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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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[quote name='Av3ry']
My question : What can't I install with RSS?
Or would I be better to downgrade to KSP 1.0.4 and run all the suggested mods and essential ones...

Or stick with 1.0.5 and just isolate the ones which aren't updated yet. (And does anyone have recommendations as to which are which?) THANK YOU[/QUOTE]

Do yourself a big favour and start using CKAN ([url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-(CKAN)-Package-Manager)[/url] ... not just for RSS/RO but in general. It makes life so much easier to be aware and follow all the inter-mod-dependencies. CKAN does all that work for you.

seriously, take a look at it, you won't regret it.
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Thanks for the update!

Only experiencing one bug, at least I think its a bug.

The RCS Thrust FX/plume has almost disappeared, both on the pad and in space, but the RCS is still working physics-wise.. Ive routed the problem to RO, when its removed the animation returns as normal. Tried changing the propellent and all in-game configs but no joy.

Even tried a fresh KSP install with only RO installed with CKAN. - Am i missing somthing?/Anyone else getting the same?

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[quote name='maxdreamland']Do yourself a big favour and start using CKAN ([URL]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-(CKAN)-Package-Manager)[/URL] ... not just for RSS/RO but in general. It makes life so much easier to be aware and follow all the inter-mod-dependencies. CKAN does all that work for you.

seriously, take a look at it, you won't regret it.[/QUOTE]

Thank you so much! :) Very useful
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[quote name='sjsninetrys']
The RCS Thrust FX/plume has almost disappeared, both on the pad and in space, but the RCS is still working physics-wise.. Ive routed the problem to RO, when its removed the animation returns as normal. Tried changing the propellent and all in-game configs but no joy.

Even tried a fresh KSP install with only RO installed with CKAN. - Am i missing somthing?/Anyone else getting the same? [/QUOTE]

I get the same.
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[quote name='sjsninetrys']Thanks for the update!

Only experiencing one bug, at least I think its a bug.

The RCS Thrust FX/plume has almost disappeared, both on the pad and in space, but the RCS is still working physics-wise.. Ive routed the problem to RO, when its removed the animation returns as normal. Tried changing the propellent and all in-game configs but no joy.

Even tried a fresh KSP install with only RO installed with CKAN. - Am i missing somthing?/Anyone else getting the same?


[quote name='Borogove']I get the same.[/QUOTE]

We will need some more info, does this happen for RCS parts from other mods, only stock, both.
If you can logs
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I took all that time installing this manually, because I figured maybe it'd work better if I did it like that, and it's still not working. I only have RO and it's dependants and it stops loading at loading the TinyTim booster's model.

Here's my [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/442vtg50zjcn3zr/KSP.log?dl=0"]KSP.log[/URL].
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[quote name='Olympic1']We will need some more info, does this happen for RCS parts from other mods, only stock, both.
If you can logs[/QUOTE]


Its the same for all RCS parts in all of the 'recommended packs' for RO, as-well as stock. The RCS animation is working with the Stock install, only disappears when the RO core mod is added to the gamedata folder.

[COLOR=#262626][FONT=arial]Here's a link to log: [URL="https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2Fc7qym5g8n45kkcj%2FPlayer.txt%3Fdl%3D0&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFbGvCkkImkg9glHa_fLewQCyZtTw"]https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7qym5g8n45kkcj/Player.txt?dl=0[/URL]


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[quote name='SpacedInvader']When 1.1 hits, I'm probably going to be give RO a try again, but I'm wondering if a way has been found yet to increase the pad / VAB limits to allow for the much larger / heavier rockets in career mode?[/QUOTE]

1.1 will be in 2016 according to the devnotes
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[quote name='SpacedInvader']When 1.1 hits, I'm probably going to be give RO a try again, but I'm wondering if a way has been found yet to increase the pad / VAB limits to allow for the much larger / heavier rockets in career mode?[/QUOTE]

Use the Custom Barn Kit mod for that.
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[quote name='Olympic1']1.1 will be in 2016 according to the devnotes[/QUOTE]

I understand that, but I just can't see myself being able to run RSS with the high-res textures I want, plus all of the parts and visual mods I like without 64-bit support. And no, I won't do the hack as I've tried it 2-3 times in the past with 0 success and huge instabilities.

[quote name='ZaPPPa']Use the Custom Barn Kit mod for that.[/QUOTE]

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VenomousRequiem: Update KSP. You're on the pre-silent-patch version of KSP. Update to build 1028+ by redownloading KSP from wherever you downloaded it.

Also, it's time for another one, since people don't read the OP...
[size=5]PSA: The [B]ONLY[/B] way to play career in RO (and have things actually work) is to play [url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103196-0-11125-Realistic-Progression-Zero-%28RP-0%29-Lightweight-RealismOverhaul-career-mode?goto=newpost]RP-0[/url][/size]
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[quote name='StoryMusgrave']Refuse Linux too eh?[/QUOTE]

Yes... I've tried a dual boot with my current hardware and was never able to get Linux to happily run on my machine. I won't discount user error, but KSP is already finicky enough on its own when modded up the wazoo, so I really don't need to add an extra layer of complexity in Linux.
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On 26/11/2015, 20:03:43, SpacedInvader said:

When 1.1 hits, I'm probably going to be give RO a try again

Play with it now!!

Seriously, it's going to be at least a month before 1.1. 

Then RO / RSS will need to be updated. That could take anywhere between a few hours to a few months.

Not to mention all the other mods you may want to install will need to undergo the same update process. 

Then there's the inevitable bug fixing of stock 1.1, which will probably break more mods which will in turn have to be fixed / updated.

And even when all the stock bug fixes are applied and all the mods work, there's bound to be at least 1 cross compatibility issue between 2 or more mods.


Maybe I'm looking at worst case scenarios, but 1.1 is a while away and it's highly unlikely you'll be able to play RO straight away - so why wait! Go for it now :D

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11 minutes ago, Pronoes said:

Play with it now!!

Seriously, it's going to be at least a month before 1.1. 

Then RO / RSS will need to be updated. That could take anywhere between a few hours to a few months.

Not to mention all the other mods you may want to install will need to undergo the same update process. 

Then there's the inevitable bug fixing of stock 1.1, which will probably break more mods which will in turn have to be fixed / updated.

And even when all the stock bug fixes are applied and all the mods work, there's bound to be at least 1 cross compatibility issue between 2 or more mods.


Maybe I'm looking at worst case scenarios, but 1.1 is a while away and it's highly unlikely you'll be able to play RO straight away - so why wait! Go for it now :D

I think you missed my later post where I pointed out my need for more RAM headroom from x64 and my inability / lack of desire to run Linux.

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On 11/26/2015, 6:20:40, NathanKell said:

VenomousRequiem: Update KSP. You're on the pre-silent-patch version of KSP. Update to build 1028+ by redownloading KSP from wherever you downloaded it.

I was having the same issue - I checked my install and it is 1028. Any thoughts?

EDIT: It miraculously started working. Not sure why, but it's resolved.

Edited by wolfman29
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Hello. I have an issue. When I am on IVA (that is all the time, thats why I want to solve this problem) There is a bug on the windows. I think what happens is that the internal model and the external one are overlaying, because on the FASA lunar module i can see the external model from the inside. The bug is in every pod. I am pretty sure that the bug is caused by this mod, because it only happens when Realism Overhaul is installed. I hope this has a solution.


Edited by FélixBachiller
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I could have sworn that at some point the J-2 engine was setup with the capability to be restarted 3 times.  That seems to match the historic engine used on the Saturn V as there was apparently enough "original ground-fill supply (of helium for fuel pressure) was sufficient for three starts".  I also know that in later Saturn V launches, after the CSM and LM had left the SIV-B stage behind, Houston sent remote instructions to the SIV-B stage to re-ignite it's engine for a third time in order to adjust the spent stages trajectory for a lunar impact.  Was there some reason that the third restart was removed from the J-2 engine?

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On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2015‎ ‎3‎:‎26‎:‎36‎, SpacedInvader said:

I think you missed my later post where I pointed out my need for more RAM headroom from x64 and my inability / lack of desire to run Linux.

You can actually run RO/RSS/RP-0 with all dependency mods, all recommended mods and some of the suggested mods all on the 32bit Windows client.  You will occasionally crash due to memory running out, and it happens more frequently if you have a lot of flights in progress and jump between scenes/craft frequently, but it's definitely doable.  My current game includes RO/RSS/RP-0, all dependencies, all recommended (except Saturatable Reaction Wheels, Test Flight & Texture Replacer), plus DMagic Orbital Science, FASA, SCANsat, Soviet Engines, RN Skylab, RN US Probes Pack, Universal Storage, Action Group Manager, Ambient Light Adjustment, Editor Extensions, GC Monitor, Science Alert, Ship Manifest, Stage Recovery, Stock Bug Fix Modules, Temperature Gauge Killer, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Transfer Window Planner.  Plus I have a handful of "custom" parts.  Altogether I'm using about 2.4MB of ram when I initially start the game.  I did recently use AutoPruner to remote Stock_Tanks and Stock_Wings but even before I used that I was still only running at around 2.6MB. 


My big headache is just that I have something like 35 active flights and between those and the memory leaks that currently exist (I'm still using 1.0.4) I have to restart every hour or two.  But without all those active flights, I can go basically all day without a crash.


Not saying that x64 Windows support isn't something I'm really looking forward to.  Just pointing out that it is completely possible to play on x32 Windows.  Perhaps a little frustrating, but certainly possible.  :)

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Is RO specifically intended to only use copies or allegories of real world engines/spacecraft parts?


I ask because I'm interested in giving it some more interesting engines (Not that I don't find the NK-33 or RL-10 interesting :P). Originally I planned to develop (For just myself) a standalone engines mod, but I've decided that's too ambitious for my capabilities. I would however like to put my work to some use, and I thought I might try to model some realistic and feasible, tho quite fictional engines using a variety of propellants ranging from kerosene/O2 to B2H6/ClF5 and much more. I recently decided to try RO, and that introduced me to Real Fuels - which comes pre-packed with a huge range of propellants including the aforementioned more hydrazines than I could shake a stick at, fluorines, boranes and all sorts of good stuff. But, there's no engines making use of them. Furthermore, they aren't really accurately modeled. I remember seeing kerosene and oxygen having the same density, but of course they don't. I would be interested in A. helping more accurately model various propellants in Real Fuels/RO, and B. dreaming up some engines to use them, that could be reasonably considered "Realistic". I don't do graphics stuff at all, or really coding, but I can prepare/gather the data in spreadsheet form and balance the engines/propellants into tech nodes.


A snippet from my previous project: http://imgur.com/YBtIIcr

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