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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted! A killer rabbit appears and proceeds to satiate its murderous impulses by brutally eviscerating dozens of young plants in my vegetable garden...  lucky for me rabbits are herbivores! 

I wish I could forget everything that I know about KSP so I could experience the joy of discovery and the satisfaction of problem solving all over again

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I meant I wanted to fly a helicopter in real life. Real life doesn't receive updates, that's why our world is so screwed up right now.

HarvesteR shall return, however he will raise the price of KSP to $60, make planets besides Kerbin and Mun DLC only, and focus all the new updates on improving terrain scatter and adding new names for Kerbals.

Now corrupt my wish again, and don't forget the context this time, dammit!

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The same corruption. Real life gets an aerodynamic and engine overhaul. Every aeroplane in the sky plummets to the ground killing millions of people. Cars and trucks variously have their engines seize up, run away, or just plain explode, which causes millions more deaths. Ships and trains are left dead in the water/on the rails unable to move. Everything in Low Earth Orbit, including the International Space Station, is near-instantly incinerated by re-entry heating, and GPS and geostationary satellites follow in the coming weeks; communications, weather forecasting, military intelligence and more are irreparably damaged. Birds, bats, and insects are unable to fly, disrupting food webs worldwide. The global economy collapses, civilization rapidly follows, and three quarters of the world's population die of starvation or disease in a world unable to get them food, clean water, or medicine.

But your helicopter, modelled on a Leonardo Da Vinci design, flies. It's one of the only things that does.

I wish I could run faster than light.

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Granted. Angels begin to sing, for mankind has transcended our puny world into a realm of absolute perfection.


To that end, I wish that all of the star trek movies were good.

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Granted. You are allowed to run faster than light to go change the past, but after you change that, you have to go back and tell your grandfather that you are fired, because.... well, I'll let you finish that statement. (Hehe Portal 2).

I wish life would fix itself.

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Granted, but it blows up on launch.

I wish for a remake of Interstellar with all the plot holes patched up (I totally understood the whole transcendant thing, but a virus that feeds on nitrogen? really? and why do they have 5000 human ovums if there's nobody to raise them?), more exotic landscapes to enjoy, and less betrayal by Alfred and Jason Bourne.

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