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Hello, i'm a long time player of ksp ( even if i never did super advanced stuff, farther i went was orbiting Duna XD ) from France, and i'm a new member in the forum.

My work is creating and maintaining  hiking trail in my area ( and watching the moon while working when we can see it in the morning )

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Hello everyone!

I'm fairly experienced with KSP (at least 1000hrs-used ckan before started ckan tracking hours so unknown really) and thought I would finally create a forum account in preparation for KSP2, which I'm really excited for but also a bit skeptical of. I'm always a bit skeptical of buying things on promises but KSP2 will be the exception for me-I just love this game too much. Some of my favorite things to do are modding the game, building large scale projects, and planning/designing for going long distances and large resource systems for my colonies. and Anyways, just wanted to say hi!

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Hello! I'm a long-time lurker and KSP fan. I decided to join now for KSP2. I'm especially excited about base-building in KSP2 because I always liked to do that in KSP1, but there was never much to actually do apart from build the base and extract fuel.

I work in the game industry and I'm based in France but like to move around a lot. I'm too old and not rich enough to ever go to space so KSP is the next best thing!

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Hi all.

I am a long-time enjoyer of KSP, been playing since shortly after v1.0 dropped. I am from a small coastal city in South Africa and dream of seeing a live rocket launch one day.

My focus in KSP has always gravitated towards either setting up advanced relay networks for maximum solar system coverage with as few relays as possible, or building enormous rockets to lift unreasonably heavy payloads into orbit. (Looking forward to orbital dry docks in KSP 2)

Out of all my friends who play video games, I only have one who has actually played KSP, and even he does not play any more. So thought I'd finally join here and get involved in the discussion. Cheers!

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Hello all! 

New member here, I'm very excited for KSP2. I have around 400 hours in KSP, with probably half of them spent in the atmosphere of Kerbin flying aircraft and spaceplanes. The furthest I've been is Minmus, although once colonies are introduced I look forward to exploring more of the Kerbolar system and beyond. 

I'm also stoked for multiplayer and fully customizable wings. I spend a lot of my time in KSP messing around building jets and prop planes so customizable wings introduce a whole new world of possibility for cool looking planes. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Happy flying!

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I arise from the depths of the past after an 11 year hiatus from the forums!

I haven't been active here since 2012, but I'm starting to get hyped up for being back in the joyful days of Early Access discovery and feedback.

Edit: My signature is as true today as it was when I wrote it. :D

Edited by nivvydaskrl
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Hey all, just signed up to the forum today but I’ve been a long time KSP player (since 2013 I think?).  Figured with the EA release of KSP2 I should get involved in the forums!  I’ll say that for a day one early access release, KSP2 is looking really good so far!

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3 minutes ago, Razgriz78 said:

Hey all, just signed up to the forum today but I’ve been a long time KSP player (since 2013 I think?).  Figured with the EA release of KSP2 I should get involved in the forums!  I’ll say that for a day one early access release, KSP2 is looking really good so far!

Welcome, Razgriz78.  I was also a long time 'guest' lurker, but it's great to put something back, isn't it?

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I've been on the forum since 2013 but haven't played or posted since 2020.  Life took a left hand turn a few years ago being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and it took the joy out of things for a while.  I'm an ex shuttle challenger director and periodically burned KSP to the ground trying to do grand missions with lots of mods.  Returning for KSP2 and preparing to exercise a lot of patience :) 

See you around the traps everyone!


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