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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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Surprised there were not more takers for Urlum moon blurbs, so I started working on some for Polta. More when I get a chance. I also gave a quick edit to those that were there to fix a couple spelling and grammar errors, hope that's not presumptuous of me.

It's not totally apparent from the screenshots or the info on the spreadsheet -- which is leading the orbit, Polta or Priax, and which is trailing? If Priax is trailing, does its "leading" biome thus face toward Polta?

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Thanks for taking on blurbs. Priax is trailing Polta btw.

- - - Updated - - -

  ChrisSpace said:
Hello, just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed this mod, just entering orbit around urlum for the first time now :D

Always great to hear that.

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  Lord Aurelius said:
Are there any system rescales that are specifically designed to be compatible with this (or have patches to make it compatible)? I saw one by GregoxMun awhile ago but it was for a very old version of this mod and didn't work properly.

I made k2 configs awhile ago.

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  Lord Aurelius said:
Are there any system rescales that are specifically designed to be compatible with this (or have patches to make it compatible)? I saw one by GregoxMun awhile ago but it was for a very old version of this mod and didn't work properly.

Here's one for 64k by Tellion. I'm currently maintaining it since he's busy.

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  Walker said:
@CaptRobau, would it be possible to put, mentioned above , links to rescaled system configs in first post in this thread?

Yeah that's probably a good idea.

  Akinesis said:
Hey Capt,

I would like to contribute to the blurbs, but I can't access the folder right now from work (restricted access). Is it still open for contribution?

Tried the link in Incognito Mode, so it should work. I think it's the restricted access of your work that is messing it up. I never lock the pages up, so contribution is possible at any time. The next version will contain some blurbs that were added to Tekto after the 'deadline' of that update.

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By the way, Cap, I noticed some of the categories seem to be missing (e.g., Wal has categories for the Gravioli Detector by biome, Polta and Priax don't). Not sure if that was intentional or not, but assuming it wasn't, should we go ahead and add rows for those?

I also didn't see InSpaceLow and InSpaceHigh entries for the gas giants themselves, but those might be somewhere else.

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Intentional. I've done this community approach a couple of times and some types of experiments in certain biomes are just near impossible to write interesting stuff for. Not only that, those situations are also very unlikely to be experienced by a lot of people. So that combination makes me not want to waste anyone's time writing it. Filling out other empty sections or even writing secondary descriptions for situations already filled out has more priority in my mind.

Some of the experiments have InSpaceLow and InSpaceHIgh entries. It might not be the case in the Google Document, but in the in-game config I can see them. Not all of the experiments, since if I/others couldn't come up with a description that fit either high or low space, then I just listed those descriptions under the generic InSpace.

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Hello , wanted to take a doubt , someone else has trouble activating clouds this mod new horizons or OPM none of the planets atmosphere has to have min clouds, and have installed all the necessary plugins insclusive Astronomer 's Visual Pack - Interstellar V2 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements - 7-4

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  CaptRobau said:
Intentional. I've done this community approach a couple of times and some types of experiments in certain biomes are just near impossible to write interesting stuff for.

Ok, all good. I thought that might be it.

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  CaptRobau said:
Yeah that's probably a good idea.

Tried the link in Incognito Mode, so it should work. I think it's the restricted access of your work that is messing it up. I never lock the pages up, so contribution is possible at any time. The next version will contain some blurbs that were added to Tekto after the 'deadline' of that update.

Yes, to clarify it is my work that is restricting it all. If you're still looking for writer I will grab the document when I get home to start lending a hand.

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I posted this a while back in the help section of this forum and never got a reply so im trying again in this thread and hope for an answer :)

I am craving new bodies to visit, and i decided to mod my game and install Outer Planets Mod, since it looks like the perfect mod and should already be included as stock imo.

I already have a few mods installed and it appears that some of my mods is making OPM crash, but i dont know which mod is causing the problems. The mods i have installed at the moment are the following: (i'm not sure what all of these mods do, since some of them are included as packs for other mods i have installed)

Astronomers Visual Pack

CrossFeed Enabler

DDSLoader (dont know what is)

Dmagic Orbital Science

Kerbal Engineer Redux



Munar Surface Experiment

Near Future Electrical and Propulsion

Outer Planet mods


Procedural Fairings

Texture Replacer


I don't know why any of these would cause problems with OPM, and i hope i dont have to remove any of the mods to get OPM working.

Any help is appreciated :)

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Surface Sample on Polta:

The Ammonia crystals on the surface fly every-time you step.

Crew report on surface of Wal:

A thick smell of Sulphur seeps through the cabin. You know that Wal is made of Sulphur, and you start to wonder who built this thing...

EVA report on surface of Polta:

You stare into the stars, wondering, on this rock, why you are here. Then you realize you're here to drill that rock.

More to come!

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  Valkyria90 said:
I posted this a while back in the help section of this forum and never got a reply so im trying again in this thread and hope for an answer :)

I am craving new bodies to visit, and i decided to mod my game and install Outer Planets Mod, since it looks like the perfect mod and should already be included as stock imo.

I already have a few mods installed and it appears that some of my mods is making OPM crash, but i dont know which mod is causing the problems. The mods i have installed at the moment are the following: (i'm not sure what all of these mods do, since some of them are included as packs for other mods i have installed)

Astronomers Visual Pack

CrossFeed Enabler

DDSLoader (dont know what is)

Dmagic Orbital Science

Kerbal Engineer Redux



Munar Surface Experiment

Near Future Electrical and Propulsion

Outer Planet mods


Procedural Fairings

Texture Replacer


I don't know why any of these would cause problems with OPM, and i hope i dont have to remove any of the mods to get OPM working.

Any help is appreciated :)

DDS Loader is contained in the OPM archive

If you can get the game to crash reliably (when you do something it always crash) then try removing some of the mods and play the game for a little while

remove mods untill the game doesn't crash and you will find the problem.

I would also try doing a clean install, maybe it's just something that gets solved that way

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In a fit of pique, I went ahead and finished off all missing blurbs for the current Urlum moons over coffee this morning, mostly for Polta and Priax. Wrote a couple description 2's, as well. Hopefully they're all showing up on the spreadsheet succesfully?

On another note entirely, I'm sure you guys have big plans for Neidon, but having spent some time reading about Triton lately, let me express my hope for a Triton analog. I've also been writing up my Jool-5 submission lately, and one thing I found made Joolian missions pretty easy was the ability to aerobrake into orbit around Laythe and operate from there. By contrast, a highly-inclined, and retrograde-orbiting (if such a thing is even possible) Triton analog would be a real challenge to get to, particularly given how far Neidon is to begin with. A tenuous atmosphere would also be fun (providing an extra lure for science, but not being much use for aerobraking or parachutes).

It would also be neat if the Triton analog had perturbed other moons into unusual orbits (a la Nereid and its high eccentricity). Another thought is some small, extremely distant moons at the edge of Neidon's Hill sphere, a la Neso and Psamathe, which would be their own challenge to reach thanks to their small size and distance.

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  Sigma88 said:
I think they will also finish both urlum's and neidon's systems before starting with plock, but I'm not sure about that

True. Also Eudae55, the other team member, is busy with RL stuff for a while which slows down development enough so that by the time New Horizons gets more info on Pluto we'll be about done with the gas giants and their moons. So we won't be sitting on our hands, waiting for Pluto. Personally I hope this recent theory turns out to be true:

I just love that look.

  Valkyria90 said:
I don't know why any of these would cause problems with OPM, and i hope i dont have to remove any of the mods to get OPM working.

Any help is appreciated :)

Check if Kerbal Engineer and Texture Replacer are updated to the latest versions. Earlier version had issues with OPM.

  The Hawk said:
In a fit of pique, I went ahead and finished off all missing blurbs for the current Urlum moons over coffee this morning, mostly for Polta and Priax. Wrote a couple description 2's, as well. Hopefully they're all showing up on the spreadsheet succesfully?

On another note entirely, I'm sure you guys have big plans for Neidon, but having spent some time reading about Triton lately, let me express my hope for a Triton analog. I've also been writing up my Jool-5 submission lately, and one thing I found made Joolian missions pretty easy was the ability to aerobrake into orbit around Laythe and operate from there. By contrast, a highly-inclined, and retrograde-orbiting (if such a thing is even possible) Triton analog would be a real challenge to get to, particularly given how far Neidon is to begin with. A tenuous atmosphere would also be fun (providing an extra lure for science, but not being much use for aerobraking or parachutes).

It would also be neat if the Triton analog had perturbed other moons into unusual orbits (a la Nereid and its high eccentricity). Another thought is some small, extremely distant moons at the edge of Neidon's Hill sphere, a la Neso and Psamathe, which would be their own challenge to reach thanks to their small size and distance.

Thanks. Also don't worry about a Triton analog, that's one of the moons we have planned.

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A shout out to a new OPM video by JoshandCrissGames:

On an unrelated note, thanks everyone for all the amazing work on the science blurbs. They're fun and well-written! The next updates pushes the amount of science blurbs for OPM up to 509, which means the mod now has more blurbs than the stock game at this moment. That wouldn't be possible without you people, so thank you.

Edited by CaptRobau
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Ugh, I can't remember if this has any dependencies. I can't find any in the description but I want to be sure.

DMSP, hoping there are no dependencies so I can send a base there and make OPM help with my AAR.

Long sign off....

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  Valkyria90 said:
I posted this a while back in the help section of this forum and never got a reply so I'm trying again in this thread and hope for an answer :)

I am craving new bodies to visit, and I decided to mod my game and install Outer Planets Mod, since it looks like the perfect mod and should already be included as stock imo.

I already have a few mods installed and it appears that some of my mods is making OPM crash, but I don’t know which mod is causing the problems. The mods i have installed at the moment are the following: (I’m not sure what all of these mods do, since some of them are included as packs for other mods i have installed)

Astronomers Visual Pack

CrossFeed Enabler

DDSLoader (dont know what is)

Dmagic Orbital Science

Kerbal Engineer Redux



Munar Surface Experiment

Near Future Electrical and Propulsion

Outer Planet mods


Procedural Fairings

Texture Replacer


I don't know why any of these would cause problems with OPM, and I hope I don’t have to remove any of the mods to get OPM working.

Any help is appreciated :)

Astronomers visual Pack is not compatible with OPM

I wanted both as well and debugged proved it was AVP causing the problems

I got past the crashes and ended up with beautiful inner planets and no outer ones, so even if you get it working there will be no OPM

Edited by darqen27
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