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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, your body constantly tingles in that way it does when you lose circulation. You know, the really awful one? That one.

I wish I could science more so that my modular base could have more parts.

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Your mom/dad/uncle/aunt/dog/cat/parakeet takes you to the hospital and you get cured, but the bill is so expensive they have to sell everything you have, including your very computer with your beloved KSP, to pay it.

I wish, desire and ultimately want to fly safe.

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Granted. Strong bad, mysterious descendant of the Bee King of Strong Badia, accidentally pulls a tin cap out of the ground. King bee and King Bee #2 comes out of the ancient cavern, and are actually poorly animated and look like Trogdor. Disappointed, you destroy the only 2 existing big bada bees.

I wish Forum Games got replaced by "Meta Games".

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Granted, but since Krispy Kreme do this in 'Murica on a certain day (don't know if it's "doughnut day" or "Krispy Kreme day"), which results in massive copyright infringement claims on a global scale. Countries are plunged even further into bankruptcy and taxes skyrocket as a result, leaving even the most affluent in poverty.

I wish work was less stressful. That would solve some of the world's problems.

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