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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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I have no idea why. They should be able to be added just like planets.

If the old version doesn't work, when it previously did in 0.90, then it means that something changed on your end right? Are you running KSP in any special way: force OpenGL, DirectX11, etc.? That might mess things up.

Click that icon for DRE (designed by me *shameless advertising* :) ) in the toolbar.

BTW - newest version crashes KSP right before start screen. :S

I just tried hard mode and while the flames started immediately, I didn't experience a brick wall. At least not at 288 km periapsis. It just slowed my ship down like aerobraking maneuvers on normal mode, give or take a few m/s. Seeing as your newest version crashes before the start screen, I think it's about the interplay between Kopernicus and/or Kittopia and DRE. Sarnus is in all respects just Jool, but with a higher atmosphere. There's little that I could've messed up on my end. Perhaps contact Teknoman of Kopernicus or Gravitasi of KopernicusTech to brainstorm if/how the mods could be messing up DRE.

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I just tried hard mode and while the flames started immediately, I didn't experience a brick wall. At least not at 288 km periapsis. It just slowed my ship down like aerobraking maneuvers on normal mode, give or take a few m/s. Seeing as your newest version crashes before the start screen, I think it's about the interplay between Kopernicus and/or Kittopia and DRE. Sarnus is in all respects just Jool, but with a higher atmosphere. There's little that I could've messed up on my end. Perhaps contact Teknoman of Kopernicus or Gravitasi of KopernicusTech to brainstorm if/how the mods could be messing up DRE.

I'll try removing DRE.

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This doesn't work for me. I dipped the periapsis like less than 5 km from the edge and at the starting moment of entering atmosphere border destruction occurs instantly. There is no transition. It's like hitting a wall. Sarnus and Urlum, same thing.

Speeds of reentry are around 3500 m/s. That's perfectly fine for Jool. Actually even with higher speeds there's a pretty large window of periapsides. I've returned home to Kerbin at enormous speeds of over 5500 m/s and DRE doesn't cause problems at hard mode. At OPM planets, you hit an invisible brick wall. :)

Try editing the atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier of Sarnus to something a little lower than 5. It's interesting CaptRobau didn't have any issues as I also noticed a fairly hard "wall" when dipping into the atmosphere. My periapse wasn't even dropping, but once I hit the hard wall my periapse drops from a high encentric orbit down to basically orbiting within a matter of seconds, which results in lots of fire and super high Gs which is what causes the destruction.

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Hi I love your mod but the AVP had anyways crashed on me (even with no other mods) so I used the renaissance pack for my visuals combined with the 1.4 version of the OPM mod. I'm going to get rid of everything and start again but is there any other way to get the stunning clouds of Tekto without using AVP?

Very new to modding!

Also just curious to know if you guys have added extra contracts in career mode for the new planets and moons.

Your advice would be awesome.

Keep up the good work!

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If the old version doesn't work, when it previously did in 0.90, then it means that something changed on your end right? Are you running KSP in any special way: force OpenGL, DirectX11, etc.? That might mess things up.

They worked fine in Kopernicus Core. Ever since they haven't worked.

And no, not running it in a special way.

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I have to say I love this mod, it adds a lot to the gameplay and the names of the planets are just perfect. :)

I am enjoying it very much :D

If I may dare to propose a feature, take a look at this I think It could be a nice reference to the planet IRL.

Edited by Sigma88
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Try editing the atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier of Sarnus to something a little lower than 5. It's interesting CaptRobau didn't have any issues as I also noticed a fairly hard "wall" when dipping into the atmosphere. My periapse wasn't even dropping, but once I hit the hard wall my periapse drops from a high encentric orbit down to basically orbiting within a matter of seconds, which results in lots of fire and super high Gs which is what causes the destruction.

It won't help me. Even without DRE, KSP crashes the moment the start screen should appear. The newest version totally incapacitated it. :blush:

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Whats the last thing happening in the log? I have had something similar today, also crashing right before the start screen. I am running ubuntu, RAM usage was around 10GB when it crashed - turns out AVP on higher resolutions manages to take up gigabytes of RAM ._. No idea how it does that, but naturally, EVE's cloud manager was the last thing operating...

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Whats the last thing happening in the log? I have had something similar today, also crashing right before the start screen. I am running ubuntu, RAM usage was around 10GB when it crashed - turns out AVP on higher resolutions manages to take up gigabytes of RAM ._. No idea how it does that, but naturally, EVE's cloud manager was the last thing operating...

Which file? error.txt, output_log.txt, or report.ini?

Also, could FAR create problems with reentry at OPM's gas giants? I have FAR...

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Player.log is the most extensive one afaik.

Running FAR as well, and have not noticed strange behavior. Tbh, if nothing else helps, remove a certain number of mods at a time to see which interaction causes it. Since many people across different systems and with most likely different mods have not had issues, some weird mod interaction is a good bet. Its a painful path, but every modding player has to walk it once in a while :D

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Player.log is the most extensive one afaik.

Running FAR as well, and have not noticed strange behavior. Tbh, if nothing else helps, remove a certain number of mods at a time to see which interaction causes it. Since many people across different systems and with most likely different mods have not had issues, some weird mod interaction is a good bet. Its a painful path, but every modding player has to walk it once in a while :D

(Filename: Line: 909)


ERROR: Error while initializing dbghelp.dll, GetLastError: 'The operation completed successfully.' (Address: 00000000)

========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

ERROR: Error while initializing dbghelp.dll, GetLastError: 'The operation completed successfully.' (Address: 00000000)

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

**** Crash! ****

Crashing at startup started when I installed the latest OPM so it's most definitively OPM's fault. DRE only causes destruction of the probe. KER perhaps causes NaN upon vessel loading, but I didn't have startup crashes before the latest version.

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Well, mine looked different. Not being an overly astute reader of logs myself, ppl will need the whole one, just upload it on your cloud storage service of choice, post it here and eventually someone will identify the cause. Can you replicate it with a clean install + OPM?

I am not even sure where dbghelp.dll belongs to, that could be KSP itself, but it could just as well belong to some mod...

Edit: Woops, did not think of windows. My player.log is your output.log. Basically this is our "ideal" guide to troubleshooting mods.

Edited by Tellion
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I didn't get a chance to do a lot of playing with it, but I dropped OPM on my main install, and so far, everything is good! I haven't had any NaN Krakens so far. While there's still lots of time for it to decide it doesn't play well with KER, preliminary tests are positive.

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Here's something funny. Stuff I downloaded from curse.com works. Stuff from kerbalstuff doesn't. What's going on? :huh:

Details? I had the same issue earlier then discovered it was just because I had accidentally downloaded the outdated version from kerbalstuff when the newest wasn't up yet, but was on curse.

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Wow, I feel very silly now. I guess I just assumed that the atmospheres were approximately as dense and since Sarnus is slightly smaller than Jool, I must have figured that you needed a lower periapsis. Sorry for wasting your time!

The lower the density of a gas giant, the higher its atmosphere's scale height (a variable that predicts how far an atmosphere will extend into space) will be.

Saturn is about half as dense as Jupiter but its radius is about 84% of Jupiter's.

As a result, Saturn's atmosphere scale height is 220% of Jupiter's.

As Sarnus is sized to be an direct analogue of Saturn in the KSP universe, we applied the same rule to its atmosphere scale height.

Jool's scale height is 10km while Sarnus' is 22km. Thus while Jool's atmospheric pressure ticks over from 0.00001 to 0.00000 at 150km, Sarnus' ticks over at about 328km.

I hope that makes sense.


The wiki for Jool recommends that aero-braking manoeuvres not be conducted below 100km, for Sarnus I'd recommend not to go below 220km.

Edited by Eudae55
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DRE works fine with Jool. Every time I go there I use a large shield to aerobrake. Laythe or Jool, it's always the same. It just depends on the pressures. Dipping the periapsis a bit below the atmosphere edge (just how much, that depends on various factors, of course) several times brings the ship to a manageable orbit without any problems.



You should ask DRE's creator(s) for cooperation. It would be a shame if OPM doesn't get support for DRE, although that might not be neccessary after the stock reentry heating is introduced. But we can't say that one will work well...

This seems to be influenced by the false colored near infrared image of Titan.

I actually like the terrain color you've envisioned. Looks like some dried organic residue.

My suggestion - the lakes and seas in the current edition look bland blue just like Laythe's and Kerbin's. What about pitch black? What about very dark orange to resemble the goo of Miller-Urey's experiment?



Very dark orange with a hint of red. I think it would look so nice.

That's the plan but I could not figure out how to manipulate KittopiaTech to change a pre-existing ocean into that colour.

Hopefully someone from the community can figure out how. I'm tempted to offer a gift on steam as a reward for their efforts. If anyone is game enough to try, let me know.

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I'm trying to do a marriage between KSPRC and OPM 1.5.2. AVP eats all the memory on my machine and does not work very well so I try to find alternative solutions

Basically all works well excepted I didn't get the clouds around OPM's gas giants and Tekto.

The Gasgiants.cgf and the Tekto.cfg are into the boulderCo folder

I tried to edit the clouds using the alt+N menu.

this menu works perfectly for the stock planets

When I try to use it on the OPM planets, the menu pops up but I did not have any options shown excepted the planet's name and the choice of the cfg file.

Any hints to help me to get clouds around Tekto and the OPM gas giants?

nevertheless ... the mod is awesome! Tekto and Sarnus are fantastic!


Install is containing only KSPRC and OPM. It is a clean and fresh install. ;)

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I'm trying to do a marriage between KSPRC and OPM 1.5.2. AVP eats all the memory on my machine and does not work very well so I try to find alternative solutions

Basically all works well excepted I didn't get the clouds around OPM's gas giants and Tekto.

The Gasgiants.cgf and the Tekto.cfg are into the boulderCo folder

I tried to edit the clouds using the alt+N menu.

this menu works perfectly for the stock planets

When I try to use it on the OPM planets, the menu pops up but I did not have any options shown excepted the planet's name and the choice of the cfg file.

Any hints to help me to get clouds around Tekto and the OPM gas giants?

nevertheless ... the mod is awesome! Tekto and Sarnus are fantastic!


Install is containing only KSPRC and OPM. It is a clean and fresh install. ;)

I suggest you edit the config manually (not in-game) and replace the filenames of the AVP textures with functionally similar textures in the KSPRC pack. You could almost do a "Find/Replace" sweep and get it done in a minute or two.

A text editor like notepad++ is your friend.

Edit: If you have success, feel free to post the result as I mainly use KSPRC also ;)

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Nope I didn't tried. I just had a look into the cfg file given a few pages ago.

Adapting the cfg files to existing elements seems more than easy.

I think we can even created our own cloud maps without any trouble and give the planets an absolute feeling of unicity.

Btw I wonder if we can use apng files to create animations into the cloud layers - like rotating storms, appearing/vanishing clouds, volcano's ash ejection in the high atmosphere... whatever atmospheric phenomenon.

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