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This Will Not End Well (post images of your craft in a precarious situation)

John FX

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This will not end well..

I ended up like this when rescuing a couple Kerbals in the Old Airfield. The aircraft landed a bit off course from the runway, and got stuck on the tower.

"Oh, Jeb, our rescue plane's here!"

"Bill, you scaredy-Kerb. Who needs rescue missions? I'm staying.'

*A long while later

"Bill, why aren't you leaving? I thought you wanted to go home."

"Jeb.. uh.."


"It's.. stuck here."

"See? This is what happens when you're a coward.


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No pic, but I just had a Kerbal doing a solo flyby of Duna. Wanted an upper atmosphere EVA but he got pulled off the ladder.

The crazy bit is, using his suit he was able to land (thanks to 1.0 atmosphere?) without dying. Then my game crashed and killed the save. :(

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