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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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Can we not simple replace the maptextures with smaler ones?

Or optimised ones for Web Applications?

I mean... do we we ingame real need a x Mbyte big Map? (Is it not a (relative) tiny "screen" ingame?

Xentoe, on the right of the map itself in the display window is a vertical slider, as you drag it up the main display will zoom in. While the whole-planet preview is a few hunder pixels wide/high, the fully zoomed in version seems at leats ten times bigger. The huge files support zoom, not the "small" overview, and replacing them isn't really possible since they're generated on-the-fly.

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I managed to make this work, finally. Instead of having a folder in GameData, I just plopped the Plugins, Parts and PluginData into the empty folders of the same name under KSP_win. Also, they're in aerodynamics. Huh.

erm... you sure that's 4.0?

3.whatever had it's parts under the aerodynamics tab.... back when there was an aerodynamics tab. Methinks you may have downloaded the wrong version, because if 4.0 didn't work when installed in GameData, I don't see how doing what you did would fix the problem.

Every page of this thread looks almost identical to the one before... if we got rid of all of the posts by people who downloaded the wrong version or are wondering why they're crashing, this thread would be like 10 pages instead of a few hundred.

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My Problem her eis more:

I can insstall it, and have the parts.

But when bring the thing onto the launchpag, it ends in an endless loadscreen (the black one between construction and lanuchsite)

After setting Timewarp to 1, it loads and loads and loads........ (did test it and let it load 3 hours)

What's your memory usage at? 9 times out of 10, endless loading or CTD's result from memory errors.

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I know my Memory Usage is to high :-)

But let`s be true you need only Home, Nova Punch and B9 aerospace parts to be outof the limit for this mod.

This 4 GB Limit is real a shame for sutch a cool game with so many options.

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Is anyone working on this? With 0.22 coming out, an updated ISA MapSat would make me weep with joy! Innsewerants has a beautiful looking Dev build but it would seem he has been AFK for 3 months. I understand that life happens to the best of us and I hope everything is okay. If he is busy, could/should/would he hand it off to someone else?


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I read the post about a file saving multiple instances of the same scanned "dot" - or something along the lines - but I didnt quite get it:

Is the multiple scanning of parts of the planet/moon surface the reason for the map file being so big and choking the RAM?

How exactly could this be remedied?

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How long do you think it takes to complete a map of a planet?!

About few generation in earth time? Well, even our earth until now, they haven get a "complete" map yet... many places still unexplored, especially the deep sea.

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Thanks. I take hours (real time) to complete a map...so....inefficient.

Go to a high (rather wide scan field at equator) slightly inclined orbit (5 deg from polar maybe) and set to 50x time acc. - tab out, stalk the forums, watch some entertaining/educational vids on youtube, talk to your family, pet your pet ... return to a complete map in under 1h for sure.

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Depend of the resolution of the map, and resolution and speed of the scanner.

In game, the limiting factor is the scanner speed.

So lower orbit, higher warp, and higher ping/second to keep the resolution stable mean less time.

I think you can increase the ping/second by adding scanners, or modifying the mod/part files.

At one point the game precisions limit put hard limits, though.

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I wait for IsaMapSat and Remotech to be updated. Those 2 mods give a more realistic touch to the game.

I ll also use Kos, scriptable autopilot.

So, here is my question. Does Isa work? Is it reliable?

Thanks for your answers.

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I wait for IsaMapSat and Remotech to be updated. Those 2 mods give a more realistic touch to the game.

I ll also use Kos, scriptable autopilot.

So, here is my question. Does Isa work? Is it reliable?

Thanks for your answers.

I couldn't get version 4.0 to work reliably, so I just use "ISA MapSat 3.3.4 UNOFFICIAL Update" version on Spaceport.

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I have been using 3.3.4 since 0.21 came out. I wrote my own data-prep to take all data that the probe(s) download and get it ready for the old MapGen routine. All works GREAT... Full resolution maps to work with and tiny memory footprint to deal with ..... Some things i liked with the 4.0 dev, but just too much of memory hog.....

this will work fine for the time being....

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What exactly causes the memory hogging of this mod? Is it the big map file? Can this be somehow reduced by JPGging it and/or going black&white or any other way?

It is, essentially, the fact that Unity seems to expand all images into an uncompressed representation in-memory while it is running, coupled with the fact that there is a very high res image for each body in the system.

There is another thread that is discussing this ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47150-ISA-MapSat-Legacy-discussion ), and essentially, the primary way to do it would be to store the terrain data out-of-band, and build the textures on the fly for display on screen - this would be a huge change in how the addin works.

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Is there any new progress on this mod? I have had to stop using it because it has been such a memory hog (yes, I run the batch script clean-up regularly). I cannot find http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...nd-blog-update where the xR41 version resides since the forum restart. It's a truly great mod, I would love to see it sorted.

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