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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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5 hours ago, Stikkychaos said:

Yeah it's a stock issue, the more you spend in VAB/SPH the more it flickers. You even have obstructed vision of costs/available funds, and stages tend to dissapear. It was widely reported on clean installs, and there is a thread for it somewhere. " No single mod causes the problem and it only happens in the VAB/SPH. " Reportedly, it's also connected to larger numbers of modded parts (even though it persists on clean plays, tested myself). So, not your fault.

I think the bug @Nertea is talking about is occurring in the tech tree, which doesn't align with the bug reports of VAB/SPH flickers. 

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Exactly. It doesn't affect gameplay, it's purely visual, but considering how picky people are about the tech tree in general, I can easily foresee the unending stream of "bug" reports and questions that releasing this now will create. 

That being said, I'll probably just release it soon. Spent enough valuable dev time on this and maybe if it's out there, someone will find a fix. I'm going to try for Friday for release. 

Edited by Nertea
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I'll be very forgiving of any graphical glitches if it means the tech tree can be set in place to start the career. Some mods you can get away with putting off adding for a few days after you've started your save. But CTT you need from day one. :)

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3 minutes ago, Vorg said:

Any chance the hide empty nodes patch getting merged with this one?

It's your mod, but I'm going to humbly request that you don't do that.


Not having the nodes auto-hidden means I/we/people won't have to unhide them in order to help decide what mods to add to the ones already in use in order to fill out the tech tree.

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43 minutes ago, DirtyFace83 said:

It's your mod, but I'm going to humbly request that you don't do that.


Not having the nodes auto-hidden means I/we/people won't have to unhide them in order to help decide what mods to add to the ones already in use in order to fill out the tech tree.

Um, not my mod

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An incompatibility has been brought to my attention regarding the CTT & KWRocketry.  Specifically, the ExperimentalRocketry node.

KW has a slightly more strict mode for unlocking it, I was wondering if there would be any objection to change the CTT node to the following (following from KW) :

	id = experimentalRocketry
	title = Experimental Rocketry
	description = The closer the top of your rocket is to the stars on the launchpad, the easier it is to reach them. Well, that's the theory.
	cost = 1000
	hideEmpty = False
	nodeName = ct_experimentalRocketry
	anyToUnlock = False
	icon = RDicon_rocketry-veryHeavy
	pos = -952,1635,-1
	scale = 0.6
		parentID = veryHeavyRocketry
		lineFrom = RIGHT
		lineTo = LEFT
		parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems
		lineFrom = RIGHT
		lineTo = LEFT


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6 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

It's not an incompatibliity, the user seems to have a problem.

Regardless, would anyone like to comment on adding the additional parent to it?

I had the same issue in the past with B9 Aerospace and CTT. While it's not properly a bug, it's really annoying to use a bunch of science to unlock the same parts twice.

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Just now, Nansuchao said:

I had the same issue in the past with B9 Aerospace and CTT. While it's not properly a bug, it's really annoying to use a bunch of science to unlock the same parts twice.

Well, KW has a MM patch to use the CTT node instead of it's own if CTT is available.  If not, KW  puts in it's own experimentalRocketry node

I'm asking if it would make sense to add an additional parent to this node, similar to the way that KW does.

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11 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

BTW, is there an official 3.0 release file?  If so where, I was unable to find it.

[1.1.3] Community Tech Tree [2.4, last updated 18/04/16]. So no.

21 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I'm asking if it would make sense to add an additional parent to this node, similar to the way that KW does.

I'm not opposed to this. 

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Just now, Nertea said:
12 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

BTW, is there an official 3.0 release file?  If so where, I was unable to find it.

[1.1.3] Community Tech Tree [2.4, last updated 18/04/16]. So no.

Interesting.  I downloaded the entire repo from Git and had a 3.0 release.  I suppose it is not yet ready for release

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2 minutes ago, Nertea said:

It doesn't have releases. It has commits. 

Ummm. ok :-)

The latest commit seems to be version 3.0, for 1.2.  At least that is what I just got when I cloned it.

Regarding the additional parent for the experimentalRocketery. I'm not sure how to proceed.  Should I wait for a consensus, or just submit a PR with the change?

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There isn't any release though. Whatever files might be present on the repository are irrelevant until there is an official release happens, which will appear here/spacedock/whereever... I suppose I should be switching all my repositories to dev branches at some point.

I'll add that thing myself shortly.

Edited by Nertea
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1 minute ago, Nertea said:

There isn't any release though. Whatever files might be present on the repository are irrelevant until there is an official release happens, which will appear here/spacedock/whereever...

I'll add that thing myself.

Don't forget to change the 

anyToUnlock = True


anyToUnlock = False



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Update 3.0 is available on Spacedock and Dropbox. Curse will follow eventually. Please do not ask me about CKAN.

  • Updated for KSP 1.2
  • Relocated and rearranged several techs for increased clarity
  • Added High Power Electrical Systems [Cost 2250, Electrical Branch]
  • Added Experimental Electrical Systems [Cost 4000, Electrical Branch]
  • Added Exotic Radiators [Cost 4000, Heat Management Branch]
  • Added Applied High Energy Physics [Cost 4000, Science Branch]
  • Subsonic Flight was moved back one tier, now depends on Aviation
  • Efficient Flight Systems was moved back one tier
  • Experimental Rocketry now has another prerequisite
  • Renamed Advanced Gridded Thrusters to Advanced Electrostatic Thrusters
  • Renamed Experimental Gridded Thrusters to Experimental Electrostatic Thrusters
  • Renamed Advanced EM Systems to Advanced Plasma Propulsion
  • Renamed Specialized Plasma Generation to Specialized Plasma Propulsion
  • Microwave Power now depends on Advanced Photovoltaic Materials instead of Advanced Solar Technology
  • Ultra High Energy physics now depends on Applied High Energy Physics instead of High Energy Science
  • Added new icons for the following technologies:
    •  Gigantic Rocketry, Colossal Rocketry, Specialized Fuel Storage, Exotic Fuel Storage
    • Nuclear Power, Improved Nuclear Power, High Energy Nuclear Power,  Nuclear Fuel Systems
    • Exotic Alloys, Orbital Assembly, Orbital Megastructures
    •  Improved Nuclear Propulsion, High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion, Experimental Nuclear Propulsion, Exotic Nuclear Propulsion
    •  Fusion Power, Fusion Rockets, Advanced Fusion Reactions, Exotic Fusion Reactions, Antimatter Power, Unified Field Theory
    •  Subsonic Flight, Efficient Flight, Specialized Flight, Advanced Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Composites, Experimental Aircraft Engines
    •  Simple Command Modules, Enhanced Survivability, Heavy Command Modules, Specialized Command Modules
    •  Advanced Ion Propulsion, Advanced Electrostatic Propulsion, Experimental Electrostatic Propulsion
    •  Plasma Propulsion, Advanced Plasma Propulsion, Specialized Plasma Propulsion
    •  Advanced Actuators, Experimental Actuators
    •  Heat Management, Advanced Heat Management, Specialized Radiators, Exotic Radiators
    •  Storage Tech, Logistics, Advanced Logistics
    •  Recycling, Hydroponics
    •  Specialized Science, Long-Term Science, Science Outposts
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I have literally been sitting at my machine watching tv waiting for this mod to get updated. Buddy you are a HERO, you just made my weekend after a very long week. Thank you so much for the work, you have made KSP so much more. 


(I won't ask about CKAN much as I would like to :confused:)

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(Reminder, if you must ask anything pertaining to CKAN, including the availability of configs, refer to the stickied CKAN thread. Mod authors everywhere will thank you.)

Thank you for all your hard work @Nertea. Keeping up on so many mods has got to be a huge personal investment. You're one of the champions of KSP.

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30 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Update 3.0 is available on Spacedock and Dropbox. Curse will follow eventually. Please do not ask me about CKAN.

  • Updated for KSP 1.2
  • Relocated and rearranged several techs for increased clarity
  • Added High Power Electrical Systems [Cost 2250, Electrical Branch]
  • Added Experimental Electrical Systems [Cost 4000, Electrical Branch]
  • Added Exotic Radiators [Cost 4000, Heat Management Branch]
  • Added Applied High Energy Physics [Cost 4000, Science Branch]
  • Subsonic Flight was moved back one tier, now depends on Aviation
  • Efficient Flight Systems was moved back one tier
  • Experimental Rocketry now has another prerequisite
  • Renamed Advanced Gridded Thrusters to Advanced Electrostatic Thrusters
  • Renamed Experimental Gridded Thrusters to Experimental Electrostatic Thrusters
  • Renamed Advanced EM Systems to Advanced Plasma Propulsion
  • Renamed Specialized Plasma Generation to Specialized Plasma Propulsion
  • Microwave Power now depends on Advanced Photovoltaic Materials instead of Advanced Solar Technology
  • Ultra High Energy physics now depends on Applied High Energy Physics instead of High Energy Science
  • Added new icons for the following technologies:
    •  Gigantic Rocketry, Colossal Rocketry, Specialized Fuel Storage, Exotic Fuel Storage
    • Nuclear Power, Improved Nuclear Power, High Energy Nuclear Power,  Nuclear Fuel Systems
    • Exotic Alloys, Orbital Assembly, Orbital Megastructures
    •  Improved Nuclear Propulsion, High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion, Experimental Nuclear Propulsion, Exotic Nuclear Propulsion
    •  Fusion Power, Fusion Rockets, Advanced Fusion Reactions, Exotic Fusion Reactions, Antimatter Power, Unified Field Theory
    •  Subsonic Flight, Efficient Flight, Specialized Flight, Advanced Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Composites, Experimental Aircraft Engines
    •  Simple Command Modules, Enhanced Survivability, Heavy Command Modules, Specialized Command Modules
    •  Advanced Ion Propulsion, Advanced Electrostatic Propulsion, Experimental Electrostatic Propulsion
    •  Plasma Propulsion, Advanced Plasma Propulsion, Specialized Plasma Propulsion
    •  Advanced Actuators, Experimental Actuators
    •  Heat Management, Advanced Heat Management, Specialized Radiators, Exotic Radiators
    •  Storage Tech, Logistics, Advanced Logistics
    •  Recycling, Hydroponics
    •  Specialized Science, Long-Term Science, Science Outposts

Thank you for the update(s) and all your hard work!

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