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Hello all,

I have been playing KSP for over 200+ hrs. Almost all of that has been spent learning how not to build things. So, I came here in search of some how-to guides. The ones that I have found seem to be for vrs. .23 or .90 and I have the current 1.0.5. I know that 1.1 is coming out sometime this year but I really would like to start getting someplace in the game. My problems arise mostly from trying to put outposts, with wheels, into orbit. Well, for that matter, anything that is bulky and a bit lopsided. I have thought about trying to use more Aspperagus? staging and maybe will have to build my bases in orbit or while landed at site. it I do that I realize that I need a rover type of deal to move parts around. I can not seem to figure out how to build one. The ones I have made seem to fall apart the moment I test them on Kerbal. Kerplow and Kerblewie or kerplunk they all go. Also, question if the various docking ports will attach to one of another size? Any  help pointing me in the right direction will help. Thank you. And for the Devs. Thank you for a great game. 

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Hello Avatarium, and welcome to the forum!

You can put almost anything in to orbit without asparagus staging, but it is very useful for certain situations.

There are numerous threads throughout the forum with pictures of craft (wheeled and otherwise) that other forum members have built.  Many share their craft files online so you can try out various creations made by other players.  Just be sure to check the dates on the threads.  Older stuff often doesn't apply to the current game, but you already know that.

The different sized docking ports will not mate with each other.  You need two of the same size and both have to be attached the right way.  If one or both of the docking ports are 'flipped around' so that the wrong side is facing out, you will not dock today.

Happy landings!

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2 hours ago, Patayyyyyto said:

I have a question, do all of our posts have to be approved by a mod? Or is there a time when they trust you and they don't have to approve you anymore?

I believe that there is a three post (I think it's three) moderator approval system to prevent spambots.  After that you'll be good to go.

Happy landings!

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Hey Everyone!

I believe I've logged about 350+ hours into KSP now after 2 months of owning it and I absolutely love it (yes, I have way too much free time). I haven't thought of checking out the forums until now for some reason unknown to myself, but I'd really like to be an active part of the community. I kind of have a vague idea as to how the forums work, but I might be asking a bunch of silly questions in the future (note: no such thing as a stupid question :D). If there is anything anyone would like to discuss, I am all for it (I'm saying this now because I love intuitive discussions but I'm not the type of person that just randomly hops into a conversation without being invited :P).

Hope that all of you have a fantastic day!

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Hi, I am new to KSP, and I am attempting a moon fly-by. I was able to reach the correct altitude (Apoapsis: 11,537,900 to 11,538,250 or so; Periapsis: 1,503,890 to 1,503,100 or so) with my spacecraft by using the low powered ion engines over a long period but it is on the wrong plane with the ascending node being 16.1 degrees and descending node being -16.1 degrees. When I am at the moon’s altitude, I find I am well south of my target. How would I fix this? 

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On February 7, 2016 at 7:30 AM, Starhawk said:

Hello JamesGoblin and welcome to the forum!

While not necessarily stupid, there is one question to be avoided with great diligence.  Never ask "Is using MechJeb cheating?". :)

Anyway, glad to have you aboard.

Happy landings!

Who is MechJeb? Is he Jebediah? Or is that a dumb question? (the kind I’m good at)

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29 minutes ago, Mycroft said:

Hi, I am new to KSP, and I am attempting a moon fly-by. I was able to reach the correct altitude (Apoapsis: 11,537,900 to 11,538,250 or so; Periapsis: 1,503,890 to 1,503,100 or so) with my spacecraft by using the low powered ion engines over a long period but it is on the wrong plane with the ascending node being 16.1 degrees and descending node being -16.1 degrees. When I am at the moon’s altitude, I find I am well south of my target. How would I fix this? 

If I interpret your question correctly, you're asking how to change the ascending / descending nodes to 0.0 degrees. To do this, you want to make burns in either the normal or anti-normal directions when passing over a node. Set up a maneuver node and play around with it, you can learn a lot :D. Also, I highly recommend checking out Scott Manley on YouTube. He does a ton of really great videos and I'm sure you can find guides for anything KSP.

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