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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. It is no longer dead....after a fashion. You see, KSP2 exists now in a super-positional state. It is both dead and alive. However, to view any media source with information about the game now would cause that state to collapse, resulting in it becoming dead once again. Thus, you can never see anything more about the game nor ever play KSP2. But as long as the super-positional state is maintained, it can never truly die.

I wish to push a button and receive bacon.

Edited by Exploro
Sentence structure.
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Penultimate thought before impact: BAM! That's a lot of bacon!

Ultimate thought before impact: Granted. But like hot sauce, mildness is subjective. Thus, the temperature you are experiencing now is mild to the old man in your midst who thinks a 90°F room is down right frigid. I can only imagine to what unbearable temperatures this man considers "mild". That is for however long I've left to imagine before meeting my porcine-based doom.

I wish for a pleasant...KA-BOOOM!  (Pig impact).

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Granted: An AI does all your homework and learns, it goes on to have a high paying job, while you who never learned are lucky if you can make minimum wage.

I wish people thought before they bought.

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I have come back from the dead to grant you your wish. For one fleeting moment, all consumers, everywhere, pause to consider what it is they are buying. For one glorious moment the masses truly weigh whether the merchandise or good they intend to purchase at that moment offers any real value or utility. We are talking societal-changing, economic dynamic-shattering level of thought. But alas, such wonderful thinking lasted only a moment. The spark of enlightenment flickers out and the masses return to mindless consumers once again.

And on reflection, that makes me sad. I wish I was not sad.

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Granted. You are able to provide happiness to everyone. But the price you pay for making everyone else happy...is a descent into utter and irrevocable despair. But fret not fellow melancholiac, for misery enjoys company.

I wish to afford the therapy bill.

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Granted. Instead, the mouse invites the lizard into the house.

I wish I wouldn't hear that weird crackle that comes up in my headphones every so often, infrequently enough to be an actual problem, but frequently enough that it's sort of kind of annoying when it does indeed inevitably come back up.

Edited by Misguided Kerbal
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Granted: ColdJ stops global warming, taco Tuesdays, traffic, Hermit Crab migration, entropy, the tides...........

I wish I could remember how to use SOH CAH TOA

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Granted. But the price to pay for having the engrams associated with Pythagorean's Theorem reactivated is the curse of toiling each day to perform laborious trigonometric integrals by hand. Have fun with that.

I wish to not be pestered by differential equations. 

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