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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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On 20.10.2016 at 4:51 PM, goldenpeach said:


But the contract you created for that is made for a kerbal so you only stay in space for a few seconds.


I wish I could stop procrastinating here :wink:

We terminate you problem solved

i wish for XP pc with highest possible xp supporting hardware

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You find yourself on a desert island with overclocked laptop made in 1995, but supporting a tweaked XP with no programs except DOS console.
Every 10 minutes you need to switch it off to prevent overheating.
And yes, this is the highest possible hardware on the whole island.

I wish I had such laptop in 1985.

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But you can't install any drivers. Since all the default drivers of the computer were created for a 1995 computer, most of them doesn't work with software written for drivers made a decade ago. 
This prevent you from using any software, apart those already installed when the computer was made.

Oh, and you can't share documents because of compatibility problems.


I wish I could fly like a bird.

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You change your occupation, go to Antartica and become the person who puts the fallen penguins back on their feet when they fall down, watching the planes overhead.
Now you have 6 months long night and 3 month of twilight as free bonus.

I wish SpaceX will soon successfully launch and return one of the flown Falcons from their storehouse.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Granted. Tonight, I'm taking your wish to the red light district. Aww yeaaah. Your wish is tossing caution to the wind. Your wish is going to discover something about itself tonight...it's going to try everything. By the time I'm done showing your wish the time of its life, you won't even recognize it anymore. I'm not even sure it's going to want to hang out with you after this. You'll be like all lame 'n stuff. Don't wait up for your wish, I'll try to have it back in time for breakfast, but no promises.

I wish for First Contact with an advanced race of peaceful aliens who teach us cool stuff and how to get along and not be stupid.




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Granted. But despite their seemingly peaceful nature, much of what the aliens teach us is the arts of warfare in the stars. The reason is made clear just a few weeks later when Second Contact is made with an advanced race of omnicidal aliens, or rather with their nuclear bombardment of Earth.

I wish for a self-refilling glass.

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Granted....stranded on Dres.


I wish something objectively good happens to everyone tomorrow. Everyone on earth just gets a nice surprise good thing that happens during the day and it just makes everyone have a good day. Now go ahead and corrupt that, you monster!

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