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Hello fellow KSPers,

I just signed up for the forum and thought I'd introduce myself.

I've been playing KSP since 0.13 and consider myself obsessed with this game. I've used the forum on numerous occasions from needing help with basic gameplay back in the day to installing and reinstalling the mods every time an update is rolled out.

I feel like I've played the game long enough to be able to help some of the new players if I could. I would just like to contribute to this awesome community, in any way I could, in what little time I get from my random work schedule and copious amounts of playing KSP.

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Hello, all. I've been playing the demo for two weeks, stranded Jebediah in a ridiculous retrograde orbit and have been trying to rescue him ever since, to no avail... So I just finally decided to man up and go full throttle with version .23 and try it all in career mode. Glutton for punishment. Cheers!

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Hi, im not new to KSP or the spaceport but i have only really decided to join the forum, i was wondering how i add a profile picture and the post signature, i can't seem to find the buttons for either when i try and edit my profile. I have gone through all the setting and can't seem to find it.

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Hi, im not new to KSP or the spaceport but i have only really decided to join the forum, i was wondering how i add a profile picture and the post signature, i can't seem to find the buttons for either when i try and edit my profile. I have gone through all the setting and can't seem to find it.

Well, until you have more than 5 posts under your belt, you won't be able to change that. Afterwards you can change it to your heart's content!

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Hey everyone! I've been playing KSP for around 6 months now (?) and I'm getting comfortable with everything. It only took me around a month and a half to two months to actually learn the game! Pretty incredible how much mathematics/physics/science/etc. is in this game... at least I think so. Looking forward to having those 5 posts under my belt so I can start doing a bit more ;)

I've made many crafts and many variations of some of my creations, so I'd be happy to share them. I'm still a bit busy for another day or so so I'll look up how to start uploading and doing my own thing then!

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Hey everyone! Steam had their KSP sale recently and so I made the leap, and I'm really glad I did. Right now I'm mainly obsessed with creating rover probes and landing them on every world that has enough gravity to keep the probe there. Learning orbital mechanics is just a fringe benefit.

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Greetings! A coworker of mine mentioned this game many months ago, then last night I saw a video on You Tube while looking for something else. One thing led to another, there was a Demo download...and here I am! I still haven't purchased the full version, but I believe I will soon. Looking forward to dipping into the knowledge base!

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Hello everyone.

I've been playing KSP for awhile. I remember playing before maneuver nodes, and when the fuel tanks used to be blue. But never did anything more than lurk here. Until now.

I'm not ashamed to admit that what finally got me to start posting here was needing help getting a mod working.

I have some big plans. If I manage to finish any of them I will be sure to share them.

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Ciao ehm Hello, i'm a graphics designer and a fanatic of space thing and games like KSP, i like to create something for the spacecraft exchange and i can't wait to show you all. and yes i'm a pizza guy

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Hello everyone. I am No one.

I've been playing KSP for about a month now. I played the demo a long time ago and couldn't get anywhere at all and gave up (I thought that tricouplers were the answer) then a little over a month ago I started playing the demo again, did the orbital tutorials and stuff, learned that tricouplers were never the answer, got the full game, and have been playing since then. At the moment I'm going to other planets, so far I've only* been to Eve and Duna but I've currently got a probe on the way to Eeloo and a ship on the way to Jool and its moons (Once there it will break into two pieces, one of which will fly around visiting all the moons and doing SCIENCE, one of which will remain in orbit of Jool and clean the smaller one's instruments+refuel it)

*A while ago I semi-unintentionally did a flyby of Jool with a probe. I was trying to get into "in space near" kerbol using a bi-elliptic transfer when my path took me into Jool's SOI, and I, being completely incapable of getting to any other planet, happily went for that rather than the low kerbolar orbit I had been intending.

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Hey everybody! Ever since I started looking for mods ( That start 7 months ago) I've been looking around here, looking at fun threads, checking the Devnote-Tuesdays, looking for mods, or even challenges that I tried myself. It's great to have finally got an account and so far, this place seems pretty gosh darn friendly! Some of my best moments in KSP were because of something here on the forums inspired me. Most of my missions to the Easter Eggs were because of here, before I had no patience or will to look for them. Now every time I even find a monolith, I get this great sense of accomplishment. I am also a Brony, but I don't try to hate on people for not being one, nor do I argue with "Haters". Anyways, that's a little off topic :P This forum site is probably the cleanest, nicest one I've seen in awhile.

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Hello fellow Kerbalnauts! I too made the one small step during the Steam sale and I love it!

I think this game is not only fun and engaging, but hold great potential to interest future engineers and scientists in space and space exploration.

Bravo Squad!

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how do you get new parts

Well it kind of depends. Are you playing in career mode? Because if you are, then you have to gain more science points to get new parts. To "purchase" the parts you go into the R and D lab and purchase them. if you are playing in sandbox mode, you already have all the parts. If you see other parts that other people have (like people on YouTube) those are mods. So I hope this has helped you.:cool:


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Hello all, I just discovered KSP recently, and the Kerbal universe has pretty much taken my own little universe over since then. I love just about every aspect of this game, and I have spent a bit of time reading some of the tips and such on these forums, so I decided that I would actively join the KSP community here on the forums. I am a C# programmer and a hobbyist game developer, so I absolutely love the mod-friendly way that this game is being developed. I am also an extremely enthusiastic lover of all things science, physics, and astronomy, and I thoroughly enjoy the level of detail and realism that has gone into the KSP engine.

Anyhow, I am very glad to be joining such an active community and playing such a fun game. I have already played around a little bit with some very basic mod development for KSP, though I haven't been able to pull myself away from actually playing the game for long enough to get too far, so I am sure that at some point in the future I will be seeking some advice (and hopefully I may even be able to offer a little in return) as I begin to learn the KSP API's. Mostly, I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to Squad for such an awesome game, and to say hello to the community at large. Glad to be a part of the group :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

PbHello everyone, I'm TimoVM, moderately experienced KSP player.

I myself boughht this game in the steam sale about a month ago. Then I spent two days putting stuff together for a Mun landing. After about 100 hours, I am now perfectly capable of return manned mission to every planet and moon in te Kerbol system.

My personal style of rocket building can be described as "functional". Completely neglecting any kind of aesthetics and instead focussing on the parts I need for the things I plan to do.

After visiting the KSP forums for information on certain game mechanics/strategies/random stuff, I finally decided to join this vibrant community. Hopong to both learn and contribute with the forum. Thank you for having me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there, I've been trolling the forums and following the development of this game for a few months now. With the eminent release of 0.24 I had to make a forum account to express my excitement! Great things are happening, and I just had to be a part of it!

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Hello everybody.

Been playing for a few weeks now. Really enjoying it.

I found the game after watching the movie Gravity and trying to google search something that happened in it (on re-entry, the capsule corrected itself from a spin, wanted to see if it was realistic). I found a link to the KSP forumns and learned about the game.

I have come across a few bugs. What is the process of reporting/determining what has already been reported?


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I'm new to the game and just wanted to say hi. I'm not much of a gamer but ever since I saw the XKCD.com comic on KSP I've been wanted to try it out and finally took the plunge. I'm a 4th year physics major at the University of Washington and am intrigued by a video game where the wiki tutorials do not seem to be afraid to throw math around!

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Getting back into ksp with the 0.24 release ive been absent since 0.21 finally I have endless goals instead of personal goals. Question: If I have already started a career mode save and after I research some parts, then add some new mods, will they be available if they were in part of the research tree i already researched before adding the new mods?

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