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[1.12.x] Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)


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  On 2/5/2018 at 12:35 PM, Triskilion said:

https://imgur.com/a/Mpymy Here you go, and thanks for the info


To install mods you need to copy the folder(s) inside the GameData folder in the zip file to the GameData folder in your KSP install.  Make sure you don’t nest GameData folders, i.e., GameData\gamedata, or accidentally copy them in another folder. From the image it looks like you just extracted the zip file into your GameData folder. Here’s a tip: always open the zip file first to see how it’s structured and what is inside. Not all mod authors package their downloads the same way.

Edited by Tarheel1999
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I got it to work! I moved the Umbra Space Industries folder into my gamedata folder. No screenshot needed. I will say again: thank you so much everyone for your assistance. I apologize I am new to mods in KSP. Thank you so much for your time. I just wanted to pursuit this one because I know a great mod when I see one :) 

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I'm trying to use the 2.5 meter drive to do interstellar travel at 500 times the speed of light.  I have the acceleration factor set to 6.4 and I don't think the bubble likes those kinds of speeds - it's having a hard time animating with those settings I think. 

Is there a way to completely disable the warp bubble on my end?  I really don't need the effect, but I want to continue using the drive for this type of travel.  I couldn't see if there's something easy to modify in the part.cfg file or not. 




I think I got it:  I deleted the .dds and .mu file for the warp effect and deleted two lines pertaining to the warp engine module in the part.cfg and it's working fine now!  I'll miss the lovely effect though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone used the warp drive with FAR recently? 

Im running 1.3.1x64 with FAR 15.9 and 0.7 for the warp drive. The warp drive seems to remove any aerodynamic effects. Im trying to build a SSTO with warp and when I try to fly it, the flight path seems to be solely determined by thrust (no drag/lift). Also, FAR doesnt display any aerodynamic values in the SPH with a warp drive attached,

Any ideas for a solution? I really wanted to build this warp SSTO :/

Thanks kerbonauts!

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  On 2/26/2018 at 4:50 AM, dubdubak said:

Has anyone used the warp drive with FAR recently? 

Im running 1.3.1x64 with FAR 15.9 and 0.7 for the warp drive. The warp drive seems to remove any aerodynamic effects. Im trying to build a SSTO with warp and when I try to fly it, the flight path seems to be solely determined by thrust (no drag/lift). Also, FAR doesnt display any aerodynamic values in the SPH with a warp drive attached,

Any ideas for a solution? I really wanted to build this warp SSTO :/

Thanks kerbonauts!


It's probably the warp bubble.  Unfortunately, I don't use FAR so unsure of how it works or what would have to change.

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I use FAR and Alcubierre Drive; unfortunately, I've never tried sticking a warp drive on a spaceplane. I figured the warp drive modules would unquestionably mess up any area ruling I'd tried to build into a spaceplane design. I'm not sure how FAR goes about voxelizing objects; I do know that it when it encounters something it doesn't like, the patterns can be quite lovely (and will unquestionably prevent any craft from successfully taking off, let alone get to space). Even has that issue with a few stock parts, such as Sr. Docking Ports. Can't offer any suggestions, unfortunately; a solution would probably involve a rather lengthy and only slightly condescending discussion between @ferram4 and @RoverDude as likely as not.

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  On 2/26/2018 at 4:50 AM, dubdubak said:

Has anyone used the warp drive with FAR recently? 

Im running 1.3.1x64 with FAR 15.9 and 0.7 for the warp drive. The warp drive seems to remove any aerodynamic effects. Im trying to build a SSTO with warp and when I try to fly it, the flight path seems to be solely determined by thrust (no drag/lift). Also, FAR doesnt display any aerodynamic values in the SPH with a warp drive attached,

Any ideas for a solution? I really wanted to build this warp SSTO :/

Thanks kerbonauts!


I think these drives are a little heavy for an ssto and a large enough ssto is too big for the bubble so you have too go bigger, I'm guessing the largest drive could do an ssto but it wouldn't be easy, what I do if I want a ssto using this mod is I slap a GN drive from the GN drives mod on the back and call it a day, the thing is those drives are a little over powered and feel a little cheaty but then again we're talking about FTL drives so yeah.

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  On 2/27/2018 at 3:01 PM, Riku said:

I think these drives are a little heavy for an ssto and a large enough ssto is too big for the bubble so you have too go bigger, I'm guessing the largest drive could do an ssto but it wouldn't be easy, what I do if I want a ssto using this mod is I slap a GN drive from the GN drives mod on the back and call it a day, the thing is those drives are a little over powered and feel a little cheaty but then again we're talking about FTL drives so yeah.


Trying to build a (spaceplane) SSTO with a warp drive is indeed a futile effort if you don't know your mods. If not for the fact that fitting the plane in the bubble will be supremely difficult, you can be punished by it producing more drag than the plane can spare dV for... Plus, the warp drive and supporting parts make for quite a bit of added dead weight when in atmosphere. Build the transfer ship separate from the SSTO, and give the SSTO the dV and RCS to rendezvous with it.

That said.....

I went further and made the warp drives run on GN particles. :wink: But to keep things fair I only use the GN Tau which needs to consume EC to keep itself charged...and which may not be present in your install due to a packaging error by its maker.


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  On 2/27/2018 at 5:55 AM, dubdubak said:

@api3101, so while using FAR, you launched a rocket with a warp drive attached? Was the drive in a fairing?


Yes, I did, and yes it was. It was a procedural fairing, though; not one of the stock ones. I remember because the stupid things blew the outboard docking ports off of MSV Fat Man's pylons when they decoupled (Fat Man being my main warp ship - it's equipped with a 2.5 meter drive; the Procedural Fairing mod releases fairings in anywhere from 2-8 individual parts).

Now that you mention it, though, I did try to launch a probe with one of the 0.625 meter drives on it a few weeks ago to zip out to Eve and back. Launched it inside a two meter fairing with no issues, but then when I tried to go deorbit the thing the craft didn't want to generate any drag and blew up a half-dozen times before I threw in the towel - even with a ten meter heat shield attached to it on the last try (damndest thing - it slowed down up to a certain point and then began to speed up again). I don't remember if I reported it or not; I want to say I did.

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  On 3/1/2018 at 5:34 AM, dubdubak said:

Thanks for the feedback guys. My most feasible option sounds like docking with a separate warp module, credit to JadeOfMaar


It's what I do. I will post this image as a cautionary tale with this method, though -


Make sure your wings fit inside your bubble, or you might have some slight difficulty with retrieving your planes...landing without a vertical stabilizer is tricky, trying to land without a wing is suicidal...

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New Release is up.  NOTE:  This is the final 1.3.1 release (pending any major issues).   

0.8.0 - 2017.03.06
Major Changes thanks to Helaeon (Thanks!  You rock!)
- ZZZ's Warp Drive Models now included standard
- "Gravity Brake" slows warping craft in a gravity well.
- Turbo Mode vastly increases ship velocity when reaching user set warp speed
- Angular Momentum mode fixed
- Distance travelled per frame is now tied to the physics tick in settings
- Multiple warp drives active on a single ship, now destroy said ship
- Failsafe distance now 1/2 planetary radius
- Xenon thrusters thrust drastically reduced
- Electrical use massively increased - including patch for NFE, USI, FFT, & DSEV
- Re-balanced fuel use & exotic matter recovery.
- Default maximum warp dropped to 6c. True maximum warp in stock is about 25c (Turbo).
- Included patch for scaled systems

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Really great mod! I use this to allow for interplanetary travel in my multiplayer server that has timewarp turned off.  Thanks for making it! 

 I do have a suggestion for the next build:
Please improve the collisions to be more representative of the actual shape. :) it will be easier to launch and easier to integrate into ship designs.

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I have KSS installed, and I'm trying to warp to the next star over. Unfortunately the kraken attacks near the outer edge of the Kerbol SoI. Is this a known bug, and if so, are there any workarounds?

Also the kraken attacks if I try producing exotic particles while in warp.


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Just tested a "run out of EM in flight" at over 2300 GM and got clean breaks at the part bondaries of everything in front of the warp drive.

Reloaded that quicksave and tried the "create exotic mattre" while drive was running, and the drive vanished, along with breaking everything in front, with clean separation between  a tank and the ring of fuelcells that used to be attached to that tank, like the tank slid out from under them leaving them in place.

Reloaded, created exotic matter from a stop, no problems filling the tank. Was able to reach SoI.

None of these results are as dramatic as what I experienced earlier.

Edit: Starting warp drive without shutting down exotic matter creation while at extremely high GM (over the All) caused an existance failure that killed kerbals but F3 doesnt show any part destruction.

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