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Kerbal History Remastered.

Guest Fyre Flare

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1090: Trafalgar Co. end all operations in it's Antarctic territory.

1090.5: Trafalgar Co. start researching on the icy island south-east of their mainland.

The icy island Southeast belongs to Cratery Coast... This is a map of Cratery Coast's territories, please don't change them... (Flaron Empire gets the location Cratery Coast was "in"...


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1095.1: Cratery Coast thanks Trafalger Co. They also decide to change Hiex base to BASE colony 1 at the south pole of Duna, and it is to be used in Omega Hotels.

1095.6: Omega Hotels uses the cliff nearby for BASE jumping, and it is the first place other than Kerbin where BASE jumpers can jump. +452,871,102 Funds

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1096: Kerbal blood is found to be delicious. Krepublic finds another way to get rid of prisoners. +1000000000000000 funds

Ohhhhhh NO. No cannabalism please

1097: CC finds out how the Krepublic kills their prisonors and threatens them with an all out Nuclear war. CC has the upper hand with their stealth nut bombers.

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Guest Fyre Flare

1097.1: The Flaron Empire uses their trading fleet to Give WMDs to CC.

1097.2: Krepublic cancels the Alliance with The Flaron Empire after finding out the WMD trade.

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1100: drop pods drop marines to reclaim their territory. A hangar door opens and released the true power of the SUR. 6,120,000, tanks and infantry double that now guards the SUR from future invasion along with very accurate anti aircraft guns and anti spacecraft missiles. The SUR's defence is now truly the strongest.

1101: The SUR became a little bit militaristic by bombing Freddy and wiping them out and making very strong walls and defence. The SUR lowered their budget of culture since these empire don't want peace and neutrality is questionable with the fifth strongest army and the strongest defence. Yes it's true.

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1101: The United Kerbals decided to put strong sanctions on the Krepublic of invading a neutral country for no entire reason. The United Kerbal's peacekeepers now patrol the borders of the SUR. The prime minister is deciding to make an alliance to other empires, most likely the Flarons or CC.

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1102.5: The Krepublicans thought they took over the SUR, but they then realized they didn't go through any resistance. Thats because the people of the SUR escaped to their asteroid colony where their real army is. Why they escaped? A natural disaster floods the Rimian land and instantly drowns the Krepublican army.

The prime chairman of the SUR explained that the Krepublic attacked first to expand and used a silly excuse.

1103: An orbital cannon from the Republic of the Three Rims, an ally of the SUR, destroys half of the biggest city of the Krepublic on Kerbin. The flood water recedes and the Rimean land now belongs to the United Kerbals, the counterpart to the United Nations of Earth. The SUR demands peace since that was why the nation was created.

Edited by CelticCossack51
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1104: Some spacecraft reach their destinations and begin building colonies on the extrasolar habitable planets. For science. Meanwhile, the original starship enters the Kerbol System at very high speed...

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1105: The SUR made peace with the Kerpublic. The prime chairman of the SUR said that the insult to the army was a result of terrorist hackers. But in the history of the SUR, the only nation that the SUR invaded was Freddy, nothing more. The Rimians just want culture, fun, peace, and steel drums.

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1107: the Kempire Rises from the ashes of the Krepublic, industrial Klones take 1 year instead of 10, and Koruscant is renamed Kemperial Centre, and the city is renamed Kemperial city. Klone armies patrol border's, and the K states that since it was around first it would very much like its territory back or the new Doom Muns and the refurbished ones would be fired.

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1108: The original starship has its chance. It slams into Kemperial City as the Kempire goes through yet another of its territory fluctuations, specifically the time when it only controls Kemperial City. On any planet. The Kempire is gone for good, and its cloning facilities self-destruct. Also, none can declare war on us- it's gravity's fault.

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[thank god]

1110: The KSP prepares itself for a retaliation that may never come. Meanwhile, a ship (the last Kemperial Citizen's one) approaches the new KSP colony and is pushed off on a trajectory to a far away star system. It will arrive in 4999 and even if they have a massive advance won't come back until 540000.

1111: Elysae recieves first visual of its target star. It will arrive in at most a century.

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1112: The United Kerbal Nations hands over Rimia to the SUR. The SUR defeats the Republic of the Three Rims ending the civil war and becoming the Social Union of Rimia.

1118: After many years of peace, Rimian geologists found out that the Obsidian Mountains are really multiple super volcanoes that are going to erupt soon. There is a mass evacuation in Rimea and everyone teleported to the Rimian Asteroid Colony. The Colony then goes through a wormhole to another universe and the wormhole closed and will not open again.

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1120: The Obsidian Mountains erupt and all of Rimea explodes and some areas around it. Ash and chunks of Kerbin slam into a lot of satellites and cause a communications blackout. half of Kerbin is covered in heavy ash and crops fail to grow. Rimia is now a sea of lava.

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