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Human Kerbals


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Maybe this is a blasphemous request, but I haven't seen any actual question about this.

I really like Kerbals, but when I'm using Real Solar System with real spacecraft, they seem a little out of place :blush:

I was wondering if there was any mod, or any possible way to make them look more human? Maybe at least an existent texture mod which changes how they look?

Another possibility is to make their vizors more opaque, I suppose.

Just wondering if anyone has attempted something like this. Thanks!

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That would be pretty cool, of course if every human didn't look the same like kerbals do :)

At least there's a way to make Kerbals look a little different from one another, to a degree. Making humans in the first place would be the challenge, although I'm sure someone who was ambitious enough could do that.

...But if someone DOES do this, do me one favor, please?

Call the mod "Kerboriter".

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  • 1 month later...

I'd rather play Orbiter than play Real Solar System because they are still Kerbals with Kerbal proportions, while Orbiter has vehicles designed for human proportions. But humans on EVA are only supported by a few add-ons such as UMMU (they are also not animated, a sad limitation).

If I wanted to play with Kerbals I'd play in the default Kerbol system.

Edited by Pipcard
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This is the closest i seen:

Lololol xD

Haha, a little weird, but that's actually what I had in mind. Of course, a mod with actual human proportions would be preferable (although I'm sure, not very feasible).

I'd rather play Orbiter than play Real Solar System because they are still Kerbals with Kerbal proportions, while Orbiter has vehicles designed for human proportions. But humans on EVA are only supported by a few add-ons such as UMMU (they are also not animated, a sad limitation).

If I wanted to play with Kerbals I'd play in the default Kerbol system.

Orbiter has been my go-to spacesim on and off since 2001. There is even a new Orbiter version in the works that will bring 3D terrain and better texture resolution.

Thing is, KSP has kind of spoiled me. Like you say, Orbiter has UMMU, but Orbiter is fundamentally not well designed for EVA's, or base building for that matter. Plus, I've rather come to enjoy actually building my own rockets, rather than depending solely on cool, yet unrealistically whimsical spaceships (IE: DeltaGlider). Plus, KSP has things like object collision, or (often through the use of mods) "universal effects" across all vehicles. As opposed to Orbiter, where one ship supports EVA's, while another may not... or one ship may have reentry damage effects, while another doesn't, etc. It often becomes a pain when planning missions using multiple incompatible crafts. Most importantly, I love that KSP is a persistent system.

Unfortunately, KSP with real-sized planets and real solar system is kind of unwieldy. I've yet to run it successfully on my high-end laptop without a significant hit on performance. But I may look into it some more later.

Edited by RiverSkyHigh
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I really like Kerbals, but when I'm using Real Solar System with real spacecraft, they seem a little out of place :blush:


I agree, playing with kerbals in the real upscaled universe doesn't make any sense to me. I always wondered why there aren't any humanization mods out there. It should be mandatory for any realism fanatic I think

Edited by FreeThinker
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I did see a thread in the plugin dev forum where a few people tried it out. The furthest it got was replacing thr helmet with a sphere. It seems possible but complicated. I'm currently working on my first plugin, but when thats done I may take up where the thread left off... I expect replacing the model would be simple(ish) but that rigs and animations will prove very hard.

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I didn't see (or say) anything about the kerbal models being hardcoded. They're assets, they can be changed by code. However, the difficulty is one would have to reverse-engineer the animation system and create the same-named animations in new meshes. I haven't looked deeply, though.

Pipcard, I wouldn't want to distract you from HOPE (I presume you are the same Pipcard from AH.com) but I do want to get RSS/RO (note: RO *does* rescale things properly) to the point where it can expand on Orbiter. I want "Orbiter with legos".

Edited by NathanKell
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  • 5 months later...

Make Kerbals more.... human?


I am gob smacked, you are a true heretic! I hope they burn you at the stake.

Hmmmm.... maybe not, but what you are suggesting is unspeakable. Allow me to explain...

Kerbals are cute, they live (for the most part) in peace... when not in a dangerous situation, they constantly smile.

In other words, they are cute, adorable and cuddly... they are loved by us. (loved by ME then...)

Contrast that to humans.... nuff said, I rest my case! :)

If humans ever ventured to the Kerbin system, then yes, make the humans more like kerbals (and not the other way around).

The fact is, you added the Sol system to your game, therefore, Kerbals have gone where no Kerbal has gone before. Let them be.

While I would ignore such a mod if it ever came out, I will defend to the death your right to request it. But really... how could you?


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