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Forum Veterans [And New Members!]: What was your first post?


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My first one:

Title: "Hi all!"

"Only to say hello to all the community. I became a KSP gamer because of a video by Kurtjmac, trying to get to Mun. So i just tested it and tada! love at firs sight!. Now a little bit addicted... but happy to be.

I'm learning the basics and i think improving step by step. Enjoying the game more and more every day and every step beyond i make.

Happy flights to all! "

Back on July 2013 :)


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My first post was a response to Scott Manleys question about an old bug that would not let you undock your docking ports on some occasions. I figured out what to do and registered just for that, but I got ninja'd because as a new member the post had to be approved. :(

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
My first post was a response to Scott Manleys question about an old bug that would not let you undock your docking ports on some occasions. I figured out what to do and registered just for that, but I got ninja'd because as a new member the post had to be approved. :(

Must've been frustrating. :P

Is it just me, or is it interesting to read these posts? Seems like most everyone started off the same way: nice, short, simple and to the point.

Now we go and write stuff like this...

I'm kinda surprised that this thread is still going, but whatever it wants, I'll let it be. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first was a standard intro on the Welcome Aboard forum ^.^

  Maximus97 said:
Hello, hello, hello!

My name is Torg9776. I love space. Everything about it, from the mind-bogglingly huge expanses to the smallest of space rocks that burn and give us pretty fireworks here on Earth. KSP is truly a masterpiece of a game, and I must say that it is my new favorite! :D

I have been playing for a few weeks now at this point, and I can do pretty well for myself... but I do have just one question to start off with:

How can I easily have a large reserve of fuel for maneuvering while in orbit? It seems that I can always have enough fuel to get into orbit and come back down again, but that's it.

Thank you guys!

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  T-Bouw said:
To add to pushingrobot\'s landinggear tip:

What helps for me, is to position the rear landinggear slightly higher on the plane. So what I mean is instead of putting them directly under your plane\'s fueltanks, place them on the sides and angle them down.

Your plane\'s rear will now be slightly lower than the front witch in turn angles the nose upwards to help liftoff.

Hmm... I remember my first post being a Welcome-Aboard introduction post.

Guess I'm more of a kind guy than I thought...;)

And more forgetful too!

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Apparently my first post, way back in November 2013, was in the thread "What tickles you most about KSP?"

  StrandedonEarth said:
What always gives me a chuckle is building a massive orange asparagus monstrosity with a MkI spam can on top, and watching it fall apart in multiple balls of fire as soon as I put it on the launch pad. The kicker is the spam can rolling out of the fireball and Jeb getting out with that idiotic grin on his face. Those command pods are tough to survive that!
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Many of my posts are gone when the forum transitioned to a new system (such as my 500 rp posts), but I'm fairly sure my first post was a suggestion very early on for some UAV parts or something like that. Basically I was asking for probes, and I got probes.

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This is my VERY FIRST post and thread I've started here in the forums on this account (dated June 2012): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/13161-I-must-be-new-here?p=193465#post193465

My original first forum post here in KSP forums (the forum was hosted by a different provider that time) dates back to around October 2011, and can't be retrieved now :D forgot what it is about, tho...

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  General Rarity said:
Man, I don't even have the game (but have the v 0.13 and v 0.18 demos) but I made a flag for when I buy the game :).


Holy mother of Jeb, this is a pretty neat flag!

  General Rarity said:

I still use this one now and then, although the design is improved.

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My very first post on these forums has me jumping off the deep end and offering to expand on fusty's station parts:

  sumghai said:
Exceptional work on the FusTek Station Parts, fusty. I greatly prefer the Karmony II designs to piecing together numerous stock parts for station modules.

I'm interested in helping to make some additional Karmony II-style modules, if you don't mind - I'll probably start with habitat, utility and science module variants (all with just two ports on opposite ends), and when I feel a bit more confident, maybe a dedicated airlock or even unique IVAs for the aforementioned variants.

I do have a number of questions / requests:

  • Based on various postings here on on Kerbal Space Port, am I correct in assuming your workflow involves the following? (besides iterative testing):
    • Modelling the geometry and collision meshes in SketchUp
    • Export as COLLADA .dae file
    • Import into Unity
    • Add textures and normal bump maps
    • Add airlocks / ladders etc via with KSP Part Tools
    • Export as KSP .mu file
    • Write CFG file

    [*]Would you be happy to release the source files for your parts (geometry, Unity configs, textures, normals) under a Creative Commons licence or equivalent?

    [*]What graphics program did you use to create the textures and bump maps?

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work! :cool:

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I don't know where my first post is...wait, found it.


First off, I'm pretty far into the woods at this point. I'm coming into this with a small amount of programming experience and honestly ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA where I should start. My goal is to be able to make parts with a fair degree of competency and not have them break the game.

I've done a little research and found out that what my parts need are a .mu file for the model, some other files that also help the model and a .cfg for the actual part definition. I got all the software recommended for modding, Blender, Unity, etc. but don't really know where to start.

Thank you!

How far I have come...

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My very first post was in a support thread about the VAB not allowing you to load saved ships. I had the same problem as the OP, and found that one of the suggested fixes worked.

  Regolith said:
Seems to have worked for me, too. :D

Kind of an odd bug. I had a bunch of 1kb .craft files; I think they were due to me naming the vehicle before I started to build it.

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My first post was, posted on April 11th 2014 in the RSS thread:

I was wondering how you change the location of KSC. I'm trying to put it at Baikonur

Cosmodrome, which is at 45.9650, 63.3050. I went into RealSolarSystem.cfg and changed KSCs

coordinates to Baikonurs. And it did not work. It seems that it is somewhere diffrent

(I don't see any water) but i don't see KSC. Just some grass. What am i supposed to do?

I did:

KEYname = KSC

lodvisibleRangeMult = 6

// Cape

latitude = 28.608389

longitude = -80.604333

repositionRadiusOffset = 53 //42.7000007629395

and changed it to:

KEYname = KSC

lodvisibleRangeMult = 6

// Cape

latitude = 45.9650

longitude = 63.3050

repositionRadiusOffset = 53 //42.7000007629395

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In retrospect my first post to the forums was a tad prophetic :)

  FlowerChild said:
Hey guys,

I'm a few weeks into play with KSP, have gotten the hang of orbiting, landing on the Mun, docking...all the basics. I'm (not so) patiently waiting on .21 as career mode is a really big deal to me, and I was actually holding off on purchasing the game until it was implemented so as not to spoil the experience. Someone gifted it to me on Steam however, so I started playing despite myself, and have been loving it to death :)

So, while I'm waiting on .21, I'm considering installing a few mods to give them a try over the weekend before the update puts them out of action for awhile. I've been scouring the forums looking for mods that result in a deeper gameplay experience (I'm really not interested in play aids like MechJeb or whatever), and came up with the following short list of mods that really sound appealing:



-Procedural Fairings (launching satellites with big hunking exposed parts on top drives me nuts)

Any others those with similar interests would recommend adding to that list? I'm basically looking for mods that result in a richer gameplay experience without making the game easier.

Thanks in advance for any help provided.

That was 13th July 2013.

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October 27, 2014. I had been playing since the first of May, though I only decided to join and post this then;

Hello KSP forums! This is my first forum post, and that is awesome!:DAlright, now let's cut to the chase.

RaincrafterRockets is a friendly company that has rockets with amazingly high Delta-V and Cargo Bay Capability! The company has two sub-divisions:Schwarzenegger Rockets (Yes, it's named after Arnold Schwarzenegger), which focuses on innovation no matter how big the rocket is, and Periapsis Parts, which lowers Part, Mass, and Budget to the bare minimum. The company has mostly Spaceplanes and Rockets. I gladly take requests, but you have to tell me how much Delta-V you want, and your goals. Oh, and last but not least edited text will (EDIT: will not, instead it will have "EDIT:" in front of it.) be blue. Bye!


EDIT: Yay, partners! Here is the list:

Kerbal Minds Corp.

Eagle Fly Corporation

Harran Aerospace Mod Crafts

Kraken Technologies

KIP Inc.

And last but not least, EFC, KMC, and HAM Crafts makes modded rockets as well as stocks. Peace Out!


Technically not a post in the forum's eyes, but whatever. It was my first interaction with others on here.

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  Hunter3081 said:
If your controlling a kerbal on a ladder, pressing Shift + Space will make them jump off the ladder backwards instead of letting go, likewise, holding

Shift + Any of the WASD keys, then pressing Space will make them jump off in the direction of the key you held.

This was my first post, it was pretty easy to find.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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