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Do we really need videos for updates?


Do you watch the videos released with every update?  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you watch the videos released with every update?

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Do we? From the devnotes they take up a lot of time and resources which could be spent elsewhere, like in the game where more people would benefit from them.

I find the videos quite disposable: why would you watch a 0.22 video now?

EDIT: a reply before I even manage to set up the poll... Wow!

Edited by Javster
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The are supposed to attract new buyers. But do they succeed?

My first contact with KSP was that someone told me the name, and that this is a game I might like. I went to the KSP site, clicked through a few videos which clearly did not show a second of actual gameplay. Disppointed, I went to Youtube, which provided a much better impression of what this game is like. So the first trailers even left a negative impression.

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Are we talking the cinematic videos or their gameplay ones?

I've only watched a few of their Twitch videos. I find them boring. They just sit there and mess around with stuff and talk to eachother. Some editing for the highlights would be nice instead of 90% boredom.

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  Javster said:
I find the videos quite disposable: why would you watch a 0.22 video now?!

Whenever a new patch video drops, I send copies to everyone I know who might possibly care about KSP. I know quite a few dedicated space travel enthusiasts who nonetheless don't play KSP because they think it's a silly cartoony pseudo-simulation starring Sandra Bullock-Kerman featuring satellites that orbit in the wrong direction.

I only came to KSP because a friend of mine insisted that I try the game, knowing full well I'd be hooked once I tried it. :) He was right! :)

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The people working on the videos, are probably not suitable to work on other areas of game development, so it's fine!. I think the team has enough resources with the sales they did. It's their choice to keep it a small team, and it's proving to work really nice!.

I enjoy the videos, even if they used a replica of the Apollo rover, instead of a rover made with KSP parts :mad:

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If it's the feature videos then I sort of agree, but the cinematics/animations are still rewatchable and very great. I look forward to them every* update.

*not 0.25 or 0.90, they didn't/will not have the animations, though 0.25 did have an in-game cinematic by Nassault, and 0.90 might as well.

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The update cinematics have normally been made by Dan and Roger, who are now culminating their long project with 0.90. Notice they didn't make a video for the last update. When they're in a major crunch, particularly with something as essential as what they've been making, you're less likely to see a cinematic. Generally, though, their duties have not been the type to detract from development time at all. We're glad to see that many of you enjoy their output :)

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Do we? No. They're amusing and I watch every one, but they don't add to my Kerbal Experience in a very tangible way.

Does Squad? I have no idea. I am not an expert on marketing or even business practices. I assume someone who is and who works at Squad has made this decision though and I'm willing to trust his or her judgement over my own.

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IMO, the artists' time is better spent on making new models for the game than on making the videos for the exact reasons pointed out by the OP: Who cares about a 0.22 video now, a year later? Blizzard can afford the staff to do this, but considering how often we see the staff at Squad whining blaming... uh, discussing how short staffed they are, it's a poor allocation of manpower.

  xtoro said:
Are we talking the cinematic videos or their gameplay ones?

I've only watched a few of their Twitch videos. I find them boring. They just sit there and mess around with stuff and talk to eachother. Some editing for the highlights would be nice instead of 90% boredom.

Ugh. Agreed. I watched two twitch feeds from MaxMaps and was shocked he couldn't even hit Duna with a nauseatingly over-engineered transfer stage. After that, it was clear their official squad-casts are way too painful to watch. It's obnoxious that they hide announcements in these 'casts, but that's kind of par for the course with Squad: Make the community sift through tons of useless filler to learn anything about the game's development. Last week's dev notes about the 0.90/beta change has been the one exception to this habit in recent memory.

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  LethalDose said:
IMO, the artists' time is better spent on making new models for the game than on making the videos for the exact reasons pointed out by the OP: Who cares about a 0.22 video now, a year later? Blizzard can afford the staff to do this, but considering how often we see the staff at Squad whining blaming... uh, discussing how short staffed they are, it's a poor allocation of manpower.

Ugh. Agreed. I watched two twitch feeds from MaxMaps and was shocked he couldn't even hit Duna with a nauseatingly over-engineered transfer stage. After that, it was clear their official squad-casts are way too painful to watch. It's obnoxious that they hide announcements in these 'casts, but that's kind of par for the course with Squad: Make the community sift through tons of useless filler to learn anything about the game's development. Last week's dev notes about the 0.90/beta change has been the one exception to this habit in recent memory.

Try the devnotes of the last three weeks!

Maxmaps being bad at the game is funny! It's a great joy to watch even if it's just for the discussion.

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I cant exactly say whether or not they're worth making. That being said, when a new cinematic comes out I feel very excited. The Patch note style ones? I'll watch once to get a better understanding if I feel I've misunderstood some concept in the Dev thread. I could only speculate about how many people "need" those.

Although at the end of the day I believe they quality of both types will only get better. So I'll look forward to the future videos.

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I don't see it as too much of an issue. I have to admit I do watch the videos when they come out, and I do enjoy them.

For me personally though, I do kind of prefer the update videos that you see being produced for Prison Architect or Space Engineers - the information content of their videos is just simply higher than the standard KSP short.

Nevertheless, over the last two updates, we've seen official videos that actually discuss what the updates bring (see

). This is IMO a far better way to do it. Edited by pxi
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I think they are a waste of resources, however entertaining they may be. The last update produced and in-game video that was still entertaining, but probably didn't take nearly as long to make. I hope to see videos like the 0.25 launch video in the future!

Edited by SkyHook
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  SkyHook said:
I think they are a waste of resources, however entertaining they may be. The last update produced and in-game video that was still entertaining, but probably didn't take nearly as long to make. I hope to see videos like the 0.25 launch video in the future!

It also actually kinda featured the game itself. more like a trailer. and less like... cute little side stuff... which is really great for some backstory... not so great for selling the game.

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  SkyHook said:
I think they are a waste of resources, however entertaining they may be. The last update produced and in-game video that was still entertaining, but probably didn't take nearly as long to make. I hope to see videos like the 0.25 launch video in the future!

Wasn't the "official" 0.25 launch video fan made?

Edit: Yeah, Squad didn't make the 0.25 "economic boom" trailer, Nassault did. Oddly, he's credited here, but SQUAD couldn't be bothered to give him any credit in the video or description when

... tacky much? Edited by LethalDose
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