04/1/2017)
*It's working again; Emergency update applied. Someone did not save the files as .cfg, breaking the entire mod.
v3.2b (03/31/2017)
*Linuxgurugamer caught & fixed some weird foreign characters in the mod configuration

v3.2 (03/09/2017)
-Updated for KSP v1.2.2 & added support for more parts:
"added up to date Modular fuel tanks mod.
added fuel tank support for:
 swept wing
 Tail Connector A+B
 Small Nose Cone
 Aerodynamic Nose Cone
 Advanced Nose cone type A+B"

v3.15 (10/09/2016)
*Finalized work-around for issue causing craft(s) to be stuck in position upon launch
-small Swept Wing can no longer be fueled either

v3.1 (10/08/2016)
*Applied experimental fix to issue causing craft(s) to be stuck in position upon launch
-To fix this issue, support(fuel) for the following parts had to be removed:
Standard Canard
Advanced Canard
Tail Fin
FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin
Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin
-All of the parts listed are MOVING wing surfaces.

v3.0 (5/20/2016)
*Limited ProceduralDynamics support
*Tweaks & Updates

v2.95 (5/15/2016)
*Updated dependencies to latest version & removed ones no longer needed.

v2.9 (5/01/2016)
*Updated to support 1.1.2+

v2.8 (4/24/2016)
*Updated to support KSP v1.1.0+
*Discontinued support for FuelWings v1.4

v2.7 (12/4/2015) *Updated to support 1.0.5+
v2.5 (5/15/2015) *Fixed crossfeed capability for new parts v2.4 (5/14/2015) *Updated to support 1.0+ *Added support for 6 new parts v2.2 (1/19/15) *Updated to support 0.90.0 v2.1 (11/24/14) *Fixed some crossfeeding bugs in stock structural wings. v2.0 (11/9/14) for KSP 0.25 *Now with B9 support thanks to azza276 *Fixed error in stock code v1.8 (11/6/15) for KSP 0.25 *Major code revisions making file size much lower and increasing organization of code. *Implemented ModularFuelTanks support which gives the ability to switch fuels in the editor. *Nerfed maximum fuel values *(Does not require initial selection of wings with LF or LF/LOX anymore. Just 1 FuelWings folder) Supports all stock fuels v1.4 (10/22/14) for KSP 0.25 *No longer requires you to replace stock "Wings" folder, uses ModuleManager. *Fixed some incorrect module values. v1.2 (10/18/14) for KSP 0.25 Now requires Crossfeed Enabler & Module Manager Does not need fuel lines to connect from wing to fuselage.




SpaceDock - v4!

Github - v4!

(Curse currently unavailable)


All rights reserved

Edited by Tortoise
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No. It just sets a fixed value for some defined parts.


You already have ModuleManager included why not use it? Instead of packing every part config in the download and then let people override the stock files, you can put all your changes in one config file and let ModuleManager apply them. This way you do not have to overwrite stock files (which is no good idea because stuff can depend on them).

Here is a example of my fuelWings.cfg

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 0
maxAmount = 25

name = ModuleCrossFeed


A bonus is, with the ":NEEDS[]" command you can apply changes dynamicly depending on the presence of other mods. In this case it will only apply the CrossFeed module if CrossFeedEnabler is present somewhere in gamedata. The big advantage is that you can support other mods (however, they are not "required" so people can choose not to use them) without the hassle of having to always keep an eye on them for actualisations as you can just tell people "My mods supports these mods: <link to the other mod>". And you don't get problems with other mod authors because you redistribute their mods which may violate their licence and copyright (REALLY BAD THING!).

Here are instructions on how to use ModuleManager to apply changes to other parts:



Good explanation fo the NEEDS command:

If a patch with NEEDS[RemoteTech] in it runs, that means either

1. There is, somewhere, a RemoteTech.dll OR

2. There is, in some MM file somewhere, a :FOR[RemoteTech]

3. There is a folder in GameData called RemoteTech


Edited by DocMop
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Could you please update this mod to use mod manager? I can't seem to figure it out. Or can someone who has already done it PM me their CFG file please? I really want to avoid overwriting stock parts, but some of my planes would look a lot better using this mod (instead of bolting KSPX cylinders of fuel on the hull).

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I made some modifications on the cfg file to use firespitter's module FSfuelSw.

Now you can have a wing with liquid fuel or liquid fuel and oxidizer.

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer; LiquidFuel
resourceAmounts = 56.25, 68.75; 125
tankMass = 0;0.02
avaiabeInFlight = false
name = ModuleCrossFeed
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer; LiquidFuel
resourceAmounts = 40.5, 49.5; 90
tankMass = 0;0.02
avaiabeInFlight = false
name = ModuleCrossFeed
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer; LiquidFuel
resourceAmounts = 20.25, 24.75; 45
tankMass = 0;0.01
avaiabeInFlight = false
name = ModuleCrossFeed
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer; LiquidFuel
resourceAmounts = 67.5, 82.5; 150
tankMass = 0;0.03
avaiabeInFlight = false
name = ModuleCrossFeed
name = ModuleCrossFeed

the parts with same amount of resources were grouped so the code would be cleaner.

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Shouldn't it be :NEED[Firespitter] instead of :FOR[FuelWings]? You don't necessarily have FS installed if you download this. And a :NEED[CrossFeedEnabler] before the crossfeed module would be a good idea too. As far as I understand, the :FOR command is a target for dependency not a question of presence.

I would do this instead as it can choose the best implementation depending on the installed mods (Firespitter, Crossfeed Enabler):

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 0
maxAmount = 125

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer; LiquidFuel
resourceAmounts = 56.25, 68.75; 125
tankMass = 0;0.02
availabeInFlight = false

name = ModuleCrossFeed

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NEEDS and FOR are separate things. It should be :FOR in the @PART[], and then NEEDS[Firespitter] only for the MODULE that relies on FS.

What is the FOR command for exactly? I couldn't find an explanation that was entirely clear somehow. To me it looks like some kind of a target marker for NEEDS to give NEEDS more flexibility because, besides this, NEEDS looks for folder- and filenames only. If that is the case, this should not be needed in this mod as FOR[FuelWings] and naming the file FuelWings.cfg would be redundant.

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What is the FOR command for exactly? I couldn't find an explanation that was entirely clear somehow. To me it looks like some kind of a target marker for NEEDS to give NEEDS more flexibility because, besides this, NEEDS looks for folder- and filenames only. If that is the case, this should not be needed in this mod as FOR[FuelWings] and naming the file FuelWings.cfg would be redundant.

:FOR[MOD] tells module manager that this patch is part of MOD, and that it should be run between :BEFORE[MOD] and :AFTER[MOD] patch sets. it also tells module manager that this patch is part of MOD, and so any patch that :NEEDS[MOD] should also be run.

Edited by AetherGoddess
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