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[Showcase] Show Off Your Satellites and Interplanetary Probes


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  X-SR71 said:
Heck! So many good looking probes that I feel stupid with my overly simplistic designs :(

Hey, don't feel that way. Some of my most successful probes were ones that only had 2 or 3 science modules.

Sometimes simpler is the proper way to go. If they give you science, then they are the perfect probe for the job! :)

Look at my Pioneer probe. I kid you not, there are 23 different science modules on it. It's so bloated that it borders on ridiculousness. BUT, considering that I may be orbiting a few of Jool's moons, or at least some very close flybys of the moons and Jool as well, I have to grab as much as I can in a very short time span, and some science modules double up with each other (spectral scans for example).

Basically you build the probe for the job.

Edited by GDJ
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An orbiter powered by a pair of small nuclear engines I sent to explore Eve and Gilly. After getting all the science I could from orbit I put it down on Gilly's surface. The transfer stage is still attached in this image.

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After seeing all this great stuff, I couldn't resist to register and share my satellites with you ;)

The first two shots show my ComSat (Mark IV) for Remote Tech, the last two my ScienceSat (Mark II). The ScienceSat can do everything except crew reports. As said in german it's an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (egg-laying wool-milk-sow).


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  Martn said:
After seeing all this great stuff, I couldn't resist to register and share my satellites with you ;)

The first two shots show my ComSat (Mark IV) for Remote Tech, the last two my ScienceSat (Mark II). The ScienceSat can do everything except crew reports. As said in german it's an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (egg-laying wool-milk-sow).


Nice design!

Oh, and since I noticed that you have one post, welcome to the forums! :)

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  Alchemist said:

ÑÂÿутýøúþòþõ is the russian word for "Satellite"

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I've done a bunch of replicas recently.

New Horizons. This one kicked it all off, I ran the mission the day after the flyby. I actually (coincidentally) got a perfect gravity assist from Jool to kick me up to Eeloo's orbit, just like the real mission.


Galileo. The next one I did, I flew it by 4 out of 5 Joolean moons (sorry, Pol) before running out of fuel. I had to use the Transfer stage to capture, since I didn't have enough dV to both capture and flyby moons.


Mariner 10. I flew my Moho for the first time using this probe (though it's a pretty poor replica)


Voyager. This was the first Probe (intentionally) set on an escape trajectory, thanks to a Jool gravity assist.


DAWN. This was the only failure of the bunch, because I failed the Dres intercept, and the ion engines didn't have enough thrust to slow it down.


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  • 3 months later...

This and 3 other little probes "piggybacked" there way to Dres with my manned mission. So i decided to Rendezvous with one of the asteroids in orbit of Dres.

lDqHPdz.pngFccGYgJ.pnghere you see the lander with 2 out of 4 of the small probes deployed. RIP Dunning Kerman(pictured here) he tragically died in his aero capture so close to home....

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  • 4 months later...

In my career game the interplanetary probes develop with the tech tree. I am running outer planets mod and Farlo planetary pack so lots to look at. The development of the probes is also dependent on transfer windows.

Each generation of probe has a name, the Pioneer series of probes have been to

the Mun




and two are currently on the way to Eve and Gilly.

Second generations (built 2 years later with more advance tech) are the voyager series probes.

Several are on the way to Duna, Jool and a close orbit of the sun.



Voyager series have significant a increase in science payload and are RCS fuelled instead of liquid fuel of the Pioneer series. They also include landers seen below in testing phase at the South Pole of Kerbin.


Plans for the next generation Explorer probes are for RTG power to take them to and beyond Sarnus.

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Here's one of my basic "KerbSat" satellites, heading off to complete a contract after dropping it off via SSTO. Career game with about 3/4 of tech tree unlocked and my first usable SSTO spaceplane.



And here's a closeup


Edited by Kryten 2X4B 523P
Added another screenshot
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