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What mods can you not play KSP without?


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Once you have learned the basics, there are a number of ways you can go from realistic to bazaar. You can go NASA real missions, Future realistic, Star Trek, even Dr Who or Steam Punk.

KW Rocketry and Nova Punch will give you a bunch of rocket parts that will allow fine tuning designs for best efficiency. Both mods fit in nicely into Career where at the hard setting you will need to be selective on unlocking only those parts that will work best for your space program. Both mods also are featured in testing contracts thus enabling you to raise the cash needed for taking advantage of them.

Mech Jeb and others will provide flight aids useful when you want to do multiple precision launches such as those needed for assembling space stations or huge interplanetary rockets in space.

Others provide realistic eye candy to the program.

Still others totally change how the game is played such as Real Solar System and Alternate Kerbal. If you wish to play with those mods, install them in their own copy of KSP as they will totally ruin all existing saves.

In short, install one mod at a time in a copy of KSP preserving the original download as insurance against a combo of mods breaking the game.

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I got a few I can never live with out with reasons:

Mecjeb- For auto piloting my space craft when I am need else where in the house.(i'm capable to put things in orbit.)

Tantares- Cause soyuz ,and TLK are awesome in my opinion.

SCANsat- putting satellites in orbit so I can figure out a land zone is pretty useful.(hate landing on hills.)

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There are a lot of mods that I always install immediately, but the bare minimum that I simply can't imagine playing without would be Kerbal Engineer and Kerbal Alarm Clock. Actually, I suspect that I've got so used to KER by now that I probably wouldn't be able to put together something as simple as a mun landing+return mission without either using it or calculating dV by hand. I've become a slave to math, where I once shoved fuel tanks, rockets and boosters onto a pod with reckless abandon. Gone are the days of throwing things in a vaguely upwards direction and saying "that'll be fine, right?".

I don't know if this is a good thing.

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  TannerBJ said:
I'm currently playing KSP modless, as I've done since the beginning, and I want to try some new things. What are your opinions on the matter?

Toolbar, because it's pretty much required these days

ModuleManager, so you can do your own semi-mods

Kerbal Alarm Clock, so you can do more than 1 thing at once

RCS Build Aid--don't build spaceplances or anything that will dock without it

Trajectories, so you don't have to guess your Pe when aerobraking

MechJeb, for when you'd rather not have to do a bunch of repetitive launches/dockings/long transfer burns for a large flotilla by yourself ;).

FreeEVA, because not being able to rotate Kerbals in pitch is aggravating

TAC Fuel Balancer, because it's so handy

TAC Self-Destruct. BEST. MOD. EVER.

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Kommit Nucleonics >> Gotta love those new nuclear engines, especially the 280 one.

B9 Aerospace >>> Only for the M37 Cockpit

NearFutureSolar & KOSMOS >>> for the solar Panels

RemoteTech >>> only for the flight computer

The cloud Pack from BoulderCo (not updated since .23.5 since they work fine to this day)

Something called "IonHybElec_Pack" >>> pretty sure it's the mod for Ion-hybrid engines and the 5k Xenon Gaz container. The more powerfull engine was personally modded to only use Xenon and electricity and I use that for my end-game engines.

FireSpitter >>> for the Turboprop engine refurbished as a personally customized electrical propeller.

ScienceAlert >>> Had to edit this one in... Fell in love with that one ! Got to know where you can do that science !

And IMHO the most important: Kerbal Engineer. :cool:

- - - - - - -

If I had to trim the list: You could remove Remote Tech, but seriously, everything else is perfect for the way I play.

Edited by Francois424
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FAR, DRE, and RSS with the 6.4x Kerbol System. I've done pretty much everything that can be done in the stock solar system without tens of hours of planning, so I switched to a bigger solar system, until the stock game gets more content.

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This same topic comes up about once a week... search is your friend.

That said Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal Alarm clock, and precise node are my 3 must haves. Theres plenty of others I consider high on the list for things to add to make the game more enjoyable but none as important as those 3.

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The stock game's two biggest flaws are the nonsensical aerodynamics (which Squad plans on improving sometime, but not yet), and the lack of payload fairings. So if I could only have one mod, it would be FAR, so air and piloting in air actually make sense. If I could only have two mods, the second would be Procedural Fairings, so the tops of my rockets look good and make sense.

There's a huge ridiculous pile of game-altering mods I enjoy, but those two are the most crucial.

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Enhanced navball - Navball docking alignment indicator - Kerbal alarm clock - Fuel balancer - Tweakable everything - Tweakscale - Editor extension - Ship manifest - Chatterer - RCS sounds - VOID - Alternate ressource panel - Active texture management - Mechjeb - Tom Tom - Procedural fairings - Nova Punch - KAS - Universal storage - SCANSat - Tantares - Karbonite - PackRat - TAC Life support - TAL Radial experiment storage container - Kommit nucleonics NERVAs - KDEX - TurboNisu stockalike parts

Well... I could add B9 Aerospace but since I almost only use struts and adapters I think to remove it entirely

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The only mod I cannot play without is the kerbal alarm clock mod.

Sometimes I play with FAR and DRE (and some mod that has fairings) but sometimes don't. Sometimes I play with KAS and sometimes don't.

The same I could say for many mods, but there is always KAC.

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