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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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Here\'s some 500MB (13M data points) of munar topography data from over three days of munar survey, orbiting at roughly 3100m, between ±30° of latitude.

I think I got the transformation to the format ISA RAM is using (it has been downlinked using my telemetry module).

Looking forward to some nice mun maps ;)


On second thoughts, the method for measuring terrain altitude I\'m using differs a bit from InnSewerant\'s, so there may or may not be a noticeable difference in reported altitudes. Use with caution.

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Ya, I understand that only the current ship will generate data, but neither o my other vehicles generate data ever, even when current.

It might be that they stop transmitting data when you switch craft, or when a new module becomes active.

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Here\'s some 500MB (13M data points) of munar topography data from over three days of munar survey, orbiting at roughly 3100m, between ±30° of latitude.

I think I got the transformation to the format ISA RAM is using (it has been downlinked using my telemetry module).

Looking forward to some nice mun maps ;)


On second thoughts, the method for measuring terrain altitude I\'m using differs a bit from InnSewerant\'s, so there may or may not be a noticeable difference in reported altitudes. Use with caution.

Very nice, but I keep getting format exceptions... Possibly the last several data points don\'t have newlines? It\'s hard to check properly because notepad++ (which I\'ve been using to put all the data in one file) doesn\'t work properly with huge files.

Also, could you provide a checksum for the .csv?

I got MD5: b7f775ce9833df8fb3988b2d9b7bb8e5

Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at System.Double.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Double.Parse(String s, IFormatProvider provider)
at isa_RAM_MapGen.MainClass.Main(String[] args)

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Very nice, but I keep getting format exceptions... Possibly the last several data points don\'t have newlines? It\'s hard to check properly because notepad++ (which I\'ve been using to put all the data in one file) doesn\'t work properly with huge files.

Also, could you provide a checksum for the .csv?

I got MD5: b7f775ce9833df8fb3988b2d9b7bb8e5

$ md5sum mun.topography.csv
b7f775ce9833df8fb3988b2d9b7bb8e5 mun.topography.csv

$ file mun.topography.csv
mun.topography.csv: ASCII text

$ tail -n3 mun.topography.csv

Everything seems to be in order; maybe try splitting the data into smaller chunks?

If that doesn\'t help, here is another version with DOS line endings:

$ md5sum mun.topography.dos.csv
f296a2027024a9c3900f6dc5ca851542 mun.topography.dos.csv

$ file mun.topography.dos.csv
mun.topography.dos.csv: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

$ tail -n3 mun.topography.dos.csv


Link to alternate data file

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oO I never thought this thread would grow like this, I hadn\'t checked since my last reply, sorry for that.

Worked on some features and am a bit under the weather.

Before I get to reading everything since my last reply here\'s what\'s coming so far when I upload the next update:

-As requested: meridian gridlines

-Mercator projection option

-A dedicated part model!


I still need to figure out how to keep it from rotating inward to the ship and add a light to signal when it\'s active instead of the console test spam.

The rest is less obvious, the console line arguments for the mapgen can now be in any arbitrary sequence and I\'ve added a few.

Some tweaks and stuff :)

More might be added it all depends how long I will struggle with the animations of the part.

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You mean the texture map?

Like this


This is an old version of the map, If you have a newer one(with icecaps) i could use it instead.


I\'m thinking any real mapping mission on kerbin will take cheat parts.

If somebody comes up with a 'stratolite' type LTAV platform, that might work for this kind of application. Otherwise We\'ll have to figure out how to increase the functional range of the scanning beam.

While we\'re at it, the possibility of increasing the width of the scanning beam should be investigated.

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Sorry if this has already been answered, but is it possible for the plugin to run on multiple vehicles at the same time to speed up the mapping process?

No the detailed terrain collision mesh only gets loaded where you are. you could have multiple ksp installations perhaps each with a sat and separate csv you can combine later perhaps, not sure how well that would work out depending on your system.

Woah. Man, this is utterly amazing. Can\'t wait for that mac version.

As promised I will try to figure that out, patience might be required sadly.

Data points should range from -180 -> + 180 and -90 -> +90.

Data in the datafile can go beyond those bounds because ksp isn\'t switching fast enough on occasion, so instead of switching from -180 to 180 e.g. it\'s late and spits out -181, -182 and then catches up and continues correctly 177, 176 etc.

I correct for this in the mapgen, I wanted to keep the code in the actual ksp module as light as possible and didn\'t consider people might try and feed this data to other applications.

KSP uses procedural techniques to generate its terrain. [..]

I have been looking into this from the beginning and planning to change the scanning as soon as I got it figured out.

You\'ll find data that is outside 180/90 degrees will be KERBIN data that is collected on take off from the pad.

Members of the Kerbin Geographic Society need to take care to not activate their telemetry model in the first one or two stages of their rocket.

That would be weird because the whole data collection code is only run when an If statement checking if the body orbited is the mun is true.

Time to work more on usability and features like putting all those points on a 3D plane :)

Whats the maximum altitude of the radar? 3500 or 4000?

That depends on the quad count ksp spits out for you, I\'ve got intermittend high terrain telemetry from as high up as 4.8 but it misses almost everything not at the poles. at 4.2 my quad count is about 2000-2600 below 3.8 I get as high up as 3000+ so I figured a minimum of 1400 would be a good first bed as a limit.

I\'ve had many safe polar orbits with a large percentage of terrain scaned between 3.5 and 3.8 km, it\'s fast becoming my favourite orbit for this, most of the terrain scanned but not impacted upon ;)

I run the options high on a phenom II 3.2 ghz, 3 gb ddr2 ram, nvidia gtx 260 216core factory oc graphics card.

I only get a short load flight stutter usually. The whole altitude limit might be removed altogether at some point as I learn more about this all.

If somebody comes up with a 'stratolite' type LTAV platform, that might work for this kind of application. Otherwise We\'ll have to figure out how to increase the functional range of the scanning beam.

While we\'re at it, the possibility of increasing the width of the scanning beam should be investigated.

As it is coded atm there is no custom scanning beam to widen lol.

But yes this is on the to do/try list :)



Here\'s my data from 1 polar mapping satellite, left on overnight twice and well every time I test new things for the mod, I hardly get to map myself now ;)


I\'m going to work on something that will properly merge data when I get to it.

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How do I know if I\'m getting data? Right now I\'m in a 4050*4023m orbit around the Mun, but when I run the map gen (both when the game is and isn\'t running) I get a cmd window pop up for a split second. What am I doing wrong?

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Picture of your satellite, Turnip199?

Oh by the way I made a perl script to find the highest recorded peak, and it\'s 3284.9m at 52.32 N 70.05 E. So try to avoid flying below 3300m.

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How do I know if I\'m getting data? Right now I\'m in a 4050*4023m orbit around the Mun, but when I run the map gen (both when the game is and isn\'t running) I get a cmd window pop up for a split second. What am I doing wrong?

MapGen only works if there is a data file in the same directory, in a command window you\'ll get a file not found, windows kind of hides that from you run with doubleclick.

Try and dip a bit lower if no csv file is being created. the terrain might not be close enough to you to be of sufficient detail.

When I am finished with the new part model it will have a soft light effect when its actively getting data, for now you can check the console (alt-f2) it will say start scanning whenever it starts and stop scanning when it stops, this height it will probably switch a lot.

Picture of your satellite, Turnip199?

Oh by the way I made a perl script to find the highest recorded peak, and it\'s 3284.9m at 52.32 N 70.05 E. So try to avoid flying below 3300m.

I added that to mapgen, if you run it from console as of next update it will tell you the highest point in the data processed and the location. Good idea :)

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I\'m waiting to see the animation code ;)

The maps are beautiful.... this shows perfectly the kind of crazy shit that KSP makes possible: a couple hundred lines of C#, some time (a lot of time...) and you have something that looks like it came from a real space probe of the Sixties...

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The latest update of my scan only, roughly 32 hours of data. I included a 2000 px wide map as well as it gives you an idea of the amount of data we are still missing.

What orbit were you using for that scan?

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About 55Deg @ 3200 - 3400 meters. Eyeballed it in, no mechjeb or anything.

Here is a (what i think is up to date) merged data set rendered with no extrapolation.

I still have no idea why this renders upside down, nor can I find how to fix it.

edit- after going back through the thread I am obviously missing data. Perhaps we need to start a sub thread for just updated csv files

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