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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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  Zeroignite said:
I'm running a completely fresh install of both KSP and Mapsat for 0.21, and the button doesn't even show up for me.

Are you sure you're running the developer version (some people had this issue earlier)? Are you sure your craft has the Mapsat dish on it? Are you sure it's not hidden under any other mod's button in the lower-left of the screen?

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I too have the dev build mapsat, also with kethane 0.7.4 and 2.0.9 MJ, for some reason the mapsat locks up my entire game when I move from VAB to launch pad, just freezes with black screen and i get my spinning rainbow (osx) as my mouse, having to restart completely. Once I take the mapsat dish off in VAB and re-launch, no problems!

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  Kimberly said:
Are you sure you're running the developer version (some people had this issue earlier)? Are you sure your craft has the Mapsat dish on it? Are you sure it's not hidden under any other mod's button in the lower-left of the screen?
I have the version linked in the first post of this thread. Having used mapsat before (including for significant data collection), I know to put a dish or gps on the craft. No other mod is covering the button.
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  ebaydan777 said:
I too have the dev build mapsat, also with kethane 0.7.4 and 2.0.9 MJ, for some reason the mapsat locks up my entire game when I move from VAB to launch pad, just freezes with black screen and i get my spinning rainbow (osx) as my mouse, having to restart completely. Once I take the mapsat dish off in VAB and re-launch, no problems!

This is caused by the fact that newest version of mapsat eats through alot of RAM, since KSP is a 32 bit program it can only use 2 GB max, with mapsat, kethan and MJ ur probably pushing it over that limit. (this is the same issue i had, i removed mapsat and everything works like a breeze)

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  OopsThatNotWork said:
This is caused by the fact that newest version of mapsat eats through alot of RAM, since KSP is a 32 bit program it can only use 2 GB max, with mapsat, kethan and MJ ur probably pushing it over that limit. (this is the same issue i had, i removed mapsat and everything works like a breeze)

I have the exact same problem, how come so much RAM eating? Yeah, but RAM is always the cause of my crashes (thankfully SO much rarer since 0.21).

Also, since the 0.21 update, the ISA window shows nothing but noise/static, no maps, no buttons, no nothing, the sliders show up though.

For those who happen to have more than 2GB RAM installed, there is a couple of tricks you can do to boost things a little - google "3GB switch" and "Physical Address Extension".

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ksp will use up to 3.7gig of ram before crash. so the 3gb switch is useless for ksp. if u crashing due to memory remove the parts of mods u dont use. when u start u need the game to be in the 2-2.3gig area use area after u loaded in.

btw forgot to mention i already checked the .exe for ksp and it already set to use more than 2gig of ram.

Edited by sidfu
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Guys please take some time to read through the thread. You can pick any of the last 20 pages and see these same issues discussed on every one. Solutions at this point are -

Lower your graphics settings - Reduce your "Render Quality Level" and your "Texture Quality" in the in-game settings (YMMV) or . . .

If you have a lot of mods Remove some unused Mods or . . .

Remove ISA x4-r1 and install ISA v3.3.4 or . . .

Remove ISA MapSat and play without it until Innswerants returns from his/her hiatus/summer vacation on Eeloo.

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  Zeroignite said:
I have the version linked in the first post of this thread. Having used mapsat before (including for significant data collection), I know to put a dish or gps on the craft. No other mod is covering the button.

The version linked in the first post is not the dev version. Click through to the developer's blog (in his signature) to get version X4r1 - second post down in his blog.

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Ok here is a thought (no matter how much it hurt to have one)

There is an issue with X4r1 being RAM hungry, iv heard it said you need about "a gig of head room" for it to run smoothly. so the popular "fix" for us who are running a ton of mods is to down grade to the last vision. the problem with the last version is that it cannot write a new hilo.dat file which you need to do if you want to have accurate terrain scan with the new .21 update. so... what about installing x4r1, turning on hilo.dat update, delete provided hilo.dat, let it up date, copy hilo.dat, delete x4r1, down grade to previous non ram destroying version and using the new, updated, hilo.dat file that x4r1 created with the older version? would that work? will try when i get back home tonight and post results if someone hasn't figured that one out by then.

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For those of you who are trying to run map sat X4r1 on .21.

I dont have alot of memory space left for KSP to operate with. And im not willing to lower the graphics settings or part ways with any of the mods I use. But as of .20 KSP ran smoothly with 20+ mods Including Mapsat (which i consider a necessity)

So when .21 came out it broke Mapsat because of the new terrain settings, kerbin was mostly black and the mun mostly white. And as mapsat 3.3.4 dose not have the ability to update it hilo.data file it basically broke it. So i like many switched to X4r1, which CAN update its hilo.data file. but I ran into a new problem, X4r1 need a lot of memory to run, more than KSP with all the mods i had installed had to give. So it would constantly CTD if it would load after pressing lanch at all, mostly when i tried to lanch something it would go black with the loading symbole like it should and then just stay there. I would have to ctrl alt delete to task manager to find that the program wasn't responding due to lack of memory. it would then after about 10 min CTD. Many of the "solutions" I found on this thread where: lower graphics level (no). remove mods (no!). remove Mapsat (awh hell nah!)

I have found a solution for those in my situation.

1) Download and install X4r1

2) Start game, launch a ship with mapsat installed. (you may have to remove some mods till it will run X4r1, then re install at a later date.)

3) In game, click the mapsat button/kerbalpidia/settings- check update hilo.data and exit game.

4) Go into ksp directory/gamedata/Innersewrnts Space agency/plugins/ plugindata/ ISA_mapsat delete hilo

5) repeat step 2, then exit (may hang for a moment ingame as it writes new hilo file)

6) Go back into ksp directory/gamedata/Innersewrnts Space agency/plugins/ plugindata/ ISA_mapsat and COPY that hilo file

7) uninstall X4r1, compleatly

8) Install ISA MapSat 3.3.4 UNOFFICIAL Update http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/isa-mapsat-3-3-4-unofficial-update/

9) go to KSP/plugins/plugin data/ISA_Mapsat, delete the hilo file here and paste the other one.

10) Repeat step 2

11) ???

12) Great success!

Now you have a map sat that takes WAY less memory than X4r1 and will accurately scan the new terrain elevations!

Hope this helps some folks, fly safe!

Edited by Hexaphobia
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It didn't work for me. Once I got everything in the right place I had the following problems:

No visible button to bring up MapSat window. But if I clicked in the right general location it came up.

Map display was messed up, and would not display current position, KSC location, or anomalies.

Map drawing seemed messed up, like parts of the scan were missing.

It's not really functional for me unfortunately. Did I do something wrong?

Edit: On further tries I found the maps created during mapping weren't being saved, next launch I'd start over from scratch. When I look at the png files, they are all empty and transparent, it looks like something went wrong in creating them.

Edited by Markarian421
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  Hexaphobia said:

For those of you who are trying to run map sat X4r1 on .21.

I dont have alot of memory space left for KSP to operate with. And im not willing to lower the graphics settings or part ways with any of the mods I use. But as of .20 KSP ran smoothly with 20+ mods Including Mapsat (which i consider a necessity)

So when .21 came out it broke Mapsat because of the new terrain settings, kerbin was mostly black and the mun mostly white. And as mapsat 3.3.4 dose not have the ability to update it hilo.data file it basically broke it. So i like many switched to X4r1, which CAN update its hilo.data file. but I ran into a new problem, X4r1 need a lot of memory to run, more than KSP with all the mods i had installed had to give. So it would constantly CTD if it would load after pressing lanch at all, mostly when i tried to lanch something it would go black with the loading symbole like it should and then just stay there. I would have to ctrl alt delete to task manager to find that the program wasn't responding due to lack of memory. it would then after about 10 min CTD. Many of the "solutions" I found on this thread where: lower graphics level (no). remove mods (no!). remove Mapsat (awh hell nah!)

I have found a solution for those in my situation.

1) Download and install X4r1

2) Start game, launch a ship with mapsat installed. (you may have to remove some mods till it will run X4r1, then re install at a later date.)

3) In game, click the mapsat button/kerbalpidia/settings- check update hilo.data and exit game.

4) Go into ksp directory/gamedata/Innersewrnts Space agency/plugins/ plugindata/ ISA_mapsat delete hilo

5) repeat step 2, then exit (may hang for a moment ingame as it writes new hilo file)

6) Go back into ksp directory/gamedata/Innersewrnts Space agency/plugins/ plugindata/ ISA_mapsat and COPY that hilo file

7) uninstall X4r1, compleatly

8) Install ISA MapSat 3.3.4 UNOFFICIAL Update http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/isa-mapsat-3-3-4-unofficial-update/

9) go to KSP/plugins/plugin data/ISA_Mapsat, delete the hilo file here and paste the other one.

10) Repeat step 2

11) ???

12) Great success!

Now you have a map sat that takes WAY less memory than X4r1 and will accurately scan the new terrain elevations!

Hope this helps some folks, fly safe!

This worked brilliantly. Thank you!

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I've had a bit of a mixed result. Kerbin's map is a little fekked, but once I scan over it, it cleans up except for the bottom where it shows the values. I'm about to scan the mun before I'm done for the night. Ill let ya know how it goes tomorrow.

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I decided to compare the hilo files since I took the time to try the switch from DEV 4 to 3.4.

Here is the 3.4 hilo.dat contents.


And the DEV 4 hilo.dat before deletion.


And after deleting the Dev 4.0 hilo.dat and starting the game to rebuild it.


Opening the hilo.dat file with notepad and pasting this last code into it should make the 3.4 work without the hassle of having to install and uninstall DEV 4. I also got DEV 4 working after I unistalled the largest mod i had installed, the KW Rocketry that was eating 400+MB.

Edited by Donziboy2
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Masked Turk:

no one knows at this point. author has not up dated this mod since .19 and has not even logged in since june 5th.


Yes, you did something wrong, have checked and rechecked this method. make sure you follow steps completely. make sure you are using X4r1 to write the new hilo and then use the provided version of 3.3.4 (unofficial version). also, if you haven't already done so you need to re-install all mods onto a fresh .21 copy and start the whole directory over after each patch or it may cause issues. PM me if you still cant figure it out and i will walk you threw it.

Also, make sure you are installing the 3.3.4 legacy style. as in merging parts and plugin folders and not putting the whole ISA MAPSAT file into gamedata folder. (thanks for reminding me Cashen)

Edited by Hexaphobia
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I'm pretty sure I followed the directions, but I'll give it a try again later tonight. I started with a fresh 0.21.1 install with only MapSat and MechJeb installed.

To clarify: I had X4r1 installed and had already followed the first steps to get the updated hilo.dat file. (That's actually working for me now, but I know if I add more mods I'll start running int problems.) I removed all that stuff and installed the linked v3 version.

What directories do you have everything installed in? One thing I noticed was that the v3 you linked to seemed to be saving the png files in a different location than older versions of KSP.

Edit: Nope, tried again a few times (over the last hour), same result every time -- no button, messed up display, corrupt map png files. I tried editing in the PART { } stuff, same result. I tried copying over png files from an old copy of v3, and it overwrote them with these blank transparent png files. I tried letting it map for a while, it never wrote the map data to the messed up file. Maybe that special version only works on Windows, maybe it's incompatible with MechJeb 2.0.9. I don't know. But it's not functional for me.

That version doesn't use standard directories under either old or new versions. In 0.19 it used the directories:

Parts/ (the two parts directories)



This special version only uses the Parts and Plugins directory, creating non-standard subdirs for the plugindata under the Plugins directory.

Parts/ (the two parts directories)



Edited by Markarian421
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  Hexaphobia said:


Also, make sure you are installing the 3.3.4 legacy style. as in merging parts and plugin folders and not putting the whole ISA MAPSAT file into gamedata folder. (thanks for reminding me Cashen)

Can you explain this? Specifically for Mapsat 3.3.4 - It's been awhile since I've installed mods on older version of KSP and I'm already spoiled by being able to just drop into the Gamedata folder (which is how it should be, or better, there be a folder special for Mods.)

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I just installed the dev build today, ran the auto-update hilo thingy, and so far my Kerbin mapping excursions have been looking pretty good. I don't see any wonky altitudes, and even found an anomaly I went and flew over in a plane. No crashes yet.

I'm running KSP 0.21.1 with a smattering of other mods on Mac OS X.

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So you guys can confirm that mapsat is functional with KSP 0.21.1?

I'll probably toss a scanner up tonight then to find a nice flat spot for making a munbase.

Also where is the current download link at.

Looks like the links on the first post go to the old version, one of which is no longer even a valid link.

Edited by OdinYggd
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