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Forum Veterans [And New Members!]: What was your first post?


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This will be my first post in over a year (wow! My little KSP has grown up so much since I left in October 2013.) anyways mine was

the title of "Nearly New to KSP" and the message was

"Hello, fellow Kerbonaughts... I started playing almost two months ago any suggestions just say. btw visited other planets because of debug. Please help with my questions". (Note I started playing in March of 2013)

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First post ever. On my first ever Dres Landing mission, after circularizing in high orbit, I somehow ended up losing one of my five engines. I don't know how this happened; I was using MechJeb to execute my maneuver node, with prevent overheats on, and was away from the computer at the time (I didn't know how to open the flight events dialog either to determine exactly what happened). Anyways, this meant that I was stranded, as this was also my return vehicle and I didn't have a recent quicksave. So, I decided to do the landing and return to the orbiter anyways, just to prove that the lander worked and so that I could transfer some science back to Kerbin (this was in 0.22 as well, so it didn't really matter if I never brought the ship back). This went over flawlessly. Once docked with my orbiter again, I throttled up a little bit and found out that the ship was too unstable to work, even at low power. Then, totally by accident, I figured out how to transfer fuel between tanks. I was able to transfer enough fuel inot the other side of the spacecraft to where it could hold course again, and was able to return to Kerbin safely.

Not as exciting typed out as it was for me at the time, but is anything ever?

There it is. My first post ever. I am amazed that I was able to find it, as I didn't even remember what it was about.

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I was of a gigantic spaceship replica... More accurately, of a killzone spaceship. Stahl's cruiser. :P

The post is in the previous zokesia skunkworks company thread. It's too long ago for me to find it.

EDIT: Actually, I think I found it...

More pictures of the Cruiser (Which has undergone major improvements) and a new download link! (But still not "operationally fit")


(Now slightly outdated as a photo)


(A slightly older picture)





Dang... I used to suck... :P

Edited by andrew123
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Wasn't exactly today, but finishing yesterday, plus a little background.

I'm playing a completely stock Career, with very little play experience - didn't do any sandbox in 0.23, and only clocked about two hours play on the demo. Reverting and quicksaving are perfectly normal, but so far no transmission if any science at all is lost.

Once I got the thermometer, after a quick jaunt to grab Kerbin's thermoscience, I decided to make a Mun landing, taking with me three thermometers, and planning to do my first biome-hop. That all went well-ish, if a little inefficient. Then I burned to escape. In the wrong direction (relative to Kerbin). So, almost no fuel, on a Kerbin escape trajectory, haven't quicksaved since launch. Good thing you've got RCS, Jeb, I thought. 10 monoprop in capsule, 100 in tank and another 160 from those four Roundifieds, 270 total should be just fine, right?

Managed to pull out of Kerbin escape, left myself a hair away, and transmitted my EVA reports and Crew reports. So, with so little fuel, I needed to get right up to my 82 million meter apoapsis so I could lower the 11 million meter periapsis for aerobraking. 35 km should do it without being too steep, leaving me with a little over 5/270 monopropellant. 'Just' fine was right. Given that that was now 6 days or so away, I decided to leave it be and not timewarp it in for a while - get some other things done, like my first three successful SSTOs (One even put up my first orbital probe - but only barely, and I needed to quickload after I... let the plane fall back, killing the kerbal within...) and getting the first docking port research node. Started a first space station, too - but I think I'll talk more about that when I complete it.

So, MunTherm's return. While up at the apoapsis, I realised that it was possible that my landing could be pretty hard, and there was a chance that my thermometers would be destroyed. Unacceptable! I had only recently learned of EVA data collection from a Youtube video, but it was worth a shot. Way up there, and for quite a bit around, thrusterpack EVA was utterly ridiculous. The frame of reference is continuously flipping and Jeb is wasting fuel trying to 'right' himself, only to 'realise' that he is now on his 'side' - I mean seriously, is this relative to Kerbin North, the lander's 'down', or gravity? KSP didn't seem to be able to decide. I noticed that I could reach two out of three from a ladder, but the other definitely required the thrusterpack, so I kept trying, quicksaving and quickloading as I lost control. Eventually, I gave up on getting the last reading this far out and (after getting the station into an okay-but-incomplete shape at 200km) warped in for an aerobrake pass. First pass was pretty normal - into atmosphere, stow solar panels, and out again a little slower. Got out and went for that last reading (much easier with an apoapsis below Mun orbit), and put my solar panels back out. So, all science in the pod, that's two surface samples and three thermo readings, meaning any return of even the slightest success means full value. Safe!

Then, two more full passes - in, brake, out - before my final landing pass on this, my first multipass aerobrake. And then, disaster (almost) struck! Parachute deployed normally at 149m/s, full deployment at 500m altitude... and there's a sudden wrenching. Lack of struts was the culprit, along with using a single XL parachute to land the whole lander. If there had been radial chutes on the lander's fuel tank, or struts connecting to the capsule, most likely the rest of the craft would also have survived... Fortunately, that moment of forethought at apoapsis, that little doubt saying "But what if the lander doesn't survive?", and the watching of KSP Youtube videos saved the mission! Splashdown into the ocean, recovered - forgetting to take ocean samples, but that's fine - and that brings me up to the 300 science I need for Electronics, my first of the 300-tier technologies.

Mine was in the What Did You Do Today in KSP thread, detailing a bunch of things that happened when I escaped Mun in the wrong direction reasonably early in my first career mode. It was before I knew how to take screenshots, around the time I put up my first space station and made my first successful spaceplane and its payload-carrying variant (beginner's luck - it took ages before I managed to make another that wasn't a direct derivative).

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Heh, apparently I decided to get technical fast, my first post was starting a new thread on wondering about KSP's physics engine and why it did not max out my CPU.

CPU not maxed?

As I recall I was on an overclocking kick back then and was using KSP as one of my benchmarks so I found it odd that KSP was slowing down in-game without my CPU maxing out.


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I can approach the mun and make a good orbit with it but when I try to land I always crash ;.;:( Can somone help me and also give a good rocket with enough fuel to allow for errors!

Wow... What a noob XD

Not really that long ago too

Shows how far I have come too, with all the stuff in the sig.... well I didn't make the shuttle

Edited by montyben101
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The recursive potential was too appealing.
The recursive potential was too appealing.
The recursive potential was too appealing.
The recursive potential was too appealing.

The recursive potential was too appealing.

Edited by slicedtoad
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Wow, I thought my first post concerned KSP crashing, turns out it was KMP crashing.... totally unexpected:

Hello and plz help

lol created a forum account just to ask this question.

after i downloaded the mod, unzipped, put all the non read-me//copyright things in the game folder and most annoying of all finding a server....

well i found a server that said that i had connected and the person had a website that said who was connected, and i was there but.....

Now that ive connected and it says "handshake received" what do i do ????

i dont auto join a game

it auto disconnects me if i create/start up a save....



And also looking back at the unused content thread I made a while back... oh do I ever look like a noob XD like a proper over enthusiastic person

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