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[1.12.x] Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)


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7 hours ago, RedPandaz said:

But couldn't you use this to warp more objects as well? Or, what if you made a very large ship with a space inside for a smaller ship that just has the Warp engine and the required fuels. Fly inside, make sure that your bubble is completely inside the open space, start up the warp engine, and boom. 

This is probably a side-effect of moving the entire physics bubble at once through space. This is what allowed the awesome warp speeds we currently have. The solution to this used to be that everything in the physics bubble except for the ship would explode. Then that function started causing null-refs and it didn't seem like it should have so... it was yanked out.

Figure it's the warp drive warping space severely enough those other parts are dragged along with, surfing your wake, but only that which is inside the bubble is considered safe and predictable.

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(new poster, so pardon me if this has been discussed elsewhere...  Search function wasn't a huge help...)


Could we maybe get a variant of the 2.5m version that fits better into a Mk2 frame?  (the Size one version fits very nicely into a Mk2 payload bay, but I want to build a bigger ship that needs a bigger 'bubble'...)

One way to achieve this would be to just get rid of the 'baseplate', like some of the Making History engines do give options for.  That way it could be fitted into a stock Mk2 payload bay and only the 'arms' and folded up Ring sticking out the sides.  This works for the 1.25m version since that baseplate obviously fits into the Mk2 hangar by desig, but the 2.5m baseplate would clip through in VERY unpleasing (to my eyes) ways.

Edited by Atlessa
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  • 2 weeks later...

So... I spent a decent chunk of tonight trying to make this. After trying out a lot of different variants to figure out if it wasn't working right because I was doing something wrong, I think that something in the warp drive plugin just goes completely haywire with these bizarre settings that it has no clue how to work with.


name = ZBlinkDrive125 //1.25m Drive
module = Part
author = Darinth
///model by z.
rescaleFactor = 1
	model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/WarpDrive/Assets/ZWarp/warp2
	scale = 1,1,1 //ZZZs original drive is 1.25m
MODEL // This does the warp bubble effect and VAB SPH guide
	model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/WarpDrive/Assets/WarpBubble
	scale = .4,.4,.4

// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.30, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.237, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
breakingForce = 12690
breakingTorque = 12690

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = experimentalScience
entryCost = 2500000
cost = 18500000
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = Blink Drive Drive Z-model 1.25m
manufacturer = Umbra Space Industries
description = Originally designed by Zefram Kerman himself, this piece of technology is designed to sneakily evade the prohibition of faster than light travel described by the theory of relativity by translating a small subset of spacetime across space at unbelievable speeds while imparting no momentum change to the vessel at all.  Since it was designed by Zefram Kerman, it may not function without the application of rock music.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 3.75
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.15
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 25
maxTemp = 2900

 --- Sound FX definition ---
sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_jet_low = running
sound_jet_deep = power
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout
	name = USI_ModuleWarpEngine
	WarpFactor = 6 // maximum warp
	GravFactor = .95 // Gravity Strength (multiple of planetary radius where speed begins to trend to zero.)
	BrakeFalloff = .85 // orbit radii to this power (smaller is stronger braking further away)
	minMaxSpeed = 0.001 //c no slower top speed than this
	TurboMult = 1 // Increases overall turbo top speed, careful to not make it too large.
	deployAnimationName = Engage
	warpAnimationName = WarpField
	MinThrottle = 0.05
	DisruptRange = 2000
	BubbleSize = 8
	MinAltitude = 0 // planetary radius * this.
	//MaxAccelleration = 6
	unfoldAnimationName = t2

      name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
      animationName = EngineThrottle
      dependOnEngineState = True
      responseSpeed = 0.05

	name = ModuleEngines
	thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
	//throttleLocked = True
	exhaustDamage = False
	ignitionThreshold = 0.00
	minThrust = 0
	maxThrust = .0003
	heatProduction = 100
	fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
		name = ElectricCharge
        ratio = 144
		DrawGauge = False
		name = ExoticMatter
		ratio = 10
		DrawGauge = True
		name = XenonGas
		ratio = 1
		DrawGauge = True

   	 key = 0 1
  	 key = 1 1

 name = ExoticMatter
 amount = 10
 maxAmount = 10

 name = XenonGas
 amount = 10
 maxAmount = 10



The general idea was to make a single use 'ship teleporter' that went a fixed distance. I can think of two uses for this: "I dun screwed up! Abort this landing!" and the warp drive equivalent of an SRB. The idea was to take a warp drive, give it a tiny amount of exotic matter, remove it's ability to produce more, and lock the throttle. Once you turn it on, you're going and once it's expended, that's it. Ideally, I'd actually want it to go from point A to B instantly, but this was the closest I was going to get without digging deeper into KSP and making a new plugin.

Unfortunately, it has (at least) two issues. The first is a nasty habbit of simply exploding on the pad when it gets turned on. The second, it continues to run after it runs out of exotic matter, forever. If anybody is interested in tinkering with it, they're welcome to it. If you figure out a way to get it working, I'd love it if you could let me know. Roverdude, on the unlikely off-chance you want it, you're welcome to make use of it if you can get it working.

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Figured out why the drive was getting stuck 'on', I set the ignition threshold to 0. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the alcubierre drive was hard coded to destroy vessel parts if the warp field collapsed. So this will require code modification to work no matter what.

On the positive side, this drove me to play around with setting up a modding environment for KSP which was *WAY* easier than I expected it to be. I might actually just do some modding and make this myself.

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@Doggydog Is it always the same parts being ripped off and are they always ripped off or only sometimes? Try reinforcing the parts with some struts. This may be an unfortunate issue where I think KSP/Unity just doesn't know how to handle some of the physics involving what warp drives do. Reinforcement may ward off the kraken.

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4 hours ago, Darinth said:

@Doggydog Is it always the same parts being ripped off and are they always ripped off or only sometimes? Try reinforcing the parts with some struts. This may be an unfortunate issue where I think KSP/Unity just doesn't know how to handle some of the physics involving what warp drives do. Reinforcement may ward off the kraken.

Tried that, Sadly it didn't work. 


After Further testing, What i think is going on is the Bubble guide is scaled wrong for the 3.75 drive. Editing the Config to a larger bubble size fixes the Part breaking But it still doesnt match the Bubble Guide. Guess i need to report it on Github.

Edited by Doggydog
Editied for Clarity.
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One of the balance passes reduced the bubble size of the 3.75m drive from 44 to 37.5, but didn't update the bubble guide.

scale = 2.2,2.2,2.2

needs to be changed to

scale = 1.875,1.875,1.875

I've got a pull request that should resolve the issue. You can fix it yourself by changing that or changing the bubble size back to 44 if you really want the larger bubble.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the interest of saving others some headache, I relate the following.

I recently tested the warp drive out successfully on a smaller ship, and then--confident that I could make it work like I wanted--built a warp "tug" and docked a bunch of things to it, and sent it to Eeloo. The mission was a wild success, but when I tried to bring it home, the ship would explode upon entering Kerbin's SOI at warp. I tried auto-strutting all the things, I tried undocking bits I could (just barely!) live without, but all to no avail. I could not seem to enter Kerbin's SOI (at warp) without the ship exploding.

Almost by chance, I tried entering the SOI obliquely, barely intersecting the sphere, almost at a tangent, and it worked just fine. So, if anyone out there ever encounters this situation, perhaps try entering the SOI at a tangent? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the changes in color meant to simulate extreme blueshifting? If so, turning purple at the highest thrust would be incorrect, since purple isn't a single color on the visible spectrum :P

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1 hour ago, b0ss said:

Is the changes in color meant to simulate extreme blueshifting? If so, turning purple at the highest thrust would be incorrect, since purple isn't a single color on the visible spectrum :P

That depends on your species' colour receptors. Maybe Kerbals have terrapin style eyes with four. They clearly don't have mantis shrimp grade colour receptors as they're not all rainbow coloured. But they could have different receptors than humans.


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Kerbals seem to have more or less the same color receptors that we do, judging by the ingame flag designs. Purple is the combination of red and blue light, so it'd cause some problems if you could see into the ultraviolet spectrum but only perceive it as a combination of two shorter wavelengths. It'd be like seeing all blue things as somewhere between red and green (yellowish). We don't even know if Kerbals process color the same way humans do, for all we know they could see everything in monochrome and "feel" color in the image they perceive, just like looking at something we can tell if it's rough or soft. Or something like that... I should probably stop talking before I say something very stupid! Or maybe the whole idea is irrelevant since we never actually see first-person in stock KSP anyway :P

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On the other hand, our perception of the Kerbal world is filtered not only through our own senses, but through our limited interface.  RGB monitors can produce a respectable subset of the colors humans can perceive, but it's only a subset - and if Kerbals can see more colors than we can, our monitors likely wouldn't be able to project those colors anyway.

Personally, I'd say there's a reasonable chance they have different color vision than we do.  At the very least, they probably shift towards more differentiation in the greens, given the coloration of their world and themselves.

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I considered such a technicality, however the Kerbol system was designed using RGB monitors so it is impossible that there are colors outside the visible spectrum in KSP

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24 minutes ago, siderr said:

Hei, i have tried to increase the bubble size  to 50 or 100, but it cut off the parts, like it is still 37

Show me what you're changing in the config.  Odds are you're just changing the model size

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15 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Show me what you're changing in the config.  Odds are you're just changing the model size

MODEL // This does the warp bubble effect and VAB SPH guide
    model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/WarpDrive/Assets/WarpBubble
    scale = 4.4,4.4,4.4

//DisruptRange = 2000
    BubbleSize = 75.0
    MinAltitude = .5 // planetary radius * this.

Hei, i have changed only this values

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So, I tried to make an interstellar explorer, but when I try to activate it (I have enough of every resource and turned the exoticmatter generator off) the bubble appears, seems frozen in space, and then explodes after a few seconds.

Looking at ksp.log, this is spammed every millisecond after I activated it:

	[EXC <time>] NullReferenceException
		UnityEngine.Transform.get_position ()
		Vessel.Update ()

craft file (uses B9 large omni lights, NearFuture, StationPartsExpansionRedux, WarpDrive, maybe HeatControl)

I triple checked the versions I am running since I had some version soup yesterday: KSP 1.3.1, WarpDrive 0.8.0 for 1.3.1, USITools 0.10.2 for 1.3.1.

EDIT: just went through the pain of making a clean 1.4.3 install with the appropiate mod versions, same story.

EDIT 2: removed all mods except WarpDrive and USITools, the warpdrive now works. Are there any mods that are known to conflict with WarpDrive? This is my modded 1.4.3 install (green = contains plugin):
All Y'All
B9 (normal parts only, not HX)
B9 Procedural Wings
BoulderCo (stock EVE configs)
CTTP (Community Terrain Texture Pack)

Firespitter (core)

JSI (full RPM mod)

KerbalHacks (ProceduralParts textures)

MainSailor (ProceduralParts textures)
NearFuture (everything)

TheWorldBeyond (Inner Dawn and Ascension /w visuals only)
TriggerTech (KAC)
UmbraSpaceIndustries (Akita, ART, Karbonite, KarbonitePlus, Konstruction, Kontainers, ReactorPack, WarpDrive)

and of course ModuleManager

@RoverDude I also found a bug by accident where the bubble guide can float on the water (at laythe, kerbin not tested):
This may also be why FAR doesn't work well with this. The guide does not collide with land though.

It also makes good speedboatshovers

EDIT 3: now that I think of it, when the craft was floating on water it did not want to be tilted, and it was also stable on its side. Might be a box-shaped collider.

Edited by ExtremeTrader
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14 hours ago, RocketScientist said:

Any tips on getting into orbit without needing a few thousand deltaV?

You will need a few thousand anyway if you want to launch it from Kerbin to LKO, but you can always build it in orbit with Extraplanetary Launchpads if you want. And if you're feeling cheaty, you can use the debug menu.

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On 6/5/2018 at 12:07 PM, ExtremeTrader said:

So, I tried to make an interstellar explorer, but when I try to activate it (I have enough of every resource and turned the exoticmatter generator off) the bubble appears, seems frozen in space, and then explodes after a few seconds.

Looking at ksp.log, this is spammed every millisecond after I activated it:

	[EXC <time>] NullReferenceException
		UnityEngine.Transform.get_position ()
		Vessel.Update ()

craft file (uses B9 large omni lights, NearFuture, StationPartsExpansionRedux, WarpDrive, maybe HeatControl)

I triple checked the versions I am running since I had some version soup yesterday: KSP 1.3.1, WarpDrive 0.8.0 for 1.3.1, USITools 0.10.2 for 1.3.1.

EDIT: just went through the pain of making a clean 1.4.3 install with the appropiate mod versions, same story.

EDIT 2: removed all mods except WarpDrive and USITools, the warpdrive now works. Are there any mods that are known to conflict with WarpDrive?


I just tried the stock craft in my modded install and it worked, then I switched to the modded craft and it worked.
Then I reloaded the game and the modded craft, and components are inside each other or disconnected from the rest. I don't know what is happening here.

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Hey there I have been downloading all alcubierre drives I could find but there is still one that I am missing. In-Game they are called "Alcubierre drive (Light)". If you still don't know which/what one I mean here is a link to a video with it in                             https://youtu.be/-JIDYVx4VX8?t=9m6s

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On 6/17/2018 at 2:29 AM, T3CH said:

Hey there I have been downloading all alcubierre drives I could find but there is still one that I am missing. In-Game they are called "Alcubierre drive (Light)". If you still don't know which/what one I mean here is a link to a video with it in                            https://youtu.be/-JIDYVx4VX8?t=9m6s

That video is about the Interstellar mod (original) which has been dead and gone for years.

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2 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

That video is about the Interstellar mod (original) which has been dead and gone for years.

do you have it?

And if yes could you be nice to send a link/file where I could get it?

Edited by T3CH
missing text
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