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[1.12.x] Sounding Rockets! Start small. Dream big!


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Sure, it's just a limited lifespan and it's dirt cheap.

Side note:

Wings are split off now :) Also added a launch-stick (literally a stick) to angle the rocket, so in the next release the SAS capability is being dropped and you will have to manually launch your rocket and set it's heading, and also make sure your fins are set to maintain stability.

Well, what about:

It would need a radio, but I suppose you could add that as a second module on the rocket, or replace the parachute with it. On second thought, replacing the parachute may not be a great idea, you'd want the probe to have enough time in atmosphere to record and transmit the data.

I would also think that an extended battery might be useful, depending on how long it will take to get from an orbiting ship to the planet.

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Can I make a request? If the sounding rockets were capable of radial attachment, then (perhaps with the AES radial decoupler) this would make for easier "missiles" and the like.

A more compelling thought: it would also allow for something very much like OTRAG...


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I'm having the same problem with my probe exploding upon landing. My decent speed stays at about 15m/s. I am using NEAR, so that might be the problem, but i added 3 Seperatrons to the probe body and set them all to minimum settings (Thruster Limiter at 5 and Fuel at 0.8) and activate them just before impact and it seems to resolve the issue.

Other than the explody bit, I love this mod! RoverDude, you have the best mods ever!

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Meteorological Survey Package

It was only recently discovered that changes in the weather patterns of Kerbin can actually predicted in advance. By stuffing complicated SCIENCE in a tube, accurate and detailed measurements of the atmosphere can be taken from heights previous thought to be nearly impossible to send a cardboard tube.

Flying Low: You measure the swirling atmospheric currents and determine the probability of the next launch being scrubbed by a thunderstorm.

Flying High: The atmosphere is thin, but the altitude provides an excellent view of the weather patterns below.

In Space: The extreme altitude of the rocket provides a new exciting look at the curvature of the planets, and even weather on the adjacent continent is visible!

Aeronomical Science Payload

By comparing the loss in gravitational attraction and the loss of the atmosphere with altitude, important data can be gathered to further the research of the atmosphere of our home planet. This is done by stuffing rather mangled and interesting combinations of instruments of SCIENCE stuck in a cardboard tube.

Flying Low: The atmosphere seems to be decreasing with altitude, however the gravitation of the planet is not decreasing nearly as much.

Flying High: The atmosphere is very thin and tenuous at this height, and seems to be getting thinner.

In Space: There is no atmosphere whatsoever, but the downward accelleration of gravity seems to be almost identical to that on the ground!

Materials Study Mini Lab

The upcoming research of new structural methods has led to the development of a small cardboard tube that has been stuffed with various biological samples, scientific instruments, and experimental structural compounds.

Flying Low: One of the weaker structural compounds fails, whilst the biological sample appears to be calm.

Flying High: Some foam components begin to collapse, and the gel samples boil. The biological sample appears to be hanging on for dear life!

In Space: The biological sample seems to be remarkably resistant to the space environment. Like the TARDIS, made out of a seemingly space-unworthy material but it passes the test of space better than expected. It gets a good grade on survivability.

[There's a joke in that last one, btw]

Engineering Study Package

In the endeavor to develop the propulsion systems of a rocket powered space ship, a small cardboard tube has been stuffed with various rocket components and fuel mixes to expose them to the environment of the upper atmosphere. Keep away from fire. Do not allow small children to use. Keep away from fire. SERIOUSLY! MAKE SURE IT'S ON TOP OF THE SOUNDING ROCKET AND NOT BELOW IT!

Flying Low: Measurements of the rocket's motor seem to indicate an improvement in efficiency with a gain in altitude.

Flying High: Several of the fuel samples have boiled in the metal containers, except for those tanks covered in multi-layer insulation.

In Space: The small rocket engine test seems to indicate a monopropellant is a viable fuel both in and outside of the atmosphere.

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Considering this is meant for starting a new save. I would personally love to see Wave's For Science! Updated/integrated.

It is almost a requirement for me :P but it was built for .24.2, and while it works for .25 it does still have some bugs. And it seems Wave is busy with other things now days. Thus my mentioning it here.

I know this is something of a long shot because you have so much on your plate already, not to mention wave does still occasionally log in, but hey... You might say yes. :sticktongue:

Edited by Chyort
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Oh yeah.... fins under aero, and the 'stick' is under structural. You have to point these manually now, no SAS/etc. - so build carefully.

(also found a couple of extra tweaks I need to do, so anticipate another patch tonight)


ok - grab 0.0.3 instead ;)

Edited by RoverDude
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I love the parts and the idea of the mod, but with no control it's extremely hard to get very much altitude now. Even aimed exactly 90° up I still spin out between 4-6km. I'll keep trying though!

Edit: Adding strategically placed fins helps quite a bit. I just had them on the first stage...

Edited by sprohi
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Wanted to chime in and give my thanks for this great mod! Just toying around with the different motor classes and fin sizes for 5 minutes has been some of the most fun I've had with this game in recent weeks. Really enjoy the new experiment types and I think you hit the color combinations on the mark! Who knew that trying to prop up a rocket at an angle with a bunch of sticks could be so addicting for an aerospace engineer? Keep up the great work.

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Great mod! Thanks!

I have two questions though:

  1. how do I get the results (reports)? Right clicking doesn't seem to work...
  2. how do I use the stick? When I angle it (along with the rocket), as soon as physics kicks in the rocket tumbles...

1. Make sure you are on 0.0.3 (there was a bug in 0.0.2).

2. Make sure if you use 000_USITools you overwrite with the newer version. The sticks should just drop off on launch.

I love the parts and the idea of the mod, but with no control it's extremely hard to get very much altitude now. Even aimed exactly 90° up I still spin out between 4-6km. I'll keep trying though!

Edit: Adding strategically placed fins helps quite a bit. I just had them on the first stage...

Yep. secret IMO is to make sure that for each stage, your COM is forward (slightly) of your COL.

Wanted to chime in and give my thanks for this great mod! Just toying around with the different motor classes and fin sizes for 5 minutes has been some of the most fun I've had with this game in recent weeks. Really enjoy the new experiment types and I think you hit the color combinations on the mark! Who knew that trying to prop up a rocket at an angle with a bunch of sticks could be so addicting for an aerospace engineer? Keep up the great work.

Awesome! And yeah, I found myself spending more time playing with this one than actually coding it ;) Which is usually a good sign for me as a mod creator.

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Orbital OTRAG-ish rocket:


That will launch the pictured minimalist satellite into well beyond Kerbostationary orbit - so there's a fair amount of capacity there. Needs a fairing, but this is just using stock parts and Sounding Rockets.

Total cost is 7,530 funds (you can do this with stock parts for just over 5,000 or so, since there's no economy of scale in KSP)

Edited by Domfluff
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1. Make sure you are on 0.0.3 (there was a bug in 0.0.2).

2. Make sure if you use 000_USITools you overwrite with the newer version. The sticks should just drop off on launch.


About the reports, I'm sure I'm using 0.0.3, but I can't get them with right-click. Am I doing anything wrong?

About the stick, I connected one end of it on the connection point under the rocket (where another rocket should be). I can confirm the stick does NOT drop off on launch if connected there. So, where should I connect it?

Another question: how do I fixate the other end of the stick on the floor?

Edited by jlcarneiro
Spelling fix
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