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Give Dres a moon!

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Hay everyone!

I just wanted to say that the lonely planet Dres, is my favorite planet in KSP. I love the giant canyons, and the way it looks. However, I feel like its missing something. I really wish Dres had a moon. I would love to look at Dres from its moon! It would be a small moon, like the size of Minmus. I don't really care what it looks like.


Edited by Claw
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Meh, Dres is pretty boring to me. Not as interesting as Jool, Eve, or Duna IMO. No atmosphere, a little too easy to land on! I do like the canyon which its it's one distinct feature. The rest, meh. Dres I guess could technically have a moon. But Dres is more of a dwarf planet itself. If I'm not mistaken, it's the analog for Ceres, our own real dwarf planet orbiting in the asteroid belt.

If it did have a moon (or moons), they would probably be captured asteroids very small in size with a low gravitational influence.

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Meh, Dres is pretty boring to me. Not as interesting as Jool, Eve, or Duna IMO. No atmosphere, a little too easy to land on! I do like the canyon which its it's one distinct feature. The rest, meh. Dres I guess could technically have a moon. But Dres is more of a dwarf planet itself. If I'm not mistaken, it's the analog for Ceres, our own real dwarf planet orbiting in the asteroid belt.

If it did have a moon (or moons), they would probably be captured asteroids very small in size with a low gravitational influence.

and so many big asteroids have some little astero-moons orbiting them, as well as ceres. so why not dres?

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The problem with Dres is that it's not appreciably different than Moho of Eeloo, just easier to get to than either of them. Maybe tied with Eeloo. Dunno. They're all small, with eccentric tilted orbits, and don't have anything to offer once you've been to them once. Jool has all the moons. Duna has an atmosphere and an interesting moon. Kerbin has... well you start there. Eeloo, Dres and Moho are just 3 planets with nothing to do on them.

I support adding a moon to Dres and turning Eeloo into the largest moon of the 2nd gas giant (which is - or at least was - the plan), then you'd have 6 unique planets instead of 3 unique ones and 3 that are the same.

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Most importantly, I think Eeloo needs a BIG moon. Pluto and Charon are in fact a double-dwarf-planet system, NOT just a planet and moon. Obviously KSP can't actually simulate barycenters very well, or Ike wouldn't orbit Duna, they'd orbit each other. Still, Eeloo very much needs a really big moon.

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Most importantly, I think Eeloo needs a BIG moon. Pluto and Charon are in fact a double-dwarf-planet system, NOT just a planet and moon. Obviously KSP can't actually simulate barycenters very well, or Ike wouldn't orbit Duna, they'd orbit each other. Still, Eeloo very much needs a really big moon.

I think Eeloo should have 2 small moons instead of one large moon. Because duna has one big moon instead of 2 small ones. (Actually Eeloo could have 5 extremely small moons, because Pluto has 3 known small moons.)

Or Eeloo could just be a moon, but then we would need a new tiny not-a-planet far from the Kerbol.

Edited by Joonatan1998
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I feel what the current Kerbol System is missing most is something aching to Halley's Comet. Imagine if you could land on the comet (or the highly eccentric orbit planetoid) while it's zipping by Kerbin, then get off when you near another body that interest you (or when you are at the furthest from the sun... a free (if a bit long) ride to the other edge.

Dres should be insanely rich with Kethane (or w/e they will call it) imho. Making it a prime candidate to visit. If there are other ressources, Moho (He3), or Eeloo (frozen hydrogen Ice?) would take care of the usually non-visited bodies. He3 would have to be somewhat OP to offset the cost of getting there tho, so not sure if feasible.

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I think it's fair to say that Dres isn't substantially different from Eeloo or Moho, but I don't think adding a moon to it will solve it. Eeloo should (Kerbal-deity willing) eventually become a moon of GP2 as intended, but who knows what Squad will do about that.

I think a better solution is to add asteroids into Dres' orbit, similar to asteroids in Kerbin's orbit. If you set up a base around Eeloo, it could be a good location to capture asteroids passing through it's SOI. Another solution would be to make Dres an effective location for refueling (refueling has been listed a goal in a future update). Actually, if asteroids are used as source fuel in said update, these solutions go together.

Wikipedia doesn't list Ceres as having any satellites. I doubt it could keep any asteroids in a stable orbit for long.

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Why not make Eeloo a moon AND give it a moon? That could be (one of) the unique thing(s) about Gas Giant 2.

I'm not sure this is a good idea. The Hill sphere/SoI of the moon of a moon would be so small it would practically meaningless. There really wouldn't be any difference between that, and just putting an asteroids without gravity there.

Also, I'm not familiar with any natural satellites of planets that have their own natural satellites. If something like this has been discovered, I'd love to see a reference :)

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Asteroids can have moons (see Ida and Dactyl), but there have been no confirmed moons of moons. The closest we've come is a potential ring system around Rhea but that has not been confirmed.

Cool! Wikipedia's Minor-planet moon article indicates that about 7 moons of minor planets also have satellites (I assume this includes Ida-dactyl). So, while this kind of system can exist, the "moons of moons" do appear to be most similar to an largish asteroid in KSP, like I said above, or Binaries. Dactyl is only ~ 1.4 km in dia., a vessel near Dactyl would still experience the majority of it's gravity from Ida (unfortunately, I didn't see any estimates of Ida's mass). There's nothing wrong with placing static asteroids in particular locations around planets or moons, but I don't think they need to be full separate planets that are on-rails and have their own Hill sphere.

As has been discussed before, ad nauseum, it's extremely unlikely KSP will ever support n-body physics, which would be needed for real binary systems. Although, I really see Duna and Ike as more of a double planet since they're both tidally locked to each other, and I think Ike is ~ 10% the mass of Duna.

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I'm not sure this is a good idea. The Hill sphere/SoI of the moon of a moon would be so small it would practically meaningless. There really wouldn't be any difference between that, and just putting an asteroids without gravity there.

Also, I'm not familiar with any natural satellites of planets that have their own natural satellites. If something like this has been discovered, I'd love to see a reference :)

I have no reference, but there is plenty of room in Tylo's SOI for Gilly to orbit. If you moved Tylo out past Pol and Bop, its SOI would be even bigger and you could comfortably put - say - Minmus there.

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I think the Kerbol system needs an asteroid belt, where Dres would be the largest object.

Eeloo should be a moon of a planet (and have ice geysirs) as it is an analog of Enceladus. Also I would like to see an analog of Io with volcanos. Maybe the implemented second gas planet could have icy Eeloo and fiery Io-analogue as moons (and rings). Like heaven and hell. That would be so awesome.

But I like the idea of a twin-planet.

Edited by Las-pen
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