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[BETA-RELASE][0.25] The New Kerbol Mod v0.91 beta. Now with Zombies!


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This is a mod that completely redesigns the stock planets, while keeping the same general feel. It adds zombies to Laythe, horrific winds to Eve, and general awesomeness to every planet.

Note: Currently in beta, and testing is required!

This is a Work In Progress! It it NOT finished


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  • Added custom science
  • Added settings gui
  • Added option to have red sun
  • Added options to customize wind
  • Added IncompatibilityChecker
  • Fixed many many bugs
  • Fixed SOI instabilities
  • Fixed planets shifting off their orbits
  • Added RealChutes support


  • Initial release


Edited by MrHappyFace
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That looks pretty coo. Also, is the zombified kerbal just a thing done with Texture Replacer, or do you have it set up to do so via plugins? Also, you used some plugin trickery to do the bioluminescent glow under the ship and kerbal right? Also, if the zombified kerbal is in fact a plugin thing, it doesn't seem to make much sense for the spores to "infect" it as the kerbals wear airtight and watertight suits.

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I'm really curious how you are doing the bioluminescence stuff... Is that a point light, projector, or something else?

The bioluminescent oceans are a custom shader and the grass is just a point light.

That looks pretty coo. Also, is the zombified kerbal just a thing done with Texture Replacer, or do you have it set up to do so via plugins? Also, you used some plugin trickery to do the bioluminescent glow under the ship and kerbal right? Also, if the zombified kerbal is in fact a plugin thing, it doesn't seem to make much sense for the spores to "infect" it as the kerbals wear airtight and watertight suits.

I have the zombification stuff set up inside my plugin. And those spores are magical, don't question them, or they will come to get you!

Edited by MrHappyFace
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The bioluminescent oceans are a custom shader and the grass is just a point light.

I have the zombification stuff set up inside my plugin. And those spores are magical, don't question them, or they will come to get you!

I just think this would make more sense: the kerbals have special vents in the suits they can open and close to ventialte the suit in breathable atmospheres. The kerbals that first went to New Laythe knowing that the air was breathable but now knowing about the spores opens said vents, letting the toxic spores inside. My idea is that you would be able to choose to open the vents or close them, so you only get zombified kerbals when you want to.

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This is an extremely promising mod !

Sorry if I might harass you a bit with this, but what mod did you use for the custom menu in the image "AWW ITS A BABY KWAKEN" ? If it is Kerbal Engineer Redux, how do you set this up ?

Thank you :)

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This is an extremely promising mod !

Sorry if I might harass you a bit with this, but what mod did you use for the custom menu in the image "AWW ITS A BABY KWAKEN" ? If it is Kerbal Engineer Redux, how do you set this up ?

Thank you :)

Its the Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.0 beta version. You can make custom menus in it, and that menu was a custom one I made.

How big is the kraken, and what planet did you change to get it?

It was bop, but is now the Almighty Space Kraken. He needs to lose some weight though, 30km is a bit big...



Seriously though, I do think that, currently, Kerbin is a tad boring, but I don't think it should orbit Jool, perhaps it could get another moon. Minmus is currently orbiting Vall, and I'd rather not change that, and the Mun is unchanged right now... Hmm, maybe Dres could be relocated to orbit Kerbin, what do you think?

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I think the Kraken idea is very interesting, but is it finished? I'd prefer the eyes and mouth not to be just textures plastered on the "planet" but be raised or lowered above everything else. Also, the kraken does not have the mouth on its front like it is in the screenshot. From the Bop easter egg, it has a beak in the area inbetween its textures.

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How do you plan to implement winds?

I think he already has implemented winds. I saw an album of New Eve on reddit somewhere.

The same album is in the OP of this forum post, and I explained the winds in this comment:

Yeah, I just have some code that applies forces to all of the parts on all ships in physics range (2.5km)

The winds always go west or east, and they fade in and out using a sine wave, with -1 on the wave being west and 1 being east. I might also make another wave for north/south.

Edited by MrHappyFace
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Minmus doesn't appear to follow it's orbit in map view. and it flies off if I timewarp.

Some other bugs/issues are:

*Bioluminescence on Laythe doesn't like EVE, but works fine with EVE Overhaul for some reason.

* Bioluminescence sometimes appears on all bodies in map view.

* Other planets/moons appear to stop following their orbits in map view, as well.

*SOIs and orbital periods are highly glitchy.

I did, however make Laythe awesome with EVE Overhaul, though I have since switched to regular EVE to save memory:

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Also, I have NEAR installed. Could that cause any problems?

Edited by _Augustus_
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