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[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)


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  linuxgurugamer said:
Thank you for all you've done

You are very welcome. :D

  ObsessedWithKSP said:
does that dll cover renaming kerbals?

Hmm. No it doesn't. I didn't consider that since you can't rename them in game. I will have to revisit this fix because it also doesn't properly handle MIA kerbals that get fired. Thanks for letting me know. :)



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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Your CrewRosterFreezeFix.. someone on reddit had similar symptoms (VAB buttons locked up etc) but all they did was rename an active kerbal that had no flights. I can't load up KSP right now, but I've a feeling the problem's related, so my question is - does that dll cover renaming kerbals?

It was me and from what I understand, CrewRosterFreezeFix should prevent this from happening - my post was about what to do when it does and the game bricks.

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@Claw, I just ran into the missing kerbal bug again, I reported it months ago thinking it was a DMP-only bug, but I've now managed to completely reproduce it in stock. All you have to do is remove a killed kerbal from the astronaut complex after they have done something noteworthy for them to be reference by ProgressTracking.

Issue report: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/3243


(To save you 5 minutes, just take off, land, recover, takeoff, crash & kill the kerbal, remove from astronaut complex).

DMP's workaround: https://github.com/godarklight/DarkMultiPlayer/blob/7b0ca8826f694185c4c90423e14056d58f69172c/Client/ScenarioWorker.cs#L237-L275

Feel free to turn that into a fixing mod if you like - That part is mine and you're free to use it under whatever licence you like, you don't need to bother about attribution or anything ;)

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  godarklight said:
@Claw, I just ran into the missing kerbal bug again...

Feel free to turn that into a fixing mod if you like - That part is mine and you're free to use it under whatever licence you like, you don't need to bother about attribution or anything ;)

Dude that's fantastic. :D That was what I was going to have to fall back to since I figured out that the game immediately deletes MIA kerbals when you fire them. Makes it hard to trap the kerbals if the game deletes them before I have a chance to convert them into a hidden status.

Thanks for the code snippet! I will likely convert my existing fix to incorporate that (or something very similar). It'll need to be modified to accommodate contracts too, since those are also suffering from the exact same problem.



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  dtoxic said:
hey Claw any chance you wanna take a look at the "shaky" vessels when clicking on the prograde-retrograde etc buttons?
  Claw said:
Actually, that is one of the next on my list. At least assuming you're talking about this type of thing.

Bad news about this one. I've been looking into it and the bug is buried a bit too deep, and it's inherently broken in the new Kerbal ability system. I don't think I can fix this one. :(

There are some potential band-aid fixes for this, but nothing that will make it work like it should.


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@Claw: Thanks for giving it attention, when I reported the bug I thought only DMP could cause it as it used to require manual deletion or renaming of the persistent.sfs which is why I marked it very low, But seeing as this is completely save breaking and stock now...

Thanks for helping everyone out - you're doing great things for KSP :D

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  godarklight said:
@Claw: Thanks for giving it attention, when I reported the bug I thought only DMP could cause it as it used to require manual deletion or renaming of the persistent.sfs which is why I marked it very low, But seeing as this is completely save breaking and stock now...

Thanks for helping everyone out - you're doing great things for KSP :D

Thank you! I'm going to work on this one more today to beef it up (using some of your code), since it seems to be coming up a lot. I think the reason it wasn't really noticed until now is because there wasn't as much of a need to fire kerbals. Now that you can have only five, they have specific traits, and that you end up with extras from contracts, I think it's happening more.

And thanks for working on DMP. I've used it a little, and it would be nice to do more multiplay stuff like that in KSP. :D



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I can't launch vessels any more, it's like a freeze i see space center buildings and some buttons, i can touch them but nothing happened! Please help ... i re-install the game ... and still have this bug even with you bug-fix-mod.

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  linuxgurugamer said:
Some information would be helpful:


Memory installed

Any other mods installed?

Win 7

Memory 4.00 GB


AIES(Just half of the mod)

BahaArmory (Weapones)



Firespitter(just the plugin and the airbrake part)



KAX ( half of the mod)






Stock-Revamp (re-texture some stock parts)



Stock Bug Fix Modules

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  Fl0oo said:
I can't launch vessels any more, it's like a freeze

With that many mods and such a generic problem, I would request you post your question more generally in the modded support forum. Also, it would be incredibly helpful if you could include information that is detailed in the link below.


In the absense of anything else, I usually recommend to try starting a new save. If it's doing it still, then you'll likely need to start cutting your mods down to see which is causing the problem. This is where a log file would make it easier for us to help.



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  godarklight said:
That part is mine and you're free to use it under whatever licence you like, you don't need to bother about attribution or anything ;)

Well, turns out I couldn't really use that method. The problem is that in order to get the ConfigNodes out (with the crew names), it triggers the bug. So directly managing a broken roster through the ProgressTracking or the ContractSystem doesn't work out so well. I had to take a different route.

However, I did steal this bit of code and gave you credit in a code comment. Hopefully that's acceptable. :D

// This block acts as a final catch-all for any kerbals that disappeared from the roster without being noticed.
// This KerbalNamesSplit was adapted from godarklight's DMP code with permission.
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(KerbalList))
string[] KerbalNamesSplit = KerbalList.Split(new string[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

foreach (string KerbalName in KerbalNamesSplit)

I've used it as a last-ditch catch all for any lost kerbals that might slip through the cracks. Hopefully it's not needed with how I've handled the roster elsewhere, but I left it in as a safety net.

Thanks for the help!



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Version 0.1.7a is out. I've updated the CrewRosterFreezeFix.dll so that it does a much better job handling the roster in a variety of situations, to include handling firing of MIA kerbals and now works when visiting the astronaut complex from the VAB/SPH. If you are relying on this fix, I highly recommend downloading the update.

EDIT: And I'm adding another quick update. Version 0.1.7b is also now out. I've reinstated SymmetryActionFix.dll for KSP v0.90.0.705.



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getting the bug where you have to press stage multiple times to jettison each radial attachment rather than just once to move to the next stage...i believe this was a bug with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and one of the modules?

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  jstnj said:
getting the bug where you have to press stage multiple times to jettison each radial attachment rather than just once to move to the next stage...i believe this was a bug with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and one of the modules?

revert to KJR 2.4.5 this should fix the problem for the time being until they solve the problem in KJR thread

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  jstnj said:
getting the bug where you have to press stage multiple times to jettison each radial attachment rather than just once to move to the next stage...i believe this was a bug with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and one of the modules?

It was a problem with my module and another mod. I have since fixed that issue, so I don't know if there's a new bug in KJR or just a new conflict (as dtoxic says). If you have a log file that would help, since last time I tested my fixes with KJR everything was good. At least I could see if there's something I can do about it, or if it's inherent to KJR.

Edit: I just read through the KJR thread and it looks like there are some issues with KJR. So I don't know if that's the cause of your problems. I would recommend following dtoxic's advice.



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Are there any plans on expanding the crew roster bugfix to include other kinds of invalid data in save files?

For example, if there is a contract in your save file that uses a company name from some part mod, and then you remove the mod, the game will hang on NREs when trying to autosave (like during scene changes) instead of just removing the contract or changing the agent value.

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It's very difficult to trap that sort of information outside of KSP's code. The problem is that the very act of saving and loading is what triggers the bug. My roster fix works on the basis of trapping things about kerbals and contracts that are being discarded by the game. Then I sort of hide them from KSP so they aren't deleted, but it's still around in the background so that it's saved and loaded properly. If you remove a part, then start the game, I can't trap those things because they are discarded/deleted outside of KSP. Once the game loads and references something that doesn't exist, it's too late for me to capture it.

Also, KSP doesn't store the information in such a way that I can just crack into the contract during runtime to adjust. You have to initiate a save in order for the game to present the data in a usable format. But then the act of initiating a save also causes the bug.

In a similar manner, my fix cannot protect against someone manually editing the save file and fiddling with the kerbals/contracts inside. Unfortunately I can't fix it after the fact, because of how the bug itself is triggered.



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I got it back too, I came on the forum to hunt for similar problems, so many thanks to dtoxic for pointing me to KJR as the culprit

The folks round here are very helpful :)

and thanks Claw for the new update, of all the mods this one is probably the most important :)

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+ EVAEjectionFix.dll (20 Dec 14) - (STATUS: KSP v0.90 Updated Release) Fixes the bug that causes a kerbal to be ejected away from a capsule upon EVA.

Ooh yeah, this one is particularily annoying, especially when trying to get orbital EVA reports.

Thanks. :D

EVALadderSlideFix – STATUS: Replicated, In the queue to fix

- Kerbals holding onto ladders under low gravity slowly drift up or down the ladder.

I've had this one too, they'll sort of slowly drift away from the ladder, moving up or down will get them back on there.

EDIT: Okay, I just had my kerbal get sort of ejected off of the capsule on my ship on EVA. Although it looked more like he got knocked off or popped off. I'm using the Mk1 pod and there are the radial parachutes on the side in horizontial orientation and I had just come out of a quick timewarp, so, it might not be the bug fix's fault. Especially since I had already done the EVA several times without the kerbal getting popped off.

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  MartGonzo said:
and thanks Claw for the new update, of all the mods this one is probably the most important :)

You are very welcome...and thanks for that. :D

  smjjames said:
Thanks. :D

You are welcome! :D

The ladder slide has been difficult to fix all the way. I"m not sure if I will get it, but I haven't given up yet.

  smjjames said:
I'm using the Mk1 pod and there are the radial parachutes on the side in horizontial orientation and I had just come out of a quick timewarp, so, it might not be the bug fix's fault.

I'm sure I can imagine what you mean, but a quick picture can just about always help out. Having stuff around the hatch is always risky business, but usually two radial mounts on the side are far enough away.



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