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[0.25] Win64 Enabled: NEAR 1.3.10 | FAR 0.14.4 | Real Fuels 8.1 | MFT 5.2.3


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  mcirish3 said:
Might I suggest putting it here...(tooting my own horn, sorry) I know it is a tutorial page and it is still a bit off topic, but it is a self help page too so perhaps others will come and we can all help each other find the answers.

Just saw your reply and done ;)

Edited by Kamuchi
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  Voculus said:
Alright, here's a log and a debug screenshot, as well.

KSP Log All of the FAR64 errors are at the bottom.


As I said earlier, this happens at Mach 0.6, with any kind of plane, any kind of parts - stock or mod - and without fail. In the SPH, all of the FAR data is good to go, particularly at Mach 0.6, where I'm seeing the hiccup in actual flight. I tried the x64 DLLs with the official release, as well as the latest dev version from Github. If I missed anything, let me know, and I'll try to provide it. Thanks!

This is definitely an issue that is only related to the x64 enabled modification to FAR. It happens without mods, and happens whether or not you are running it on the 32 bit version of KSP or the 64 bit version.

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Is there an easier way to figure out which mods have been "devborked" for X86_64 short of combing through the code of the 40+ mods I have on here? Prior to coming here I didn't even realize that there were mods that were wired to ignore KSP64. Sigh. And here I though I had a solution to my days of pain trying to get KSP64 to work in Linux. Guess that's what I get for just trying to enjoy the labors of love and not wading into the politics. :/

Back to trying to make THAT work, I guess... *headdesk*

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  gsarducci said:
Is there an easier way to figure out which mods have been "devborked" for X86_64 short of combing through the code of the 40+ mods I have on here? Prior to coming here I didn't even realize that there were mods that were wired to ignore KSP64. Sigh. And here I though I had a solution to my days of pain trying to get KSP64 to work in Linux. Guess that's what I get for just trying to enjoy the labors of love and not wading into the politics. :/

Back to trying to make THAT work, I guess... *headdesk*

The best way. Read the main thread for each mode you want to use. All of them let you know if they disabled them in win64.

The fastest way to find out if they have been disabled: Just install the ones you want. :(you will need them installed any way to fix them) When you start the game there will be a pop up telling you which mods have been disabled in win64. then you only need to fix those mods. Also here is a some what general tutorial on how to modify the code: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99485-General-tutorial-for-removing-WIN64-KSP-Denial-of-access-code-from-mods

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You're lucky in that this stupid 64bit lock practice doesn't seem to have really taken, at the very least. StupidChris did that with RealChutes, NathanKell with RF/MFT and RSS (nothing else, thankfully) and Ferram with every mod he made (hard restrictions were his idea in first place). Given the uproar this caused, I think other modders are unlikely to make the same mistake as they did.

Also, all important Ferram's mods are in there, except for KJR (which is not as useful as it once was). RSS and KJR might yet show up here (and likely will, at some point). RC likely won't, which is a bit of a shame, but it isn't really vital unless you're using RSS.

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It's also worth noting that the lock does not occur for KSP Linux x64, since KSP Linux x64 isn't a broken pile of poo.

(And it's also worth noting that I, and some others who do have the KSP Win x64 lock, will offer unlocked versions by PM on promise not to redistribute or ask for support.)

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  Dragon01 said:
You're lucky in that this stupid 64bit lock practice doesn't seem to have really taken, at the very least. StupidChris did that with RealChutes, NathanKell with RF/MFT and RSS (nothing else, thankfully) and Ferram with every mod he made (hard restrictions were his idea in first place). Given the uproar this caused, I think other modders are unlikely to make the same mistake as they did.

Also, all important Ferram's mods are in there, except for KJR (which is not as useful as it once was). RSS and KJR might yet show up here (and likely will, at some point). RC likely won't, which is a bit of a shame, but it isn't really vital unless you're using RSS.

It is not a stupid practice. It was/is necessary to get the point across to users that their are serious issues with win64 KSP. Issues that the mod developers have no control over.

  NathanKell said:
It's also worth noting that the lock does not occur for KSP Linux x64, since KSP Linux x64 isn't a broken pile of poo.

(And it's also worth noting that I, and some others who do have the KSP Win x64 lock, will offer unlocked versions by PM on promise not to redistribute or ask for support.)

Thank you NathanKell for the info. I am determined to learn how to remove the lock myself for my own personal use and am encouraging others to do the same. So I wont be asking for a handout from any of the mod makers though there is a chance I may ask for a tip if I really get stuck putting it all together.

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  mcirish3 said:
It is not a stupid practice. It was/is necessary to get the point across to users that their are serious issues with win64 KSP. Issues that the mod developers have no control over.

No, it wasn't "necessary". Not to the majority of legitimate users. It was, in fact, downright insulting. Why do you think people rushed to work around it since the first locked plugins came out? The needs of a small handful of idiots were put above the needs of intelligent users, which isn't exactly a wise thing to do. Also, the threads are now spammed with complaints that the plugin doesn't run on 64bit, with about the same frequency as 64bit support requests, earlier... So it doesn't even work like it was supposed to. Ergo, it is a stupid practice.

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  Dragon01 said:
No, it wasn't "necessary". Not to the majority of legitimate users. It was, in fact, downright insulting. Why do you think people rushed to work around it since the first locked plugins came out? The needs of a small handful of idiots were put above the needs of intelligent users, which isn't exactly a wise thing to do. Also, the threads are now spammed with complaints that the plugin doesn't run on 64bit, with about the same frequency as 64bit support requests, earlier... So it doesn't even work like it was supposed to. Ergo, it is a stupid practice.

Again as I have posted more than once now, there is a tutorial for this issue, perhaps share it or check it out yourself. Instead of complaining learn how to solve the problem for yourself and to help others to do the same. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99485-General-tutorial-for-removing-WIN64-KSP-Denial-of-access-code-from-mods

  NathanKell said:
mcirish3: Thanks! And sure, do feel free. Upthread (I think in this thread) I posted how to disable the Winx64 checking on mine, in a way that doesn't break CC's awareness of Winx64; that should work in most cases for others too, but let me know.

Thanks,again for the info. Permission to share on above mentioned tutorial page. If you are ok with me sharing would you be ok with it putting the information in the main post.

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  mcirish3 said:
Again as I have posted more than once now, there is a tutorial for this issue, perhaps share it or check it out yourself. Instead of complaining learn how to solve the problem for yourself and to help others to do the same. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99485-General-tutorial-for-removing-WIN64-KSP-Denial-of-access-code-from-mod

Have you actually seen this tutorial? Or actually used it, for that matter? If I was doing this for myself, I'd have fixed this long ago, even without anyone's help (I have a full MSVC install and some experience with it). This tutorial works... if you've got 4+GB to spare and a few hours to install Visual Studio and actually make the changes. It's wrong to make people go through such a ridiculous procedure on every update of every plugin. As such, I don't care if there's a tutorial, since I don't care for fiddling with visual studio in order to fix what shouldn't have been broken in first place. If I had this kind of time, I'd be writing a plugin to nuke the lockout system across all plugins that use it, but I don't.

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Can you stop crying? All mods I've looked at so far have less than 10 lines of code that prevent them from working on 64bit. All you have to do is look for more than 1 minute at the code and you can fix it yourself. It is the modder's decision what they want their own mod (which is 100% free FYI), you don't like it, then that's what the source code requirement is for.

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I'd just like to remind everyone present that no one has a real need for or right to any addon, and that modders make content for their own benefit first, they are gracious enough to make this content available to others for no cost.

I trust that people will bear this in mind while on these forums :)

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To a point, you're right. However, if my mod were made an important dependency of some other mod, or simply highly popular, I would think twice before deliberately breaking it at a whim. It happens that all the mods broken were simply vital for others to function, or at least to function well. FAR/NEAR is used by B9 and many others, and RSS practically makes KSP a whole new game (Realism Overhaul is built on it). IMO, people complaining about it are justified, as 64bit locking by certain modders also locks out the mods that are not their own, with no better justification than their own personal whims. For example, I have this issue with RealChute and Component Space Shuttle. The latter requires the former, but I want to allow people to use the mod in 64bit, too. I'm therefore screwed through no fault on my own. I can tell 64bit users to just fly the pre-Challenger configuration (it had no parachute), but I want them to get full functionality, and this is impossible because of this stupid 64bit locking practice. It is also the reason I haven't updated Buran with a working drag chute.

  AndreyATGB said:
Can you stop crying? All mods I've looked at so far have less than 10 lines of code that prevent them from working on 64bit. All you have to do is look for more than 1 minute at the code and you can fix it yourself. It is the modder's decision what they want their own mod (which is 100% free FYI), you don't like it, then that's what the source code requirement is for.

Can you stop being condescending and start reading posts you're responding to? Fixing the code itself - 1 minute. Setting up MSVC and compiling it - half an hour, at best. Just check out the tutorial (you know, the one I just dismissed) and the hoops you have to jump through. Again, it's not about myself in particular, it's about everyone else who don't happen to have a full MSVC suite installed and configured for some other reason. Oh, I could likely try to release my edits, but they would quickly become obsolete when the plugins are updated (not to mention a little license/permission issue, which is also more trouble than you'd expect). Even if I fixed RealChute, to use the example above, I wouldn't be able to bundle it with CSS without permission. And if I tried anyway, it likely wouldn't fly under the radar for long and would end up taken down.

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  mcirish3 said:
Umm.... I wrote it.

Ah, right. Then you yourself admitted, right there, that it takes a huge download, quite a bit of time to set up and registering a Hotmail account just to get on with the procedure. I don't consider it a solution that would work for most people.

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  Dragon01 said:
Ah, right. Then you yourself admitted, right there, that it takes a huge download, quite a bit of time to set up and registering a Hotmail account just to get on with the procedure. I don't consider it a solution that would work for most people.

And who said it was a workable solution for most people?

The issue so far at least as I can see is your entitled attitude about this situation. from your post further up, if you have followed any of the threads of mods who have locked 64bit, the mod developers did not make that decision "on a whim". In most cases it was from getting so fed up with bogus support demands that stemmed from 64bit. in some cases it was getting to the point where the developer was reaching a point of either locking out 64bit or walking away. Personally I'm happier that they Did not walk away.

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OK let me see, I have no programing experience, I have an old pc with smaller than average hard drive. I managed to figure it out because I have a can do attitude and a willingness to learn and never expect anyone to do anything for me. A 4GB DL, are you kidding me, that is nothing these day, I am not sure what your beef is with that. Being asked to put something into what you get for free, hmm no brainer, put some effort in or stop whining.

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  Maars said:
hang on, r u saying FAR 64bit enabled isn't working for you?

its half working. what happens is it works for say the first 3km of flight then any flight surface goes crazy and starts throwing NaN. weird thing is it will stop once i get around 20km but due to that i cant build planes as they crash due to the nans.

ive tested NEAR and it worked but im so use to using far now would rather figure why it is doing that.

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