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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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I'm having a problem and not sure if it is a bug with CTT or not, but a part/parts that I should have unlocked (HT3 S-IE Twin Ion engine and GX112 'Gyro Quad' Lensed Hall Thrusters, both part of NFP) are saying that I they are invalid parts. I can see them in the tech tree and I have the nodes unlocked, so I'm stumped as to what it could be. Any ideas, suggestions, or tips?

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Guys if I have found bugs what should I send to help you fix it? Let me explain what I have found so you can tell me what you need: 


1) Some mod buttons not appearing, not sure how many but [X] Science is not appearing as of now. I believe you are already aware of this from reading above. 

2) Contracts are disappearing on entering the VAB or the Launch pad. I tried some work-arounds in the debug menu but it is hit and miss. 

3) Flickering UI in the VAB.


I have installed all of the various mods that are suggested for CTT but also have a number of others, I can list them if it will help. Just tell me how I can help. 

Edited by Alexology
Added No.3
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18 hours ago, Mervy said:

Squad know about this particular bug, and its in the dev notes as being fixed.



Sorry, but I'm not sure what the connection here is? The link goes to a bug about parts flickering in VAB/SPH menus (which I did notice, pre-1.2) whereas the bug report above is about all contracts (completed, in progress, and on offer) disappearing completely and irrevocably from saved games when the VAB/SPH or Tracking Station is entered after loading, which definitely appears to be a post-1.2 issue.

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6 hours ago, Mad Elf said:

Sorry, but I'm not sure what the connection here is? The link goes to a bug about parts flickering in VAB/SPH menus (which I did notice, pre-1.2) whereas the bug report above is about all contracts (completed, in progress, and on offer) disappearing completely and irrevocably from saved games when the VAB/SPH or Tracking Station is entered after loading, which definitely appears to be a post-1.2 issue.

My mistake, i thought he was referring to the contract info in VAB flickering. I have seen the bug @Alexology describes and it is not connected. I assume this one has something to do with contract mods and not core game mod integration.

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2 minutes ago, Mervy said:

My mistake, i thought he was referring to the contract info in VAB flickering. I have seen the bug @Alexology describes and it is not connected. I assume this one has something to do with contract mods and not core game mod integration.

No probs. Apparently @Nertea has tracked down the issue (in Cryogenic Engines and Kerbal Atomics) and released fixes; I'm just waiting for it to get to CKAN now.

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4 minutes ago, Mervy said:

My mistake, i thought he was referring to the contract info in VAB flickering. I have seen the bug @Alexology describes and it is not connected. I assume this one has something to do with contract mods and not core game mod integration.

Yeah it seems to be due to two of the other mod packs (cryogenic engines and Kerbal Atmoics). I have removed them for now and I have contracts again. Nertea mentioned on Reddit that if you update to the newest version it should work but I am going to wait for that on CKAN just because with the high number of mods it is easiest to see what is and is not installed that way. 


Is anyone else having an issue with the biomes at KSC? I seem to only have one biome now, namely; shores. The various complexes do not seem to exsist. I am not sure if this extends to other biomes say on the Mun etc. 

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If you are experiencing problems with contracts:

The problem is with additional files in CryoEngines and/or KerbalAtomics. Download the absolute latest versions (0.4.1 and 0.3.1 respectively) and make sure to delete the old version of the mod!

If you do not want to update or something you can go into GameData/CryoTanks/Plugins and delete everything except SimpleBoiloff.dll

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On 22/10/2016 at 1:30 PM, HoveringKiller said:

I'm having a problem and not sure if it is a bug with CTT or not, but a part/parts that I should have unlocked (HT3 S-IE Twin Ion engine and GX112 'Gyro Quad' Lensed Hall Thrusters, both part of NFP) are saying that I they are invalid parts. I can see them in the tech tree and I have the nodes unlocked, so I'm stumped as to what it could be. Any ideas, suggestions, or tips?


I'm having exactly the same problem, all science unlocked, parts on satellites, yet loading ad launching a ship it says they are locked parts. I Think this is a bug in Near Future Propulsion.

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10 minutes ago, Gabriel Strange said:

I'm having exactly the same problem, all science unlocked, parts on satellites, yet loading ad launching a ship it says they are locked parts. I Think this is a bug in Near Future Propulsion.


I have found the bug, it required some editing of the mods cfg files. The following two files have bugs that I have found. 

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NearFuturePropulsion\Parts\Engines\ionArgon-125\ionArgon-125.cfg

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NearFuturePropulsion\Parts\Engines\ionXenon-125\ionXenon-125.cfg

Open them in a plaintext editor such and notepad on windows and find the line 'TechRequired = Unresearcheable' change that to 'TechRequired = ionPropulsion'

Then reload the game and you should have everything working again. Do the same if you find other parts that are missing. 




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25 minutes ago, Gabriel Strange said:

I have found the bug, it required some editing of the mods cfg files. The following two files have bugs that I have found. 

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NearFuturePropulsion\Parts\Engines\ionArgon-125\ionArgon-125.cfg

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NearFuturePropulsion\Parts\Engines\ionXenon-125\ionXenon-125.cfg

Open them in a plaintext editor such and notepad on windows and find the line 'TechRequired = Unresearcheable' change that to 'TechRequired = ionPropulsion'

Then reload the game and you should have everything working again. Do the same if you find other parts that are missing. 




Actually I found out in the near future threads that those parts had been soft depreciated, meaning they can no longer be launched and included in new ship designs, but will remain on old designs. Eventually I would imagine they would be deleted. Better to start building your own clusters I'm assuming!

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I'm assuming I did something wrong, but just can't figure it out.  I can't seem to get the community tech tree to display in KSP.  I've tried doing it through CKan, then deleting and doing it manually.  The tech tree just keeps coming up as the stock one.  The weird thing is, I took my save game to my home computer, which has the exact same KSP version and everything, and it works just fine  If this has already been mentioned, I trully apologize, I did read back 5 pages, but not all 32.  TIA for any help ya'll can provide.

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2 hours ago, Ecaftuls said:

I'm assuming I did something wrong, but just can't figure it out.  I can't seem to get the community tech tree to display in KSP.  I've tried doing it through CKan, then deleting and doing it manually.  The tech tree just keeps coming up as the stock one.  The weird thing is, I took my save game to my home computer, which has the exact same KSP version and everything, and it works just fine  If this has already been mentioned, I trully apologize, I did read back 5 pages, but not all 32.  TIA for any help ya'll can provide.

Do you have ModuleManager? A logfile would help. 

42 minutes ago, SirCharizrd17 said:

Hi @Nertea,

I just noticed that the 'Specialized Command Modules' node had a cost of 300 science instead of 550. I made a pull request on GitHub to fix that.

Also, I've noticed that when you zoom out beyond 50%, the display becomes wierd...


It is normal?

Looks like the tree is still working, so it's all good!

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57 minutes ago, SirCharizrd17 said:

Also, I've noticed that when you zoom out beyond 50%, the display becomes wierd...


It is normal?

The smaller minimum zoom is a feature of the Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HETTN) mod. The stock default minimum zoom is 60%, but HETTN changes it to 35% because bigger tech trees. I personally get the same problem when I set the minimum zoom to something less than 30%, but I guess it's different for everyone.

If you want to fix it, go to the HETTN folder, find "overrides.cfg", and change the "zoomMin" value to whatever works for you. Or, make a MM file that changes the same value. That way you don't have to manually change it again in the future in case the mod gets updated.

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Hi everybody,


First, i like this Mod!


And now...

i know i'm new here, but <-- ( just a small but ) i habe some questions / suggesstions.


1. Heat Radiators shouldn't they be placed in Heat Management Nodes?

2. Heat Shields and Parachutes --> Survivability and Enhanced Survivability?

3. MK1 Lander Can --> Simple Command Modules?


That's it, for now...



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On 10/28/2016 at 0:26 AM, ev0 said:

The smaller minimum zoom is a feature of the Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HETTN) mod. The stock default minimum zoom is 60%, but HETTN changes it to 35% because bigger tech trees. I personally get the same problem when I set the minimum zoom to something less than 30%, but I guess it's different for everyone.

If you want to fix it, go to the HETTN folder, find "overrides.cfg", and change the "zoomMin" value to whatever works for you. Or, make a MM file that changes the same value. That way you don't have to manually change it again in the future in case the mod gets updated.

Ah, I see. It's ok, it's not that big of a deal for me, I was just curious.

4 hours ago, 5UN6RAZ€R said:

Hi everybody,


First, i like this Mod!


And now...

i know i'm new here, but <-- ( just a small but ) i habe some questions / suggesstions.


1. Heat Radiators shouldn't they be placed in Heat Management Nodes?

2. Heat Shields and Parachutes --> Survivability and Enhanced Survivability?

3. MK1 Lander Can --> Simple Command Modules?


That's it, for now...



1. Agree, it makes sense that they show up there, mainly because no one uses them in the early game, they are only really useful for cooling nukes and ISRUs.

2. I don't know about this one, enhanced suitability is a bit too early for the larger heatshields and chutes.

3. Agree.

I think Unmanned Before Manned makes those changes, so you could check it out.

If you don't want to install that mod, and feel brave enough, create a .cfg file with the following:

	@TechRequired = simpleCommandModules

	@TechRequired = heatManagementSystems

	@TechRequired = advHeatManagement

And put it in the CommunityTechTree folder. You can edit, remove or add more parts to whatever tech node you want, as long as you keep this format.

Hope it helps :)

Edited by SirCharizrd17
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@SirCharizrd17  thank you for your reply. :)

It was keeping me busy, so i have already created some .cfg files.

Thanks @sarbian for ModuleManager, it is almost easy to change / edit everything.

In my cfg-files i created 2 new nodes for the Radiators, so it is not sooo easy to unlock them. :cool:


//	Radiators

		@TechRequired = heatManagementSystems

		id = simHeatManagement
		title = Simple Heat Management
		description = Bigger better heat management, usefull for freezing Popsicles.
		cost = 300
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_simHeatManagement
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heatManagementSystems
		pos = -1309,380,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = heatManagementSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

			@parentID = simHeatManagement

		@TechRequired = simHeatManagement

		@TechRequired = simHeatManagement

		@TechRequired = advHeatManagement

		id = activeRadiators
		title = Active Radiators
		description = Active heat management. Warning, don't touch! Chilblains possible.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_activeRadiators
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedRadiators
		pos = -927,380,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advHeatManagement
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

			@parentID = activeRadiators

		@TechRequired = activeRadiators

		@TechRequired = specializedRadiators


Also i found some nodes with wrong costs, i think:

Orbital Assembly --> 1000

Orbital Megastrucktures --> 1500

Advanced Aerospace Engineering --> 1500

Colonization --> 2250

Advanced Colonization --> 4000



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15 minutes ago, 1990eam said:

I can't decide between this and Engineer Tech Tree. Can anyone give me their personal opinion and explain why?

Community Tech Tree just expands and extends the stock tree, providing additional tech nodes for various mods to place their parts; it does not alter the existing stock tech nodes.  It's great if you have large part mods (like SpaceY, Near Future, USI MKS, KSP Interstellar, among others) and want a bigger stock-like tree to hold them. CTT adds some very high-science point tech nodes beyond the end of the the normal stock tree, providing some late-carreer goals 

Engineering Tech Tree also adds new nodes, but it also completely changes the stock tree into a more logical, realism-based one, changing the whole career progression.  ETT (and other mod trees that rework the stock tree) is great if you're tired of or can't stand the silliness of the stock tree and want a whole new career (or science mode) experience.

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On 10/30/2016 at 7:12 AM, 1990eam said:

I can't decide between this and Engineer Tech Tree. Can anyone give me their personal opinion and explain why?

ETT is tricky.  I agree with its logic but not its layout.  Some parts are moved deeper into more expensive nodes.  Getting all the gear together for 2.5m launchers take a while, a problem on larger-sized kerbins.  I'm also not a big spaceplane fan.  I'm OK with unmanned before manned, but not cockpits before pods. (I delete most all of the aero parts clutter.)  CTT is very playable without any aircraft.  ETT not so much.

ETT's higher science requirements are also geared towards career players who will earn most of their science points from contracts.  I hate KSP's contract system and so play science-only.  I don't get science points for testing mainsails on Minmus.  I find therefore find CTT's lower hurdles better for my style of play.

I also tend to dig deep into old mods such as HRG and NovaPunch.  CTT's use of more standard nodes means a greater number of older mods slot into expected places without rewriting cfgs.

Edited by Sandworm
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13 minutes ago, Sandworm said:

ETT is tricky.  I agree with its logic but not its layout.  Some parts are moved deeper into more expensive nodes.  Getting all the gear together for 2.5m launchers take a while, a problem on larger-sized kerbins.  I'm also not a big spaceplane fan.  I'm OK with unmanned before manned, but not cockpits before pods. (I delete most all of the aero parts clutter.)  CTT is very playable without any aircraft.  ETT not so much.

ETT's higher science requirements are also geared towards career players who will earn most of their science points from contracts.  I hate KSP's contract system and so play science-only.  I don't get science points for testing mainsails on Minmus.  I find therefore find CTT's lower hurdles better for my style of play.

I also tend to dig deep into old mods such as HRG and NovaPunch.  CTT's use of more standard nodes means a greater number of older mods slot into expected places without rewriting cfgs.

Thanks a lot for the explanation.

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