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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted.  I mean, it already does.  Technically, paper money is made of a combination of fabric and paper, both of which can be made from trees.  So...yeah, no corruption needed here.  Unless, of course, you don't stop cutting them all down to make more money.  Oh, you didn't stop!  Now you've eliminated the primary means by which CO2 is recycled into oxygen, thereby killing the entirety of the planet's life.  Way to go!

I wish money DIDN'T grow on trees, but rather could be planted and harvested like potatoes, or carrots.  Oh, I made a funny!  Money, carrots (karats)!

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Granted: Money is made from plastic, which comes from oil, which comes out of the ground. Planting it won't do much unless you are in the Narnia that was just starting in the novel "The Magicians Nephew."

I wish they made the Magicians Nephew into a Movie.

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6 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Granted.  I mean, it already does.  Technically, paper money is made of a combination of fabric and paper, both of which can be made from trees.

No, I live in canada, which means that cutting down trees has no effect, as we have plastic money. . . Mwahaha

Granted: A new documentary is created on Houdini's nephew

I wish that anything the simpsons predicts comes true

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Granted.  You are the only one who gets blipped.  Turns out, you are the only one who needed to be blipped.  That's right, the universe settles into symmetry and harmony once you are gone.  You are the lynchpin, apparently.

I wish the DC movies were as good as the Marvel movies.

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