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KOSMOS 3/14/2015 RD-170 Family Released!

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Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau


Things that are not happening;

People who make donations are not getting finished parts before everyone else

Parts and/or releases are not being withheld or delayed until some arbitrary donation figure is reached

Things that are happening;

People who donate are getting to play with some unfinished indev snapshots along the way

As soon as the production milestones for release are met (i.e. the parts, plugins and their configs are finished).

Then the packages are made and put up for free download as they always have been.


The Space Station Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct big, beautiful space stations. The pack includes the Kosmos VA capsule and TKS functional cargo block, a rugged and reliable vehicle for orbital operations, trusted by Kerbalnauts everywhere. Also included are the Salyut series of space station modules, which are split into customizable segments to build any station configuration. Using Kosmos parts, you can control your station without manning it by using the Pravilo computer system, or dock to it using the androgynous APAS-69 or KCBS docking rings.

SSPP 0.14.2 Release Notes

- Minor Fixes

SSPP 0.14.0 Release Notes

- Now supports Research and Development progression

- Part attributes updated

- Added KCBS docking port

- More textures changed to .tga format

- The APAS-69 will now only dock to other APAS-69 ports



The URM Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct the URM-1 based Angara space-launch vehicles in multiple configurations with added access to a variety of high performance lift, insertion and orbital maneuvering engines from the Nositel, Proton, Onega and Angara systems.

URM 0.15.1 Release Notes

- Made URM tanks color changable.

- RD-170 family engines included

- probably broke a few things

- fixed something I am sure.

URM 0.14.1 Release Notes

- something? fixed?

URM 0.14.1 Release Notes

- NTRs released

URM 0.14.0 Release Notes

- Now supports Research and Development progression

- Configurable tanks plugin enabled by MOARdv (original tanks remain present in Legacy folder for save compatibility)

- Added RD-58SS engine

z4Ov3vL.png or XqQYonQ.png

Please delete earlier versions of Kosmos parts from your GameData folder before installing new ones.

Version 4.7 (8/27/13)

- Changed many textures to .tga format, allowing users to resize textures and reduce memory requirements as needed

- Added several new small parts

- Added URM-1 (1.25) meter parts package

- Now includes procedural fairings with matching Kosmos textures (special thanks to E-dog)

Version 4.6 (8/18/13)

- Includes updated Firespitter Plugin

- RD-210 designation corrected to RD-275K

- Added new enhanced strut connector

- Some textures changed to .tga format for personal resizing and compression

Version 4.5 (8/10/13)

- Added RD-33NK and RD-0146 engines

- Fixed glitch with Balka solar panels

- User Satcharna has provided translations for the included flags: "For Peace and Progress" - "Glory to the heroes of the fatherland!" - "The Soviet People are Space Pioneers, Glory!"

Version 4.4 (7/30/13)

- Replaced final remaining first-generation Kosmos parts.

- Battery, ASAS, and reaction wheel modules added to various parts.

Version 4.3 (6/2/13):

- Files are repackaged to comply with post-0.20 KSP builds.

- Several silly flags featuring Soviet propaganda have been added.

Version 4.2 (4/19/13):

- Added smaller solar panels based on early Salyut series.

Version 4.1 (4/8/13):

- All reasonable pressurized modules now have crew manifest support for non-EVA crew transfers

- The VA Capsule now supports the built in Mechjeb 2 plugin.

- VA Capsule texture and UV Mapping has been redone to improve appearance.

- VA Capsule glows a bit brighter for reentry but effects are still missing due to a bug.

- Added the single TKS style RCS tank.

- Added Ladderless VA Lockdown for sleeker-looking spacecraft.

Who's responsible for this?

Kosmos is a project originally started by Normak and CardBoardBoxProcessor, and now carried forward by CardBoardBoxProcessor with help from MOARdv and NoMrBond, whom have worked together to recreate the innovative yet often forgotten Soviet/Russian space station programs. Others have contributed by testing, proposing bug fixes, and scores of modders have contributed indirectly by creating plugins and adding features to the game that have paved the way for our team. A warm thanks to all of you!


Kosmos and its derivatives are the property of Kosmos Team and is distributed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license. You are permitted to redistribute the parts in their original form. You may not modify Kosmos parts without verified permission from Kosmos Team, and you will not be permitted to sell Kosmos-derived work. Please don't even contact us about this. Modified Kosmos parts will not be supported by Kosmos Team.

Licensing Information;

URMP by MOARdV provided under CC-A-SA 4.0 I. Source for URMP can be found at MOARdV's GitHub page.

FireSpitter (v7) appears courtesy of Snjo

Procedural Fairings (v3.10) appears courtesy of e-dog

For more information on these licenses, please visit their respective pages: CC-BY-ND 3.0 U and CC-A-SA 4.0 I

Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
Added [Part] tag
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- RD-170 family work has begun. Long time from now to Release


- RD-0440 release coming soon

-0.25 compatable version released!

- 0.25 comp. release coming soon.

- MOARdV Joints KOSMOS team and plugin developer. More to come soon.

Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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Glsd to see that you've sorted out everything :) Kinda sad to see Normak go, he's a great guy let you continue.

So Kerbal Stuff or curse forge?

I prefer kerbalstuff, but why not both?

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