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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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On 8/3/2024 at 8:20 AM, ColdJ said:

Won't Corrupt that.

I wish I could grant it.

Granted, but the world wide power grid falls so no can experience peace on the forums


I wish for galaxies unbound to re-release already!

Edited by B0lt
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Granted. The King of the Cosmos grabs the Death Star and proceeds to rub the giant orb on the top of his head, building up a gargantuan charge on upon the battle station. The King of the Cosmos then position the Death Star over your location on the planet; slowly moving it closer, and closer, and closer still until BAM! A static spark the likes the world has never seen splits the sky in twain and lands upon you, vaporizing you and a sizeable portion of the surrounding terrain in your vicinity.

I wish that we could harness that energy to propel humanity into becoming a full fledged Kardashev Type I Civilization.

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4 hours ago, Exploro said:

Granted. The King of the Cosmos grabs the Death Star and proceeds to rub the giant orb on the top of his head, building up a gargantuan charge on upon the battle station. The King of the Cosmos then position the Death Star over your location on the planet; slowly moving it closer, and closer, and closer still until BAM! A static spark the likes the world has never seen splits the sky in twain and lands upon you, vaporizing you and a sizeable portion of the surrounding terrain in your vicinity.

I wish that we could harness that energy to propel humanity into becoming a full fledged Kardashev Type I Civilization.

Granted but then the Gŕaþa empire enclaves the human race.


I wish NASA would green light the viper rover

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