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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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  V8jester said:
Don't feel stupid for clicking on one of two identical icons ;) Besides we are all here to help...... Unless anyone starts asking about "when is an update coming"....... Those guys, we put seperatrons under there desk chairs :)

:D i wish i had that for history today :D

anyway false alarm with the bug... it appears i've screwed up my install somewhere...

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When attaching a P9Wing surface to a craft - receiving into error log:

[ERR 20:22:22.580] Cannot find module 'ModuleLiftingSurface' (774390114)

[EXC 20:22:22.583] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Any guesses?

UPD: Silly me. FAR was not there.

Edited by Horus
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  Crzyrndm said:
That would be MFT/RF :P (ie. it should function straight out of the gate)

huh - I just looked in the cfg folders, and it is as you said. However, the in the VAB/SPH, no MFT stuff is appearing in either the right-click menu or in the action-group mode. I am using RealFuels, and I am running 1.04 - might there be a problem from one of those? My ProceduralParts fuel tanks are functioning perfectly well...

- - - Updated - - -

I notice that the right-click menu has a 'next configuration' button that does not seem to be doing anything... what is that supposed to do?

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  ABZB said:
I notice that the right-click menu has a 'next configuration' button that does not seem to be doing anything... what is that supposed to do?

It sounds like it isn't detecting the RF installation. Time to poke it with a sharp stick...

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  Crzyrndm said:
You wouldn't happen to be using the allmoving wing section by any chance? Only the fixed wing is capable of holding fuel and seems to be working with RF 10.4.5

EDIT: I also noticed that the regular procedural wing has 'Lifting Surface Lift Rating: 2' twice in the part info...

I am certain. I posted a pic of this in the SPH, as well as a pic establishing the version of RF and this mod to my dropbox and IMGUR:


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- - - Updated - - -

Hah! I found the answer to both problems. There is a file GameData\B9_Aerospace\Patch.cfg

It contains the following:

@module = Part
!dragCoeff = 0
!deflectionLiftCoeff = 0

name = ModuleLiftingSurface
useInternalDragModel = True
deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.0
dragAtMaxAoA = 0.5
dragAtMinAoA = 0.0

!MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks] {}

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 3.84
basemass = -1
utilizationTweakable = true
utilization = 0.5
type = Default

It adds a ModuleLiftingSurface (on top of the one in the main .cfg file) if FAR is not present, removes the .cfg file's modular fuel tanks module - and then only replaces it if MFT, but not RF is installed.

Assuming this current file structure is necessary, this patch file should be amended to read:

@module = Part
!dragCoeff = 0
!deflectionLiftCoeff = 0


name = ModuleLiftingSurface
useInternalDragModel = True
deflectionLiftCoeff = 2.0
dragAtMaxAoA = 0.5
dragAtMinAoA = 0.0

!MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks] {}

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 3.84
basemass = -1
utilizationTweakable = true
utilization = 0.5
type = Default

Edited by ABZB
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It works with stock aero too, FAR is not required but it is recommanded.

I think that Firespitter core is required for texture changes, but I have to double check that. Module manager is mandatory too, but if you have any other mod you also already have it.

Other than that I don't think that anything else is required.

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My last allotted question, and then I'll get back to what I'm supposed to be doing (Going to space!)...

Is there any sort of .bat or similar I can run that will "hide" all the stock clutter wing parts so that I can just deal with the B9 Procedural Parts, rather than having dozens of throw-aways I'm not going to ever use or need?

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I don't think that anyone published such bat file but it is quite easy to make one.

This one is from top of my head, I havent write one for a long time, might need to consult help for exact syntax.

For example:

cd "C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\wings"
del unwanted_part_name.*

Just change path as it is on your OS and don't forget tu put double quotes if you are using spaces inside path.

for "unwanted_part_name" write part name you wish to delete. Be careful to not delete some part that is used for other parts as dependency to inherit part properties.

There was a DOS command to delete whole folder but, can't remember without looking into help or google for it.

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  FOODninja said:
hey bac9,

this mod has no dependencies right?

  Landwalker said:
As a similar question, I'm specifically curious whether or not it requires FAR, or whether it can be used successfully without FAR.
  kcs123 said:
It works with stock aero too, FAR is not required but it is recommanded.

I think that Firespitter core is required for texture changes, but I have to double check that. Module manager is mandatory too, but if you have any other mod you also already have it.

The plugin has no dependencies at all.

Colourisation/Texturing is all handled internally and Module Manager is not required for stock (you need it anyway for FAR).

Crossfeed Enabler is bundled/recommended, but again is not an actual requirement (you will need fuel lines for rocket engines if you don't have it though)

MFE/RF are supported, and the inbuilt fuel switching will be disabled if they are present

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Is there any way to use this mod without FAR? I really like this mod and I use it on all my planes, but I don't like FAR. When I don't have FAR installed the control surfaces just don't work.

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  T1mo98 said:
Is there any way to use this mod without FAR? I really like this mod and I use it on all my planes, but I don't like FAR. When I don't have FAR installed the control surfaces just don't work.

I don't use FAR and it works perfectly fine for me.

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There seems another mod that breaks the control surface when FAR isn't installed, mine were broken but work now I've got rid of a load of stuff. I can't say which one it is yet, I'm suspecting one of the KSPAPI or other procedural parts, it's possible I had an outdated KSPAPI somewhere.

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  T1mo98 said:
Is there any way to use this mod without FAR? I really like this mod and I use it on all my planes, but I don't like FAR. When I don't have FAR installed the control surfaces just don't work.

It should function well in stock aero as well as FAR.

If I could get you to do a few things:

1) Go into the GameData/B9_Aerospace directory and delete Patch.cfg and see if that fixes things. It shouldn't be having any effect but it doesn't hurt to try

2) Upload your output_log.txt (see here for how to find it) to dropbox or similar. If you have Module Manager, the file "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" from <KSP Directory>/GameData would also be helpful

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  Darren9 said:
There seems another mod that breaks the control surface when FAR isn't installed, mine were broken but work now I've got rid of a load of stuff. I can't say which one it is yet, I'm suspecting one of the KSPAPI or other procedural parts, it's possible I had an outdated KSPAPI somewhere.

I had the same problem a few days ago. Uninstalling some mods resolved it. I suspect Dynamic Controls was the culprit.

For allmoving wings the issue was, that the control surfaces acted in the wrong direction, depending on whether being attached in front or behind the center of mass. As a workaround I disabled roll/pitch to determine which surfaces misbehaved. As far as I remember it concerns only roll inputs at control surfaces in front of COM. Not sure at all...

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