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Hello space enthusiasts ! It's nice to be here !

@Select Few : I think it's a forum option , that you can't upload an avatar unless you have "x" posts. That or the avatar thing is disabled.

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Hello space enthusiasts ! It's nice to be here !

@Select Few : I think it's a forum option , that you can't upload an avatar unless you have "x" posts. That or the avatar thing is disabled.

Ah. Well, I guess I'll have to be active on the forum until it either allows me to upload or I find that it actually is disabled.

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Fairly new to the game still (40 ish hours in so far)

Heard about it from a friend actually, he kept ranting and raving about how amazing the demo was. I saw it on Steam and figured why not, lets buy it.

I've managed to land on Mun so far... Getting back is another story. I should probably stop playing with space planes and rescue the poor guys, they've been there almost 2 years.

I was nice enough to send them something larger to spend some time in at least. And a new friend to hang out with.

Edited by firebos7
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due to the fact the game is still in Alpha stage, I believe it is the new Minecraft!

I second that statement! I am already fully addicted to this game and it only getting better =D. I played Minecraft when it was still Alpha and saw it mature into a popular mainstream game. Love KSP as much as I loved Minecraft in those early days!

It amazes me to see how popular it (Minecraft) is now and I can see ,with much hope, how KSP will get there too.:cool:

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New parts can come in two variaties:

An update

A mod

Updates come out regularly for kerbal space program and you will be notified when you start the game. These updates may or may not have new parts.

Mods on the other hand can be downloaded from the kerbal spaceport. The link for that is also on your kerbal space program start page.

Look up a mod you want to add (with new parts) and then download it. Installation is really easy, just drag the folders into your ksp directory (make sure the folders merge) and then start ksp. A there you have it!

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Hi, could someone help me out please? I downloaded the demo because the game looks pretty awesome :) i'm stuck though, when i run the game the window is too big for me to see the bottom of the game. When i go into settings to try and resize it, i can't click on the accept button at the bottom to confirm the settings. I have also tried right clicking on the toolbar to either mazimise it, resize it or move the window but none of these work :( any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)

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Hello everybody! After some days playing the demo version I can say that I've found a great game! Now I'm trying my first dockings. My next step will be going to another planet.

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Hi everyone, I've branded myself Dr. Kerbin Von Braun and have been playing KSP obsessively for the last few weeks or so :) . Just decided to give the forums a go when i ran into a problem with the .20 patch and have been very impressed! You can bet i'll be coming back again. I've managed a few dockings (ugh, so tedious, yet so neccesary) landed on the mun, orbited everything in kerbin's orbit and crashed a few spaceplanes. Next thing im trying to do is get a Kethane (epic mod, everyone should get it) mining/refinement facility up and running on the mun! (How do i share my rover design? Its huge and i'm overly proud of it :D)

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Herro dar. I'm RobDaVinci and I've only been playing for a couple of days now. I discovered KSP at just the wrong time - my exams! :)

This is one of my proudest achievements:


It's also one of Bob Kerman's proudest achievements because he doesn't realise he hasn't gone anywhere yet... :D

Edited by RobDaVinci
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Hey all! I found this game by browsing through wikipedia\'s list of open-source games (interesting stuff worht looking at there). I have since given the ZIP to all my friends and due to the fact the game is still in Alpha stage, I believe it is the new Minecraft!

Maybe someone else has already said something similar (I haven't read all 11+ pages of comments), but I hope you mean the demo zip and not the actual game. The devs deserve to be compensated for the work they're doing on this game. I think if I had more money coming in and there was a "Donate" button I'd click on it every now and then.

It's pretty complicated what they're doing, not just the fact that it's a customizable game (both with what you build and the mods) but all the orbital interactions and what not....it's basically rocket science..:cool:..lol

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Kerbal Space Program is the first game that doesn't have killing other things in it(yet) and my sister tells me: Stop playing that stupid thing, go play a normal game and shoot people. :D haha

I love it. Cheers

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I got KSP yesterday and am getting the space program.

I really liked the proposed KSP. It's smart, fun and enjoyable.

Congratulations to the developers.

Certainly have a very promising future, if you work with dedication.

Go ahead and keep improving, you are on the right track.

Good luck!

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Hello all! Got this game a couple of days ago. It is WAY too addicting, but I'm loving it.

Quick question, I've searched all over the internet and on the forums, but I can't find a concise explanation of what the different colors on the trajectory map mean. (I.E. Red, Purple, Green) I know what that orange is planned and blue is (estimated) trajectory. But, if anyone could help me out on this I would really appreciate it. It might make my next trip to minmus a little easier. :confused:

Thanks in advance, and happy lift off!

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Hello there:

I've just bought this simulator 2 days ago and I'm getting used to it quite quick but my question is, how do I get new parts for the ships?? where can I find patches for the game?? I've downloaded it from Steam and I don't know what to do.

Any suggestion please?

Thank you all

Nice flight

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