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Just thought I'd say hello, I purchased KSP sometime earlier this year and really thought the concept was intriguing. I was up until recently however hilariously bad in all aspects of fictional rocketry, managing to blow up myself up on the launch pad more often than I'd put a capsule into orbit. I guess practice has helped me however, as I've become much better these days - so much so that I've managed to build a craft that could orbit Kerbin, Mun and Minmus and complete the circuit without losing anyone to catastrophic existence failure along the way. Now, if I could just figure out how to keep Jeb from dying every time he gets near the Munar surface; that remains one hell of a challenge.

At any rate, good day to you all.

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Hi all,

I just bought and downloaded the game a couple days ago. It's really interesting, and I love how open-ended it can be.

I have yet to shoot a successful orbit, but I have made successful liftoffs and splashdowns using the parachute. I've found that controlling rockets and planes is much easier using joystick with the sensitivity sliders at the minimum, and from the cockpit view.

I have to wonder though - how does the spaceship and capsule (with and without SAS) orient itself? I don't see thruster jets unless I add a thrust pack.

I also have to ask what happened when I accidentally shot my Kerbal into deep space - it seemed to be going on a trajectory perpendicular to the other planetary orbits, but then suddenly took on a circular orbit around Kerbol. Did I miss something about the ship's trajectory?

Anyway, it's a wonderful piece of software, and I can't believe how few guys are part of the development team. Thanks for you hard work, I sincerely wish for the continued success and growth of KSP!

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Its quite a time I´ve been here reading stuff, guess its time to say "Hello Kerbonauts!" Im Andrew, university student and I´ve discovered KSP as I was looking for some astrophysical laws on google for Astro class...dropped the class and therefore change the school, but still loyal to KSP :-D :-D

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I'm Matt, a third-year Astrophysics student at the University of Manchester and recent KSP addict.

Yesterday I got my Kerbalnaut to a personal best altitude of 702,410m, before he took a nosedive and crashed on a seperate continent from where he started.

Note to self: add more fuel.

This is a superb game. I'm currently collecting up all the mods, and I'm planning my next mission. If this is what the game is like as Alpha, the final version will be jaw-dropping.

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Hi all! I'm a newbie, of course. I just made my first successful moon landing, and flight back to Kerbal. I'm playing the vanilla version and would like to get some mods. Anyone have suggestions for a good mod to start out with?

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Hi, saw a lets play of KSP on Youtube a couple of months ago, been playing with the free version. I've been really enjoying it so I decided to splash out on the full version. Thanks for the great program!

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  • 6 months later...

Hi all! This is my second time posting in here..unfortunately my account got eaten as I hadn't bought or even found the game until December last year. Anyways I'm glad to be a part of this awesome collaborative community, and I wanted to thank SQUAD for making such an amazing game!

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Hello KSP-Team and Hello Users,

I'm new here and new to the game. I'm trying the Demo since yesterday and well... it's amazing! I love this game and I'm going to purchase the full version pretty soon.

Good work guys, I love it and I'm going to recommend it as often as possible.



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Hi everyone! :) my name is Chaosmonaut and I LOVE putting huge payloads into orbit :D as shown in my YouTube Channel ---> http://www.youtube.com/user/Chaosmonaut

Be sure to check out my last huge payload procedure in these two videos:



Thanks and I'm glad to had found this awesome game!

I hope to be welcomed :D

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Hi all! First to say that I haven't found this space exploration fun game since Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space. And KSP is way more than that. I am checking out some demoes etc, most likely I will buy this game. I just need couple of pointers to make the decision for me. I am mind blown about this game!

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