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Forum Veterans [And New Members!]: What was your first post?


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(This applies to all forum members, not just those who have been here a long time :))

Prepare for a journey, to way back when you first joined...

What was your first post, when you came to the forum?

Mine was:

Been playing KSP for a while now. Really liking it.

Landed on Mun, Minmus, Duna, Eve, and Kerbin (if you call crashing landing)

[The thread was called: "Stah is here!"]


(Just do an advanced search of the forum, by username, select "All open forums" and put the "sort results by" to last posting date in ascending order.)


The whole point of this thread is to show the new people that come into the Forum how most of us asked the same kinds of questions, had the same kinds of skills, as they do. That's why I stuck it in the "Welcome Aboard!" subforum.

Thanks for the replies, everyone.


Edited by Starwhip
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Things are going well so far. I have made a light orbiter vehicle, LKO space-station and a drone tanker to look after it.

What I can't do though is transfer crew between ships without using EVA. Some VIPs are waiting to visit the station and I can't ask them to do anything that dangerous!

So the question is - can you transfer crew between docked ships in version 22 without using EVA and, if so, how?

I was surprised, as I thought my first post was "What are flags?". That turns out to be my second, a week later.

:-) Both questions got full and accurate answers very quickly :-)

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Ooo, I have to do this.

Hello everyone! :D Love this game and forum :D Been browsing through for a while and looks cool

I still remember posting that. Wow.

It also seems that my fourth post was a 1-month necro. Such a noob hahaha.


My attempt using a separator with ejection force 2147483647 so the game wouldn't crash.

Looks like Ojimak creamed me...

EDIT: I took a longer look at the posts and I can't stop myself from remembering what I was doing outside of KSP back in 2013. Good times...

Edited by mythbusters844
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Mine is a victim of the Great Forum Crash ;.;

I do know I went on a posting spree to get out of moderation so I could PM KospY a few hours after the original KAS thread went up. I think that was in November of 2012?

My first remembered forum post


Kerbal Sciene Foundation releases Flag Decals! You can use these to decorate your ship, plane, rocket, rover, etc!


Now includes two new flag plaques, one flag (the Apollo plaque image) and one mounting base!


Old flags have been unchanged so as not to disrupt saves, but if they have not been used yet I suggest you remove them.


Though they appear white in the VAB/SPH, through the magic of television they become real factual flags on the launchpad.


Download on Space Port!


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First post, from August 2013, was a rather mundane bit of navel-gazing about the practical applications of orbital infrastructure.

However I did sign off by noting:

First post should really of been a grander entrance with explosions and dancing elephants.

To which a kindly anonymous Mod granted my wish and provided a dancing elephant :)

Moderator Edit ;) Here you have a dancing elephant, courtesy r/gifs:


KSP mods are the best mods :)

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Earliest I could find, in this thread:

I'd love something like this mainly for ships I want to assemble in orbit. I hate spending a week launching everything into orbit, firing up the engines and finding my Kerbals adrift in space because something gave. Spectacular failures are fun, but super frustrating when it takes a long time to get the ship built and ready.
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I...kinda began as I intended to go on, I guess. (In ialdabaoth's Deadly Reentry 2.0 thread):

(crossposted to the FAR thread)

Hey, great mod--I love that I actually have to plan my reentries and design well.

I've found and fixed the problem with the heatshields and FAR. FAR applies open-node drag by first raycasting from CoM to node to find where the node is; on the 2.5m heatshield, for example, both top and bottom nodes are above CoM so there's no open bottom node, and thus very little drag (Cd of 0.05 vs 0.6 for unshielded Mk1-2 pod). If you move the node below the CoM (and move the model too, so no visual changes) then all's well--you get a Cd of like .4 or so, which makes sense for a rounder, smoother, more aerodynamic bottom.


replace asset params and node defs with this:

<<<<SNIP CODE>>>>

You can do the same thing for the other shields with this issue: replace mesh= with a MODEL{} block, move the model and both nodes down by the same amount. I chose to bake in rescaleFactor because I didn't know how rescaleFactor played with MODEL{} blocks but you might be all right otherwise.


On another note, regarding G-limits. Would you mind terribly exporting your coefficients to the CFG so they can be user-tweaked? Even if not all of them used in the calculation, just a linear "gscale" scalar applied to all? I'd really like to be able to pull 7G turns in aircraft that should be able to do so (and, y'know, replicate Mercury reentries, let alone Apollo). I'm planning to go ahead and tweak and recompile from source for personal use when I finally get around to installing VC# or Mono, but having them exposed in CFG would be so much easier.

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Wow, I was asking how to mod the career correctly. Such noobitude, I only asked because the part was higher on the tech tree than I had reached.

The first responder who had helped me has no rep. It is time I make amends.

Edited by NFUN
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I had been playing for a while now, but my account got deleted in April 2013. :(

Well, at least this event will take away a lot of useless posts from the last months. I Had to re-create my account tho. I know it's hard work, and you guys are actually did a fast job with this. I'm happy to see you guys back! :)

Here's the thread: Didn't remember this even existed.

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Wow, I was asking how to mod the career correctly. Such noobitude, I only asked because the part was higher on the tech tree than I had reached.

The first responder who had helped me has no rep. It is time I make amends.

Wow. That's amazing that this thread can do things as amazing as this. :)

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Anyway, this is my first post:

Banned for having an adorable profile pic.

Apparently I had been lurking here for a very long time and lurking in KSP in general quite frequently, and so jumped right into the forum games.

Or it might have just been that I used to have a different account on here, but I lost my password and didn't bother with getting it back. :/ Oh well.

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How would I... procure my first post? *rubs chin*

The last started post on page twenty isn't anywhere my first post. Know where I would find my first one?

Use the "Advanced Search" function, enter your user name in the appropriate field, scroll down and sort results by "Last Posting Date" and "Ascending", select Show Results as Posts and hit search.

This would appear to be your first, though it's some months after you registered.

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I to was an April '013 Accident victim.

But, upon rejoining......

SAS units don't help turn the ship? I was so sure they did...

Not when the SAS is actually on, of course.

They aught to, that'd be handy. Real spaceships use reaction wheels.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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