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[1.12.x] Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)


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Possible Bug:

For some reason, the game is registering collisions between the Warp Drive part and other ship parts. And because of the large 'collision box' of the Warp Drive, this is spontaneously disassembling a lot of my craft.

Not sure if anything can be done about that, but it'll make building a lot easier if it can be fixed.

Awesome work by the way, can't wait to get it on a ship that stays in one piece :)

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  Sattorin said:
Possible Bug:

For some reason, the game is registering collisions between the Warp Drive part and other ship parts. And because of the large 'collision box' of the Warp Drive, this is spontaneously disassembling a lot of my craft.

Not sure if anything can be done about that, but it'll make building a lot easier if it can be fixed.

Awesome work by the way, can't wait to get it on a ship that stays in one piece :)

Show me the ship please

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Very nice mod (I find myself saying this waaay to often to you)! Love the bubble animation particularly. I would like an accelerator of some sort though, or some way of knowing where I'm trajectory other then the visuals. If this is already there an I failed to notice it in the trailer, then feel free to point at laugh :D

On a side note. Do you have any places on making the bubble formation and collapse a bit smoother, and add alternative audio effects? Also like others have said, the size of the bubble. Why did you decide no to scale it? Would be amazing it adding more energy (negative energy xD) would allowed for a bigger bubble :)

Edited by Sokar408
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For the accellerator I just switch to map view - I rarely have focus on the ship itself unless I am fine tuning an approach.

Audio effects, etc. I might consider down the road. Also, I really do want the bubble to stay a fixed size because it's an enforced design constraint. A larger drive would have a larger bubble, but also have different limitations, etc.

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  RoverDude said:
That was one I whipped up - it's just an animated translucent texture

Ahh, alright. IIRC the one by Nertea was made for another game, so I'd be very impressed if it was already in KSP after a few days. Still, it looks great as it is now. Definitely better than KSPI's effects.

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Suggestion: add a way to generate ExoticMatter charge from karborundum. Since the other mod that uses karborundum is ESLD jump beacons, it feels like it ought to make other types of FTL travel more efficient. Less time to charge up than on EC alone, or the fitting-inside-the-bubble advantage of a karborundum tank that's smaller than what you'd use to generate that much EC, maybe.

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  undercoveryankee said:
Suggestion: add a way to generate ExoticMatter charge from karborundum. Since the other mod that uses karborundum is ESLD jump beacons, it feels like it ought to make other types of FTL travel more efficient. Less time to charge up than on EC alone, or the fitting-inside-the-bubble advantage of a karborundum tank that's smaller than what you'd use to generate that much EC, maybe.

Would be extraordinarily expensive ;) TBH most people will just toss on a reactor, at which point there would be zero need for a Karborundum option - and to make the EC requirement massive, it would break this for stock. And in any case, since the generator works even when focus is lost, time is not a valid lever. Additionally I would not want this drive to be fuel limited. What I expect most people will do is use a K+ fusion drive and reactor combo tied to the Alcubierre drive because of the fusion drive's DV and raw power - you could at that point thumb your nose at orbital mechanics even if you ended with a 20K DV burn at the end of your jump.

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Thank you RoverDude for giving us your incredible works in KSP.

This is purely amazing. REP ! :D

There is one thing though. Could you make the warp effect look a bit cooler, even if a (no so) tiny bit unrealistic, like the warp drives in EVE Online or the FTL drive in Stargate Universe ?

Thank you again !

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My apologies, but the wording here is confusing me greatly.

What other mods do I need?

None. Really. The only dependency is Regolith which is needed for it's converter (used to make Exotic Matter from EC).

You start off by stating this Alcubierre Drive is standalone and then go on to say it depends on Regolith for making Exotic Matter. Long story short, do I need or not need Regolith? Do I need or not need anything else?

EDIT: Ah, I see this mod includes the Regolith DLL. I guess that's what you meant when you said dependency, I personally took that to mean I'd need to download Regolith. Oh well. :P

Edited by King Arthur
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  King Arthur said:
My apologies, but the wording here is confusing me greatly.

You start off by stating this Alcubierre Drive is standalone and then go on to say it depends on Regolith for making Exotic Matter. Long story short, do I need or not need Regolith? Do I need or not need anything else?

EDIT: Ah, I see this mod includes the Regolith DLL. I guess that's what you meant when you said dependency, I personally took that to mean I'd need to download Regolith. Oh well. :P

Correct. Just the bundled DLL.

Regolith is kinda new, so for reference it's DLL is in the same ballpark as FireSpitter or ModuleManager. It's a utility class.

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This is amazing. I love all your mods. I have one or two questions though and a suggestion - Are the Xenon drives really necessary? They look cool and all, but there are no shortage of options for thrusters, so i'm a bit confused why there necessary? This kinda ties into the first one, wouldn't it be impossible to change direction in a warp bubble? I'm aware reality gets some modifications in KSP but, i do like to be MOSTLY accurate. :D. Also, on the storage on exotic matter, perhaps this is just from KSP-I but, aside from the huge amount of energy it would undoubtedly take to gain, wouldn't it also require a rather large amount to store it too? Instead of none when i shut it off? Shouldn't i loose it?

I've had the thought before that a centrifuge-ring for the passengers integrated into the inside of the alcumbere ring would be a excellent use of space. Perhaps for a bigger one - meant to do more than hop around the solar system quite quickly.

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SpaceMouse, If you take a look at the development thread for it he actually discussed the issue with WaveFunction (KSPI-L). The reason for the Xenon drives is because the Throttle Control on the engines require being linked to an engine that actually has thrust, To get thrust the propellent actually needs mass. The Exotic Matter doesn't have mass because it originated from KSPI (even the version in the CRP) so Rover left it unchanged for compatibility. The Xenon provides what the KSP code needs to make the throttle work :P

As for the realisum of changing direction of the warp bubble... why not? Just shift the fields to rotate your orientation within the bubble. After all if you have the technology & power source to play with those kinds of energy levels in a controllable fashion it can't add that much extra complexity to the system :)

EDIT: KSPI doesn't need mass on the resource because it doesn't use throttle control for its version of the drives. You just set the speed in the right click menu and turn it on. But a mass on the resource would effect ship weights when you have a few hundred thousand of it in storage lol.

Edited by ExavierMacbeth
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