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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. Its so exciting now, you don't eat, sleep, or do anything else but play before slowly withering away and dying.

I wish for a house cat sleeping on my keyboard.

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Granted. It is impossible to move it until is wakes up, and it has entered a 1000 year slumber.

I wish that I could stay interested in KSP for longer periods of time (oh god im getting bored of it oh god please no)

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Granted, but only a vague instruction manual in swedish and some raw materials come from the IKEA orrery package. Good luck with assembly!

I wish for KSP to be an olympic sport

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Granted. You also get mood swings so nobody trusts ever, wither cause you are too smart or too dumb

I wish a time dilation machine that I could use was invented

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it already exist, they are called the sun and the moon and there pals

i wish they don't move the ocean and do not irradiate whatever it please them using there energy, you're like a bactrery and and a virus, still it help digest some stuff

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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