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[1.0.5] Atomic Age - Nuclear Propulsion - Red Hot Radiators


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Hey porkjet. Can i use parts of your mod (Models textures and a few parts.) in mine, I am horrible at modelling and texturing so i wanted to create a unique new part pack to replace the stock one in my new mod (the link is in my signature.)

Well according to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. you can.

I have already fully integrated all Porcjet Atomic Age models into KSPI-E and improved them further.

Edited by FreeThinker
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The small RTG rocket "candle" is really imbalanced. It is in a 300 point tech node while the stock RTG is in a 1000 point node and it costs only 5000 while the RTG cost 23300.

Depends on what you mean by "imbalanced". If you're trying to apply "realism"-- e.g., " it's built into an RTG, so you should have to have RTG as a prerequisite "-- then yeah, I guess that sorta kinda makes sense.

However, from a gameplay perspective, I wouldn't call it imbalanced at all. It's just another engine-- basically, just a scaled-down LV-N-- so it makes sense that it would occupy a similar slot in the tech tree, and be cheaper than a LV-N.

I suppose you could make the case that an RTG should be cheaper in tech and cash than a LV-N; after all, we've had RTGs in real life for decades now, whereas nuclear rockets are still just an idea. However, the RTG does make a significant gameplay difference (electricity without sunlight), it lets people do something they otherwise couldn't-- so in gameplay terms, I can understand the rationale.

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The tech tree needs some reworks but mods should not make it worse.

It's just another engine-- basically, just a scaled-down LV-N--

Do you noticed that the candle also generate electricity like the RTG? The only drawback is more mass.

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Apophis, a solution would be to start using Community Tech Tree.

There the Kandle is in the improved nuclear propulsion node, after stock nuclear power. Costs are 750 (or 550) science points.

CTT is really worthwhile. You can place parts anywere, or change costs how you like it with your own MM config :)

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Do you noticed that the candle also generate electricity like the RTG? The only drawback is more mass.

Yes, but it's double the mass... and RTGs were pretty darn massy per watt already, anyway.

I could see maybe shaving the generator level on the KANDL down a notch-- it currently produces only slightly less than an RTG, could cut that some more (say, in half).

But really, I don't find it a game-unbalancer. It's not like I'm going to power a mining operation or an upper-end RemoteTech antenna with a whole bushel of KANDLs, they're just too heavy. By the time I get far enough along in my career where I need the RTG for serious outer-system exploration, I've got the tech to do it, and the cash as well. I kinda like that the RTG comes in late in the game.

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the KANDL cannot possibly a be an RTG on Isotope degradation. In order to produce 3kN at an Isp 650s it need to generate 10 MW thermal heat per second. That' more than 1000 times that any RTG is capable of. The only technology which could produce the kind of heat output, and act like an a candle would be a Traveling Wave Reactor. So the CANDLE is not a RTG but more like a miniature nuclear reactor that's always on.

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the KANDL cannot possibly a be an RTG on Isotope degradation. In order to produce 3kN at an Isp 650s it need to generate 10 MW thermal heat per second. That' more than 1000 times that any RTG is capable of. The only technology which could produce the kind of heat output, and act like an a candle would be a Traveling Wave Reactor. So the CANDLE is not a RTG but more like a miniature nuclear reactor that's always on.

IRL, it would only have thrust in the 5N range, but, you know this is KSP and we don't have thrust on timewarp so theres no choice but to bump the thrust.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is there any way to make these engines run off of LiquidHydrogen and not LiquidFuel? those tanks in near future are so tempting to use...

If you download near future propulsion, you will find a patch to convert these engines to liquid hydrogen. It's in the extra directory. If you use CKAN, you will find the mod as an extra for NFP.

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If you download near future propulsion, you will find a patch to convert these engines to liquid hydrogen. It's in the extra directory. If you use CKAN, you will find the mod as an extra for NFP.

Thanks, didn't know that!:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

One minor bug I've noticed: in "thermal overlay" view, the nuclear turbojet doesn't light up at all. It just shows as normal while all the other parts light up with the red/orange/yellow overlay.

It's kind of unfortunate, since the engine does get quite hot after running for a long time, and it would nice to be able to see how hot it is.

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Any plans to make nuclear turbojet into multipurpose engine like SABER?

Heating external air and heating liquid fuel seems not very different to me, so I think that would make sense.

So basically, an NTR. You need a more massive and powerful reactor.

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Any plans to make nuclear turbojet into multipurpose engine like SABER?

Heating external air and heating liquid fuel seems not very different to me, so I think that would make sense.

Well, that's basically what an LV-N is, yes? Or any of the nuclear engines.

The nuclear turbojet provides free propulsion with no fuel required, which is a pretty major benefit not available from any other component in the game (other than rover wheels). I think Porkjet did a good job of giving it compensating disadvantages (mainly, being incredibly heavy, barely able to lift its own weight on Kerbin when thrusting straight up). Turning it into a multi-purpose engine would seem overpowered to me.

For one thing, different engines are designed to run well at different speeds. As an air-breather, the Rapier works well at very high speeds, like Mach 3; it's a poor choice for cruising around at low speeds. The nuclear turbojet is designed as a low-speed jet engine, like the Wheelsey (again, I think a good choice on Porkjet's part).

One thing I find unfortunately limiting about the design is the lack of a bottom attachment node. It means that if I want to send one to another planet, I pretty much have to have two of them, unless I want to build a really awkward ungainly ship. Of course, the same limitation applies to the other jet engines, but it's not such a big deal there because they mass a lot less and having 2 of them isn't such a big deal. The nuclear turbojet is so massive that requiring 2 of them really limits the types of ships one can build. Would love to see a bottom attachment node.

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One of hte kinds of nuclear engines I would like to see is a rotory nuclear engine, that is with a spinning core held together with centrifugal force not mechanical strength. Such an engine could operate at higher temperature, higher ISP, and higher thrust with the draw back of needing to maintain spin up and down the core.

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Am I correct in assuming this mostly works with 1.0.5.

I presume emissives are messed up due to stock changes there, and possibly exhaust.

Also, I suspect PorkJet will be working on switching these over to core heat.
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