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KSP 0.90 'Beta Than Ever' Grand Discussion Thread!


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I didn't update, did a fresh download instead. I'll try it out concurrent with 0.25.0, I've got missions in progress. I'll unpack it in a minute... can't wait to see. Thank you, Squad, splendid effort.

Of course my next question will be: How do I import my current 0.25.0 Science_Sandbox into Beta? lol


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A quick observation: the Mk3 fuselages have good mass ratios. While the best fuel tanks so far have been 1:9 (11.1%) dry mass to wet mass, the new fuselages have 3:28 (10.7%) for both liquid fuel and LFO, while the comparable 3.75 m fuel tanks have 5:41 (12.2%).

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If you start a new 0.90 Career game under x64/windows, all your KSC facilities automagically start at L3

If you start your game under x86/32bit and then switch to x64, all your KSC facilities are automagically upgraded to L3 on load

Known bug :)

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With the building upgrades now going on, and the job count limits and other challenges these introduce, playing the game where part research has a monetary expense (as I normally do) makes the game pretty much impossible without giving yourself %based handicaps to a cheating point at start.

I bow to any mad skills that can pull it off to endgame, stock, with it research expense on, in .90, without cheating.

/balance suggestion #1 :sticktongue:

P.S.Edit -- This is the most fun I've had in KSP... ever. The new stuff you can build; this is a whole new game ladies and gents.

Edited by Holyvision
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So I install KSP 0.90.0 All excited about everything, then realize something... The administration building is still unbalanced. I was sure it would have been fixed this time around. It disappointed me immediately. Cmon squad, I'm tired of tweaking this stuff myself! *grumble* reset cfg to 10%.. again!

PS: I don't want to hear "Then don't use it!" .. That's completely asinine. Why add a feature to a game that the average *non-cheating* user can't use without fixing it!??

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So today after my Bio final, I excitedly checked the KSP website, and much to my excitement, 0.90 was out! so I hurridly began downloading, unzipped, and thought "something isn't right, I already have a 0.25 install..." After a few derpy minutes :rolleyes: of trying to figure out what was going on, it dawned on me that I had accidentally downloaded version 0.25 and not 0.90 !:sticktongue:

Finals... they wear down your brain haha

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