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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, but the government audits your house to help pay for the program. Also, I again spent too much time on my wish grant for ROFLcopter to be simply ninja'd, so I reach through time and space and set your computer on fire before you ninja me. Yea, that's what happened, I'm gonna go with that :cool:

Now, here's what the grant for ROFl's wish REALLY was :P:

Granted, but the world is taken over by the P1aP2FbmtMSotIO (Portal 1 and Portal 2 Fans but mostly the Meme Spammers of the Internet Organization) and now anything and everything that everyone does ever must be Portal or Portal 2 related, or you will be deported across dimensions to a facility called Blapature, where you will inevitably be accidentally killed by a friendly AI called GLaDtobehereOS, who doesn't know that her favorite gift for the "new test subjects", Regular-Toxin, is fatal in ways that do not involve the nervous system at all.

I wish that I could grant wishes in less convoluted ways.

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Granted, you are now a passenger on the Hindenburg on May 6th, 1937. Its a very, VERY special date for the airship :wink: Also, I deal with the impostors. Lets just say that they don't exactly have to... impost anymore.

I wish that I had a Spruce Goose.

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Granted. When you fly it, you somehow cross the sound barrier and your controls lock up. The aircraft is torn apart and you die.

I wish I was a Kerbal on Duna, with enough fuel to get back home.

Edited by POTKC
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