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Devnote Tuesdays: The Last 2014 Edition


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I'm super hyped for the "toast raising" mechanic. Will Champagne have realistic fluid dynamics?

It will actually be more like a very dense soup.

Thank you Squad for all your hard work! Enjoy your time off, play some KSP, and spend time with your families. We'll be waiting for you in the new year!

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When are we getting the new Mk3 landing gear? I heard Porkjet was working on it and it will probably be in the next update, but is there any chance it will come in another official mod before that? That would be super cool!

Maybe even a Christmas present!

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yes all agreement here.

Thanks for a year of great effort and a really great beta.

I bid you a fondue for the holidays.

Fondant? That stuff is terrible! Give me a butter-cream frosted cake to raise!

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Take a well deseved break. Give moders some time to keep up the pace. When you get back in January you will most probably find a lot of new post with feature request, bug reports suggestions and criticism :D. It will be hard to satisfy everyones wishes, it is up to developer to decide what will be good for majority of players and what is achievable. But it will be good to peek on to forums from time to time while you polish game for finall release.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

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Right, bread on the launchpad, check. Glass in the capsule, check. Fire up the engine, watch the bread become toast, and that glass is going into orbit. Does that fit the bill?

Seriously, I'm glad you guys didn't post a whole great list of exciting achievements in development for 0.91, I'd be really worried if you weren't taking a well deserved break.

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Squad has added a parts mod and a gameplay mod to stock. Now, it is time to look at, really look at, a UI mod. Blizzy's Toolbar is the go-to mod for all modders when adding access to functionality via the UI. Yes, KSP has the icons at the upper right corner. However, that solution has many shortcomings. The Blizzy Toolbar solves those problems:

I can configure it:

1) include the buttons I want;

2) exclude buttons I don't need. MJ has a billion buttons, I have three MJ's in my Toolbar: SMART A.S.S., Maneuver Node editor, Rendezvous Planner.

3) I can rearrange buttons to my liking

4) it's movable

5) it can be sized

6) it's been readily adopted by the modder community, not forced upon them.

None of the above can be said about the Squad solution. If you have many mods that add to the Squad-bar, they'll extend across the entire screen.

Please consider adding this nearly ubiquitous mod to stock.

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Wow! What a year, Squad! These last twelve months have sculpted KSP into a sheer monument of a video game. Career mode is finally legitimately playable, and it is incredible! All these new parts over the months are astounding as well. Who would've guessed someday we'd have 3.75 meter parts? I myself never saw it coming! So many wonderful features, too, for all gamemodes have come into play and made KSP unbelievably and wickedly fun and addictive. Now THAT is how you do an alp- er, I mean - beta game! Wonderful work!

Now let's get deep. Real deep here, Squad.

KSP, even from when I first began playing the game in 0.20, resparked interest in space and astronomy, a hobby that had been greatly dwindling in vigor during those times. But this time, KSP now by my side, it would be very different from before. Never in my entire life has space fascinated me in such a way as it does today, and I really see the universe in a sort of beautiful, poetic way, so to speak. I've also been pursuing my interest in space, which is something I haven't done. Now I'm reading articles and staying with the recent news in rocketry and astronomy. I'm also playing an assortment of other space-related games. But there are even better results as well, such as the multitude of real-life and online friends I've created because of our common factor: KSP. These guys really are amazing people whom I really respect and am proud to be acquaintances with. No video has ever done such a thing.

To put it simple, Squad, KSP has made me a better person, someone whom I have esteem for and am proud to be. Spending those twenty or so dollars was undoubtedly worth it, and, in the end, I know it's payed me back in full. So, from the bottom of my heart,, thank you so much Squad for everything you've done to this amazing project!



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Squad has added a parts mod and a gameplay mod to stock. Now, it is time to look at, really look at, a UI mod. Blizzy's Toolbar is the go-to mod for all modders when adding access to functionality via the UI. Yes, KSP has the icons at the upper right corner. However, that solution has many shortcomings. The Blizzy Toolbar solves those problems:

I can configure it:

1) include the buttons I want;

2) exclude buttons I don't need. MJ has a billion buttons, I have three MJ's in my Toolbar: SMART A.S.S., Maneuver Node editor, Rendezvous Planner.

3) I can rearrange buttons to my liking

4) it's movable

5) it can be sized

6) it's been readily adopted by the modder community, not forced upon them.

None of the above can be said about the Squad solution. If you have many mods that add to the Squad-bar, they'll extend across the entire screen.

Please consider adding this nearly ubiquitous mod to stock.

Seconded here! It's a great mod.

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