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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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Currently having a bit of a glitch with 3.3.4 when mapping eeloo. The whole map is rendering as pure white with no topographic features visible :(

Looking at the map colour key it looks like both the purple (low) end and the white (high) end are both set to 0 meters, which would kind of make sense of why everything is white if every alltitude above 0 meters is white. Is that something I can adjust with an edit myself somewhere?

You need to open up your hilo.dat and add the line Eeloo;-500;3500 to the end. I use Notepad++ since I think notepad screws up the carriage returns.

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Since the kraken ate my previous post; is it possible to keep the dish from turning while not in orbit? I'm trying to build some nifty nosecones, but the MapSat dish seem to want to poke its nose out by turning.

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Yeah, I'm having a similar problem. I see the satellite dish and GPS parts, and I launched a satellite with the dish, but I've never seen any kind of UI for the add on. I've gone over the install instructions at least 10 times, and there's nothing there I missed. Seems either it's not working with the current version or the install instructions are incomplete.

Has anyone gotten it to work, and if so, any ideas what I can do to get the UI to come up? I even tried doing a fresh install, and no dice.

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You need to open up your hilo.dat and add the line Eeloo;-500;3500 to the end. I use Notepad++ since I think notepad screws up the carriage returns.

Hmmmm interesting. Doing that seems to break the plugin, with the UI failing to show up. Might have to have a tinker around and see what's going on there.

edit: it's just me being an idiot lol put in Eeloo:-500;3500 instead of Eeloo;-500;3500. Working fine now cheers buddy :D

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3.3.4 Does work with 0.19.1 I think you only need to add min and max values for eeloo. Otherwise it works just fine. This is one of the essential mods. Even if you're not going to plan your landing sites, it at least adds another use for probes (in addition to saving a dozen kerbals)

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Hello everyone. I have a question.

when i launch the probe with ISA MAP dish, the game takes a really long time to load the launching pad. The game looks like gonna crush and does not have any respond. Sometime about 10mins later, the launch pad can work, sometimes it never goes to work.

I only put mechjeb2.0.7 and ISA map 3.3.4 on the probe. Is that because my computer not fast enough? the probe without ISA map all goes fine.

My computer CPU is I3 3220 and the memory is 8G, video card GTX660. My game version is 19.1


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Before you launch click the MAPSAT icon in the lower left corner of your screen and turn Map Drawing Off, as long as its on it will cause massive slow downs while launching. After launch it will be fine but while its in flight it will slow the CPU down to a crawl.

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Before you launch click the MAPSAT icon in the lower left corner of your screen and turn Map Drawing Off, as long as its on it will cause massive slow downs while launching. After launch it will be fine but while its in flight it will slow the CPU down to a crawl.


Do you mean i should turn it off in VAH? sometimes i can not see the launch pad.

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Well one thing you could do is put a probe with a battery and a dish on the launch pad without a actual launcher attached to it. As soon as it appears turn off the map drawing there, it will turn it off for all mapsats until your turn it back on.

Thanks a lot! That's very helpful. I will try tonight!

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I cannot find the MapSat icon anywhere on my screen. I made the change to the hilo file, I even tried putting a satellite with the dish on the launchpad as suggested. No button anywhere.

You guys said it should be on the bottom left of the screen, but there's UI there (pitch, yaw, etc.). Maybe it's behind it? I can't find anyway to move the pitch, yaw, roll ui...

In sheer desperation I copied over the MapSat files AGAIN (3rd time now). Still no button. Any ideas what's going on?


Edited by lex starwalker
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Lex, did you add the dish part from the aerodynamic tab? (don't know why they're on that tab for me, science would be more appropriate)

you need the part on first before the button will appear (it doesn't use the stock dish)

on mine there is a little drawing compass button appears next to the staging indicator


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The button should be right next to the Pitch, Yaw, And Roll control indicators as seen here


Click that then it will open a window with the map as well as all the controls as seen here


Just turn all those settings to off, by clicking them, and it will prevent the Mapsat plug in from trying to operate during launches and slowing your machines down to a crawl.

If the button isn't appearing, try downloading the file again either from here or spaceport, I recommend spaceport as it should have the most recent up to date version.

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I cannot find the MapSat icon anywhere on my screen. I made the change to the hilo file, I even tried putting a satellite with the dish on the launchpad as suggested. No button anywhere.

You guys said it should be on the bottom left of the screen, but there's UI there (pitch, yaw, etc.). Maybe it's behind it? I can't find anyway to move the pitch, yaw, roll ui...

In sheer desperation I copied over the MapSat files AGAIN (3rd time now). Still no button. Any ideas what's going on?


I believe the icon to show the GUI does not move when screen resolution is changed, so it's always X number of pixels from the edge. If your screen resolution is too low or your setting for GUI scale too high, the pitch & yaw etc controls will cover the ISA icon. Try increasing your screen resolution or decreasing your GUI scale, that might help.

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Thanks for all the help guys.

I have definitely not seen that button, and I have tried it with the correct dish on my satellite. It may be a screen resolution thing, as I have mine at 1920x1080. If I'm able to change my resolution and find it, can I then move the button? I really don't want to play at a lower resolution just to use this mod.


Edit: Ok, just played around with it. I made the UI as small as it goes (Tiny), and I still didn't see a button.

Edited by lex starwalker
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Are you sure you are putting all the files for the mod in the right place?




move the files from those directories in the Zip file into the directories of the same name in the KSP folder. Its the only other thing I can think of, that could be going wrong.

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Lex, can you take a screenshot of the window, showing the (launched, or on the launch pad) ship so we can see the ISA antenna AND your full screen screen shot?

This would help us verify that you are just not missing it.

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Sorry, for some reason I can't get the image to imbed

Here's a screenshot with the satellite. I'm at 1920x1080 resolution with the UI at tiny (smallest it will go).

Maybe the problem I have is I have version 3.3.1, which is what I got from the dropbox link in the first post of this thread. The other link to the spaceport goes to a page that doesn't exist, probably because it was created after October.

Anyone know where I can get the latest version? Hopefully that will solve the problem.

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