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[1.4] SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts Pack v1.17.1 (2018-04-02)


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No, not really. The stock sizes are all multiples of 1.25m (0.5x, 1x, 2x, 3x), so 5m was simply the next standard size up. Half way between 3.75m and 5m would be something like 4.375m, which I'm not sure there's a pressing need for.

But yep, the M5 is really the only "main" upper stage engine included for that diameter, with the M9 and R5 meant for lower stages. But the thrust plates allow you to use various combinations of the smaller engines, as a customizable configuration system.

If you haven't looked at the M5 yet, take a look at that one, as it's intended for upper stages.

Right, on some rather large rockets with many solid boosters, I have a first stage with the largest engine you have, a middle stage using a plate with a few of your standalone engines, then your upper stage engine powering the final stage.

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Pushed out an update, mainly fixing DRE support, and some small issues with the conical payload bay, but also adding support for Modular Fuel Tanks:

0.15 (2015-06-04) - Tweaks & fixes
- Updated Deadly Reentry config with more current data.
- Added support for Modular Fuel Systems (Modular Fuel Tanks).
- Small tweaks to conical payload bay; shielding should theoretically work better now.
- Closed a small gap in the colliders on the conical payload bay.
- Added VAB/SPH transparency to conical payload bay.

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How to use these Interstage Adapters?

Basically, they let you put a smaller size engine (or multiple smaller size engines) onto a bigger stack and only have one big fairing.

Example: 2.5m stack, but you want to stick a 1.25m engine on it. So you put the appropriate interstage adaptor on the fuel tank, then you stick your engine on the adaptor. You will then see a big green ball floating in mid-air under the engine. Stick a 2.5m decoupler there, and watch a 2.5m fairing automagically appear.

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Weird bug with the launch clamps:

without launch clamps, my rocket is 18.8m heigh.

with stock launch clamps 20m.

With spacey launch clamps, it is 36.5m heigh.

-> nearly doubled size. That is really bad in a early carrer game.. :)

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Weird bug with the launch clamps:

without launch clamps, my rocket is 18.8m heigh.

with stock launch clamps 20m.

With spacey launch clamps, it is 36.5m heigh.

-> nearly doubled size. That is really bad in a early carrer game.. :)

Yeah, it's not really a bug as such. They're meant for later in the career anyway, even if they unlock a bit earlier. The height of the base at the bottom is probably what's inflating the number. I made the "concrete block" fairly tall, so that when extending off the edge of the launch pad, they don't look like they're floating in the air like the stock clamps do.

So since they're really meant for the 5m rocketry, and are large by design, I don't think this is a problem. ;) What I could probably do is move them later in the tech tree so there's less confusion.

EDIT: "Advanced Metalworks" looks like a good spot. This will give more incentive to unlock through to that node anyway.

Edited by NecroBones
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I'm pushing out an update a little faster this time, since I wanted to get this new engine (something I haven't done in a while) out there for some old fashioned testing. :)

This new engine is the "R7", with 40% more thrust than the R5, with an integrated fuel tank.

(Known issue: The R7 description has the R5 text, fixed after deploying, but before posting the screenshot below)

0.16 (2015-06-09) - New engine, etc.
- Deleted an unused texture.
- Moved the large launch clamps later in the tech tree.
- Restored the R5 engine to 11,000 thrust (10% increase over the previous few versions).
- Added new R7 engine cluster with integrated fuel.
- Adjusted sound for R5 (and new R7) engines.



Edited by NecroBones
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R7 - because the R5 wasn't big enough. :-) Me like.

LOL, yes. :) The thought in my head while working on it was "If it fits, it ships". :)




Yeah, that small 8 things under the Stanford Torus are F38 Tanks conected to R7 Engines ...

Wow... I mean.. wow! Huge. ;)

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R7 Engines are so amazing :kiss: Thanks


I find myself wanting a higher-power cryogenic engine (high vacuum ISP, high vacuum thrust, crap SL thrust) and 5m LH/O tanks to go on top, though...

(I'm thinking a LH/O-fueled M5 or a hypothetical M7 cluster)

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I find myself wanting a higher-power cryogenic engine (high vacuum ISP, high vacuum thrust, crap SL thrust) and 5m LH/O tanks to go on top, though...

(I'm thinking a LH/O-fueled M5 or a hypothetical M7 cluster)

Huh, interesting idea. It's true that we really don't have a good "orbital transfer" type of engine in 5m diameter.

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I notice the thrust plates seem to be a poor match with LV-Ns (and the MRS quad-nuke), which are extra prone to exploding when used in this way. I guess this is because the thrust plate has a relatively low thermal mass so heats up quickly (of course, the heat then conducts out the other side, but this doesn't seem to work as well as one might like). Can I suggest the plates' heatConductivity be increased to compensate? Since they are, well, big metal plates this does not seem unreasonable.

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I notice the thrust plates seem to be a poor match with LV-Ns (and the MRS quad-nuke), which are extra prone to exploding when used in this way. I guess this is because the thrust plate has a relatively low thermal mass so heats up quickly (of course, the heat then conducts out the other side, but this doesn't seem to work as well as one might like). Can I suggest the plates' heatConductivity be increased to compensate? Since they are, well, big metal plates this does not seem unreasonable.

Yep, that's a great point. I'm increasing their "thermal mass" multiplier, as well as the conductivity, for the next update.

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For the next update, I'm adding a third length of the 1.875m SRBs, at 21m in length:

Oh, good. We can always use more boosters. I always do, come to think of it. (Not entirely kidding; one reason I appreciate Space-Y is I do nearly all my ground->vacuum moving with SRBs).

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