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Philae's landing live stream


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At 14h00 UTC was the start of ESA's livestream conference :) they just received and shown the raw image Philae took of rosetta 50s after separation :) (transmitting a full image takes quite some time :P), as they need to also send back other science data.

Edited by sgt_flyer
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Hell yeah!

I'm gonna put this on a path towards Gilly.

Nice design! You should send it to a D/E class asteroid instead, with a mini Claw or something.


EDIT: About 40 minutes to the first landing attempt.

Edited by astropapi1
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god, looks like they only have numbers in the control room.

wish they would share some of those details, also whats with that thruster!?

aaahhh im just to excited... first comet landing! Go Philae!

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Where is Time Warp when you need it. :D

It's like at Gilly. They're too close to use real timewarp and if they do physical warp, they're afraid it'll summon the Kraken. They really should have put some RCS on top of the thing to push it down faster :).

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random thought: there should be a Mission Control Room, maybe as a small inset - like the kerbals on "manned" missions - showing some enthusiastic engineers back home on Kerbin, for probe missions. Maybe with a little celebration picture whenever a probe lander touches down. :-D

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The action seems to be in this thread, so:

Is anyone else physically excited here? I can imagine a bit how people watching the moon landing must have felt. My extremities can't seem to keep still and my stomach seems to be crawling.
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28 minutes one-way. It's not touched down yet but it's close (~10 minutes).

EDIT: Stream just broke 400,000 viewers.

414,500. My god, we're witnessing history in the making.

EDIT: I'm excited as hell! I've got everything on hold until this thing has either drilled itself on the comet or bounced off. I don't give a damn about that chemistry test, this is more important.

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Cold gas thruster that fires when the harpoons to. They said it may not be working?

Whats the travel time for signals from the lander to earth? 48min? It could be down now.

Well, from what one of the videos said, they have inconsistent readings about the cold gas thruster - so they don't know if the inconsistenties are because of a faulty sensor, or because there's something wrong with the thruster.

The only way to know which one it is, will be when philae lands and tries to trigger the cold gas thruster (so we'll have the answer half an hour after that)

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450,000 viewers and climbing :)

If Philae sticks to its own timeline, then well... it's all over already. Either it's tumbling out into deep space, or it's screwing itself into the surface as we speak. It's possible that the schedule is slightly off, of course, but if it's not true yet, then it will be any moment, any second.

The historic event has taken place. Now all that's left to do is get word back to Earth. 28 minutes signal delay, one-way, plus some decoding and telemetry interpretation work after reception.

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